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Posts posted by Sigi

  1. From some of the important statements reguarding the girls.

    Affluent girls would not be sitting on the beach drinking some of the cheapest rot gut wiskey one can buy at 5 am one would assume. Also why are they not with the people who bought their tickets for them in Thailand. ( do any of you readers have people buying you expensive tickets to foreign lands

    and not even bother to hang out with you when you arrive for a short trip).

    Would it not be common for Affluent girls to have bought their own tickets and even of been with husbands if not boyfriends on the trip. Single at 25 and 30 with no children, is this common for affluent

    families in Russia.

    Would affluent families in Russia not already be married and non working back home.

    Why nothing about the girls wages then maybe the Affluent statement would be understood,

    which is more or less the reasoning and the only reason for them not being of the sociable

    Russian girls that are very common to Pattaya and many other parts of the world.

    Two countries of questionable charachter trying to save face is about the only sense I can make of

    it, regardless of whom is offended. The whole story line of this senseless incident fits all the seedy

    speculation it is receiving. The reputation that proceeds the setting in this one is well known and if ignored is more the injustice of the situation.

    Wasn't 5 of Rssia's affluent class the only foreigners to date to do a bank robbery in Thailand which was not to long ago.

    We all have sympathy for the girls and their familes.

    Sin city is not one of the better places to have something like this happen if reputation is of concern.

    Sorry just the facts of the circumstances. We have to wear the boot that fits the story line on this one.

    Can someone enlighten me if it's not possible to track down the travel agency in Thailand which issued the tickets for the two girls?

    I guess these agency should know who paid for them.

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