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  1. nevermind just reread and noticed it did say some were unaware but that could be to save themselves
  2. When your kid even takes the side of your 2 husbands (doesn't say one is the father either) you know this is a wrong'un. Run dude! Run!
  3. In equal terms why do I have to prove anything to you,
  4. Wildlife experts, end of conversation. I haven't the time to deal with someone who can't figure out a google search
  5. No elephant is ever domesticated! It's considered unethical to bathe with any Elephants, there's endless debates how it's a mean to an ends to allow the sanctuaries to survive the huge cost but it is for one massively unhygienic for the human, and 2 Elephants like peace and quiet and being surrounded by a bunch of people squealing how cute they are and snapping selfies is not natural.
  6. It's very hard to fund the Elephant sancturies without the bathing activities but it should not be done. Elephants should be observed from afar by all tourists. I went to Sri Lanka a decade ago to watch the Gathering we trailed them with a guide from a distance, didn't once feed or interact with them.
  7. Bunch of Judge Judys in here, there's no details stating how he was riding except alongside his friend, we do not know who is at fault.
  8. Yup that would be expected considering the line of work, it's russian roulette
  9. TBF it was a bit of a joke, the money is in the lifetime drugs, not the testing. Anyways as I mentioned it's around 12% for women aged 30 to 50 from Uganda, 5% is the figure for the entire nation, men have it at far lower rates and 30 and under numbers are starting to decline. My personal protection is don't <deleted> prostitutes.
  10. Agree with the first, 2nd is true based on my comment about creating a business around it, that would need real data but men who are looking for fun should be assuming the worst when it comes to sex workers, especially those from nations with extremely high levels of HIV.
  11. Ugandan HIV rate in adults 5.1% In women aged between 30 -50 around 12% Discrete HIV screening business opportunity in Pattaya
  12. fairly sure we are all of the felons according to reports on this place
  13. As others have mentioned dementia is a possibility, but its a tough one to believe as he managed to get here, find women at a bar and rent a room recently. It might just be drugs or a head injury from an assault not by him and he panicked fearing he would be the main suspect, unfortunately, if this was the case and he was innocent he's made it far worse to prove that.

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