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  1. I'm under no illusions of the destruction of the UK (happened way before Blair he was just the fuel to the fire) but Farage just like Trump is there to contain the disenfranchised masses, and yes he's a workshy fool, ask his electorate how often he turns up for them. You are being played bro, colour of the tie is meaningless, there's no one presented who will save you! Just because you are not claiming does not rule you out for being a terrorist...
  2. Not a Tory certainly not a workshy lefty like Farage. But that's the usual defense of a person who follows that muppet because he says a few words you agree with on boats while being an immigrant yourself
  3. I asked a question and someone with a brain provided and answer while you and Nigel went into your fantasy land and decided to talk about something different while replying to me. Just another day of internet dumbasses
  4. TBF Nigel always gets the wrong end of the stick
  5. So, you proved my point and interjected with some nonsense point I never once stated.... clouds are white but yeah the grass is green kind of idiocy
  6. I don't think you understand anything tbh, why would I need to make separate accounts for each year?
  7. what the hell are you going on about
  8. When I transfer from my bank how do they know what is from 1 year to another? if I had 30k in my UK account in 2023 then in 2024 I add 20k over the year into that account then transfer 20k from the account to Thailand, what money am I transferring?
  9. yes as soon as you hit the 180, I meant 180 and + by 180+
  10. literally not much money for anyone with the at least 500k sat in the bank
  11. go every 90 days then, it hardly costs much to go for a weekend in Vietnam or somewhere
  12. who said anything about tax.... it's about renewing
  13. Yes, I had this debate with a visa agent (I prefer using an agent for the trip and ease of processing even though I qualify) they said fly out rather than extend at Immi and you won't need to pay tax... I said it's not 180 consecutive days it's 180+ days in a calendar year even if I left for a day a week I'd be liable to file my tax return

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