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david saunders

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  1. I went to the Tax Department in Chiangmai two days ago. I was the only customer there and the English speaking official could not have been more helpful. I gave her a list of 5 questions I wanted answered. She gave me 4 answers but said she would give my paper to her boss and I would hear from them later this week. She took me to a non English speaking official who entered my Chiangmai address into her computer and replaced my Bangkok TAX ID with a Chiangmai one. There is nothing to lose by going to one's local Tax Department and having a chat. I will not be using a Tax Accountant when my local Tax Department is so helpful.
  2. Paragraph 18 of A Simple Guide to Personal Income Tax in Thailand states that UK State Pension is not covered by a DTA so it is assessable income in Thailand whilst UK Government or Civil Service, UK Armed Forces and some NHS Pensions are not.
  3. I have lived in Pattaya Bangkok and Chiangmai and seen 10 dermatologists. I normally get sprayed on about 40 plus pre cancer spots with liquid nitrogen. Yesterday I got sprayed on 25 spots smaller than normal because over 14 years of regular treatment my skin has improved. I go back next week for a small facial incision. Two years ago I had a cancer operation with skin graft in Pattaya. This year I had melanoma cancer operation in Bangkok. I have seen Dr Wachiraporn of Chiangmai Ram for 13 years and for me she is Number One with regards to professionalism and cost. She trained in Thailand and USA.
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