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rupert the bear

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Everything posted by rupert the bear

  1. we all know the depths to which thailands govts go in terms of arrogance ,incompetence,corruption and the art of making things difficult.i think it would be best if the poles and Ms duckworth laid it out plain and simple so the next step is charges in the hague much the same as we see with brazil and bolsinario,this is the way forward for thailand and the world.hang them by their own petard.everyone from the tourist,to someone wanting to visit their kids,the owners of restaurants and bars are sick to death of moron inc.lets get it all out in the open so the whole world can see it,come on CNN put it on the front page. i know its not PC but its peoples lives and welfare at stake here again
  2. im sure the taiwanese are so relieved,what they think of thailand,that would be far more interesting and having spent some time there the truth would be quite unpalatable to the image obsessors but that would be exactly right.whats the truth nahhhh its all about how self important i am.bin these garbage surveys
  3. oh dear disregarding all these high quality tourists,thatll have to change as weve been told the unclean just dont spend enough.this absurd regime and its rediculous proclamations is getting down to bare boards.theyve screwed up the economy and theres very few options remaining.india is close and they wish to travel,the vulturine hordes will be released after the winter olympics,so those are looking like the best options as everyone else has been told theyre not good enough and have decided to go to places theyre welcome and dont have absurd entry requirements. all you need is a ticket and proof of a jab.aggh reality its a sobering wake up call,but as always an alternative reality will be imagined
  4. uk tests more people per head of pop than anywhere else by a long way,each person has been tested almost 5 times so u r gonna see a lot of positives,the reality is that deaths are very low.lower than theyve ever been.so.........some people arnt willing to vax so they will be effected.it appears theyre anti vaxers minorities and young people,at 50k a day though it wont take long for that set to get natural immunity and a fair no die so problem solved!its up to them take your pick,if your young youll be ok,the others will do what theyve always done....blame someone else.
  5. but this cant be true millions are coming,they told me so and theyre always right,the laws always rules in their favour so it must be so.what is happening?is the sky collapsing,does the emporer have no clothes but thais are always right theyre never wrong and if you dont like it ....go home.the sky is collapsing and.....the only mass incoming will be yep....them. screaming pushing and demanding,this will be an interesting clash of greed ignorance corruption and racism as an enconomy scoured out by incompetents finds itself laid bare to the wolves,both there own rich ones and the vulturine northern hordes.im sure we will see the 2 sets of chinese and people in power gang up on the helpless impoverished and disenfranchised and pick the bones clean and if they dont like well.....the same old story,men with guns,round and round we go.
  6. more of this never ending self delusional claptrap.they fool no one except themselves.thailands trashed its environment and prices are high most places,the ripoffs the racial profiling re prices.people are wise to it.whats thailand known for ....well let me tell you....hookers corruption drugs and ripoffs.its something of a daily mail perspective but.....people have other options,cheaper closer to home and where theyre treated with some respect.presently north europeans can visit greece spain croatia portugal etc.further afield lies the gulf and caribbean so........if you can eat and drink freely or socialise till the wee hrs with a drink.sayanora
  7. its a puzzling list.uk usa and china together with germany.well uk and germany to start with.if they are qualified due to no. of vaccs administered why arnt france spain portugal malaysia japan taiwan s korea holland belgium etc allowed in?theyve more people vaxed?china...theyre not allowed out till after the winter olympics so....?and by the way their vaccs arnt very effective against the indian variant.....ask all the thais who dont want it!!i feel any one who is vacced twice with a vacc thats effective should be allowed in if theyve a PCR neg. get the ball rolling again economy wise,obviously the tourism, hotel, restaurant and real estate biz will all breath a sigh of relief but who will come?chinese not till march and euros and usa no i really dont think many will come,theres many other options available at a cheaper price,people have had a hard time of things economically a lotta places so.....thailands a bad name for rip offs and being difficult too.sing ,malaysia ,camb,vietnam have a chance to steal their thunder and what will be the reaction here when we get a spike which is sure to happen?More mass rabid hysteria,if u open people must be able to eat and drink freely or they wont holiday thats a given so.....
  8. for me i think that tourist arrivals will be minimal[many people coming thru the sandbox are actually long term residents] until this nonsense stops,IE insurance,the hotel scam,the never ending redtape and the dodgy expensive testing.it must be like this for people to enter in large nos-fully vaccinated with a neg covid 19 test. pcr or rapid antigen.simple hassle free to a large extent.you can book a tckt get on the plane with a test in hand.i can travel to a multitude of destinations across the world tody without all this hassle and that no will grow as the time passes. by next mnth it will include the majority of tourist destinations in Europe,the uk USA, mid east,some latam countries and so on.the hold out will be down under where things are very curious.their own citizens are having problems getting home.neighbouring asian countries will open soon that are tourist competitors as they have high vacc nos IE singapore,malaysia,cambodia and others will follow soon after.simply put who wants to put up with this nonsense. thailands not such a great draw is the true reality and when you double down with this type of expense and time wasting ....forget it.
  9. aggh the golden goose stranglers are at it again!they have some gall....got plenty of money for Xis trains and subs but ....the biggest positive in their econ they wish to further dissolve,why not whatsapp southern germany and ask for a loan?
  10. i dont want to get into the court of public opinion but re enactments,the guys right. its a circus a clown show and has no part in any legal system.give him due process.
  11. hi keith,what exactly do u mean?the site can check it out or do u agree its strange?
  12. you cannot allow people to use photos about a supposed crime or anything like that,its quite simple i could have your photo post it online to any site and make crazy allegations,i could call u a paedo or anything like that or worse ,wheres the photo come from?its all a bit weird.the site must have a way of checking allegations surely but isnt that a police matter?anyone can post anything and say whatever they wish ,thats insane.
  13. i renewed my 10 yr pp in bkk at vfs personally[start of oct] last year,it took almost 5 mnths for a simple renewal and when i got it[march] they even screwed that up ,i ordered the large type as i travel a lot.i received the standard one,i had called the pp office in uk many times and they know nothing its standard blurb we must do checks and run behind covid,i applied for compensation as they said if its over the allotted time i can,1st i was told 4 weeks then 2 mnths so......i applied for compo by email spent 30 mins filing out details and upon sending was told immediately by return mail i must do it in writing to southport or blackpool i cant remember,no reply and that was in april.prior to tek bull s^&t i had received new pps in a few days and later when put thru hk,my last application was in seoul.10 days,its disgusting.they wont be responsible for their actions and the whole things an insult.you cant contact anyone who can give u a straight answer or solve anything,i actually contacted my MP and they wernt able to help much but did try.its a farce.i just want someone to be responsible and pay up,the gov is very quick to make you responsible for your actions but it doesnt work the other way around.i actually pay UK tax,its worse than 3 rd world.thais can get a new pp in a week.im trying to apply for an irish pp now as my fathers side is irish.disgusting is the politest thing i can say.as for the scum in the embassy...just trying to contact them.....well weve all been there.they offered a paid service to send me back on emergency docs......as&^**es
  14. your quite right but people here ,not all of course cant think ahead or plan,they just see whats in front of their nose and can grab now .the way they think is if you dont wanna buy it....go somewhere else then.sad but true.the money grabbed by these high taxes is what they see. nothing else.i see 10 dollar wines for 25-30 bucks ....nuts.the only positive is that covid has brought this and many other issues clearly displayed for exactly what they are.
  15. condos are space in the air,so this is absurd and whos gonna buy all these units?building companies must love this screaming xenophobe.foreign investment will dry up.thats quite obvious,theyll fall further into Xis orbit as the thai military wish to model thailand on that regime so they can stay in power forever.as for land give people full leases solves the problem ,65 yrs and everyones happy,you can sell it on and it cant be owned forever but logic and intelligence ....ha we all know the answer to that one,the problem is china in reality ,look at lanka cambodia parts of latam and other places,let em in and your screwed.in sihanoukville non chinese are not allowed in some restaurants and hotels,it kicked off when they banned khymers even!!ahhh the han project!it would be best to ignore people like tis and also make thais the subject of reciprocal agreements ,that would hit the hi so hard and lead to a moment of .........lucid thought
  16. IMO opinion if someones double vaxxed with a non Xi vacc and tests neg before getting on the plane they can enter without any scams to relieve u of cash,they r better covered and tested than most locals,the economys been destroyed millions jobless,many businesses dead or dying and zero help from halfwit control.theyve plenty of money.over there in a certain north european country and also in the submarine and train sets from china fund.
  17. a little confusing,i went to vacs.live thailand 17th sept 40.75% vaxxed with 1 or more jab.so if we have 1 mill a day we will achieve 50% way before that or is the math wrong?any ideas anyone?the figs are usually accurate on this site as they access gov records daily.we also have the rest of this mnth to add to the sept count.
  18. i agree ,we should be able to intelligently debate any subject with an open discussion.thats not the case now,we see in many countries safe spaces in unis,well if u cant debate in a uni intelligently well where can you?suffocation of free speech.political correctness tries to close down free speech,its disturbing.revisionist history as fact!the list goes on.it has a political agenda theres no doubt in that.we see USA divided right from left like almost never before and the gap widens,why?media PC and this i always must be right and shutting out a fact that doesnt fit the agenda,theres many examples so i shant bore you but what of democracy???thats the disturbing part of all this.the essence of democracy in my view is thus....as de montesque the french philosopher so eloquently expressed it....'i may disagree vehemently with everything you say but i will lay down my life for your right to say it'.thats it and its going if not gone,
  19. a few points here,the economy is barely functional.food queues in some places .massive unemployment,its not just about tourists,the govt has plenty of money about 40 billion in a rich northern european state im told and loads to buy new chinese subs,pay unemployment benefits ,life belts to smaller companies and this Dr he has a job so.....arrogance and dumb self importance always close to the surface with these people.tourism....if your double jabbed with JJ,pfizer,moderna or AZ or any combo your good to go.maybe a covid neg to fly in ,anything else is a non starter,other countries can be entered easily with a proven double jab.if you fulfill that criteria your a safer bet than most thais in fact about all of them as the sinocrap is giving low effective rates against the delta.locals dont want it for that reason,here PI indo etc they have the right to say no to a vacc that dont work and ask why govt bought a car with 3 wheels.eventually we will have to realise we have to live with it ,like malaria,HIV and so on.the no of deaths now is minimal worldwide about 8000 a day many with, not of the virus so theres 7 billion of us.jab up and move on,stop the hysteria
  20. try a different airline going the same place ,buy an antigen test so u have it at the airport 250B come on mate
  21. panama costa rica ecuador greece portugal spain ,the balkans have some possibilities[not sure about health service though] but do some research ie. croatia.in the region less visa hassle in cambodia and philippines,need health ins,bali is also on the cards but not my idea too much hassle is indo.malaysia has a good deal .i dont want t live in a muslim place though having spent many yrs in the gulf.argentina is also a nice idea.so latam southern europe ,africa has screwed up again as usual.S E Asia is fading fast but i know of some going to cambodia and malaysia a few to PI vietnam too,i will go to central america or southern europe or if lucky both ,i did stay 2 yrs in central america ,its a nice place but not the pay for sex scene here if thats your scene which seems to be the draw for a lot even if they wont admit it.im done with this place,people are friendly n these places ive found.its faded here especially in tourist places.thais culture is essentially racist,the pricing policy the fact few people have local friends,the mr difficult complex with govt and many things.the fact your looked at as a cash cow and not included in life .we can all be kicked out on a whim.not rights not the case in many odf the these places the exceptions being yep u got it asia!except PI if u r married to a local
  22. presently its a buyers mkt and will remain so until the cuffs come off.easy entry to anyone whos fully vacced will be the lead to the charge .........the morons in charge may be forced to consider such a radical proposal as these possible guests will go elsewhere if they dont.it is becoming the standard elsewhere already.once that happens ,yes theres pent up demand,HK,russia and agghh the dreaded spitting, pushing, buffet rioting,seemingly incontinent hordes from u know where who can still sneak money away from the great marshall in the sky will be joining the throng to invest in condos.they wont touch land.too savvy for that.builders have at last stopped building ,not thru any limited intelligence they have but cold hard facts.they cant sell them.as for sansiri ,many complaints about this company due to shoddy workmanship and over pricing,designs that are shoebox like and unimaginative but thats many new units across the board not just this company.older units hold a cachet in that theyre better built, more spacious and are a lot cheapr per sq m.it will recover but how fast?that depends on moron control!stand by for the next installment from builders inc as they become increasingly frantic to move their stock and stop the debt and interest piling up.ahh memories of a distant era when follies littered the skyline may be with us shortly.after the big 3 i think other countries nationals will be elsewhere and not consider an investment here as theres so many other more welcoming place to move to,except in small nos that is.greed allied with gross stupidity no matter what gordon gecko tells us does not prosper long term.and with those words of wisdom i shall leave you to ponder.
  23. if you reach these criteria or even half way why would u come here?its insane.you can go to many places where red tapes minimal,you can own property and businesses,have certain rights to stay ,be part of the health programme,no reporting,no racist pricing....the list goes on.more self delusional nonsense.from what im seeing and hearing many expats wanna leave as the covids shown quite clearly the future for foreigners and the govt strategy,they wish to be a china clone so they can rule indefinately and perpetuate the corrupt feudal autocracy that is thailand,many thais have had enough they wanna leave or will go at it with this form of govt which means more instability,unless u have a family,wife,business here the rest are considering a move in fairly large nos.
  24. stupid system,it doesnt matter what country you come from,its if you are double vaxxed and present a neg pcr,thats all it takes nothing else,whether from thailand or timbuktoo.each country must recognise the others apps and vacc regimen except if a vacc doeant work against the delta virus so we can hopefully be delivered from the human wave tactics of the greed ridden nation to the north
  25. where i live theres a zebra crossing and traffic light and a police box.the lights are red ,u wait to cross and pieces of #$%^ try to drive you down,if you retort some wanna fight,obliged one some time back.police...no where to be seen,its absurd and dangerous,people are stupid selfish and arrogant.thats the main cause.police and arrogance are the main problems but even after many yrs these dumb idiots still cant come up with a tv campaign of public service adds to educate drivers backed with a police precense.theres so may cops in this state ...so do something...your job perhaps! its pathetic but mirrors society and their values.they complain about this govt but behave exactly like them if given a chance to exploit power which is what every senior position in govt police etc is,dumb and dumber from the top down
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