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Posts posted by dippyrick

  1. Hi,

    I have obtained a Non-Imm O visa,based on marriage to a Thai,when in Europe (UK) on many occasions.

    Next time i will be applying whilst in Thailand (with the 400000 Bhat in Thai bank account scenario).

    My querie regards this money.

    I wish to place this money into a fixed term bank account Bangkok Bank (2.8 % interest),but before commiting it i NEED TO KNOW ;

    Is their any potential problem regarding the liquidity of the money ??

    Also does the 400T have to be in one account or can it be spread over a couple ??

    Any response grately received..........Thanks.

  2. I just got mine, again, in Thailand. Go into any police station and request it. Takes about 30 min. as the bigwig has to sign it. Take 2 forms of id (passport, thai dl or whatever else you have). Free.

    Good info and you've done it before,so you'r a pro (in my book).

    I presume you've been able to show this for a previous DBS check ??

    i.e.the DBS where satisfied with this as evidence of your suitability for employment (and didn't have too begin any time consuming foreign criminal records check !!!)

    Also did you need finger printing ?? If you did,did the police do it there and then ??

    Thanks for your very useful help.

    Cheers.............I owe you a spicy papaya salad,with extra bpoo-dong (shouldn't be allowed) clap2.gif

  3. Hi all,

    I'll be returning to U.K. soon and believe,the control obsessed British,will require a Police Clearence Certificate (Criminal Records Check) before allowing me to work !!!

    Looking on T.V. and the Police Clearence Service Center website,i find some info "For An Applicant Residing Abroad"

    i.e. taking fingerprints,certified copies of passport and visa etc. that then need posting to Bangkok (taking about 3 weeks and costing approx.£300).

    My queerie is this........can all this be arranged while IN Thailand ??

    Has anyone any experience with this ???


  4. I believe it's possible to be disposed of in Thailand.

    When i die i wish to be cremated by the wife in the local temple.

    It will be good if i can get whatever paperwork/permission in order.

    I'm a Brit but would imagine it's the same requirement(s) for all.

    Can anyone enlighten me as to how one goes about it ??



  5. GOOD ON YA adamokeefe.

    Far too many tv posters with antithai feelings

    If living here is so bad..........clear off back where you came !


    This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

    how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

    and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

    why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

    next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

  6. About time too.(i only hope this is enforced)

    This cruel,obscene,exploitation of South East Asia's finest animal,has been going on far too long.

    I often feel for these poor creatures,especially the babies,seperated from their mothers and forced too walk hot,alien,congested,tarmac/concrete roads,all day/night.

    Sad for the animals and the very wrongest education for the Thai populace.

    Not remotely cute.

    Just plain CRUEL.

  7. On a recent trip to the U.K i was searched by customs in Manchester airport.

    I had twice the allowed cigs (i.e. 400) but the nice young customs lady said that as "i hadn't any spirits/wine or other dutyable product she'd turn a blind eye"

    I'd be intrested to hear if this situation is completly at the discretion of the customs official or if there's some guidelines.

    Has anyone had similar experiences ??

    What can we get away with ?


  8. With an overwhelming 62% of accidents being non alcohol related I think we should be told what the main cause is.

    I suspect mobile phones, a general disregard to road safety and total lack of concentration are the main culprits.

    [Poor 'ol Somchai's amoeba brain is overloaded with thoughts of mia nois, the optic nerve frazzled with all the flashing lights, auditory centre deafened by the cd player and physically handicapped by holding the mobile to his ear and lighting a fag at the same time.]

    You forgot about the garland of flowers (for Buddha too protect) dangling from the mirror !!!!!!!

  9. Hi,

    The school whee I work suggested I try the following Company for Health Insurance. I did and it was extremely competitive>>>>>>>>

    Thai Health Insurance


    Tel: 02642 3100 or check out their site >>>


    worth a go :-)

    There website appears to only be in Thai language.

    Dose anyone know if it's possible to get info in english ??


  10. The misses got a new Mio 10 months ago for 37,600 B all in (i.e.registration/tax/insurance/no.plate included).

    She's proud as punch on it (she paid for half of it. so deserves to be!)

    O.K. i agree with most what's been said re:14 inch wheels/stability/difficult to start (on first occasion only)

    Don't forget it's a scooter

    And as such there's enough room for the weekly shopping or medium sized dog (as pictured)

    A nice enough little run around

    However my biggest concern ,as with all these automatic scooters it's impossible to






    what with Thai drivers and DOGS !!!!!!!

  11. In different parts of Thailand you would probably want to plant different types of trees. I'd find out what fruits are grown wherever you will be building (you don't say) and plant them all....except you don't need to plant bananas or papayas since they will start to produce in about a year or two.

    Small fruit trees are really cheap for most varieties so might as well plant alot of them....maybe even too many and closer than you want them eventually. Many kinds of fruit trees that are 5 years old can be transplanted fairly easily so if you have some extras you could give them away as gifts....or just throw them away...their really cheap.

    I agree with SamSipEt about improving the soil if necessary...and even if its not necessary it will only make a good thing better.


    All good advice given so far

    How's the water situation,have you a well ?If not getting one dug will prove economical in the fullness of time.Your garden will love you for it.

    I suggest you seek the advice of your wife (if she's like mine) she's probably got a wealth of knowledge regarding what can be cooked (seemingly almost everything) or eaten fresh.

    You'll need to take into account the mature height of your trees with regard to overhead cables/wires,if appropriate.

    I suggest kanoon (jackfruit) and man-mowang (mango) both tall trees,as they are hardy,offer goodly amounts of shade and delicious fruit which can be eaten before ripe (cooked as curry in the case of kanoon) thereby making for a longer season.

    Definetly go for the overplanting the area option.

    Good luck.

  12. it's traditional that whoever comes up with the best line get's free drinks for the rest of the night.

    the subject tonight is "i'd like to spend the rest of my life......................".

    after most of the lads have had a go billy says

    "i'd like to spend the rest of my life between the legs of my wife"

    the guys all like this one,eventually it's the winner and billy dosen't have to put his hand in his pocket for the rest of the night.

    the misses is far from happy when she sees the state of him on arriving home,but she chears up when he tell's her he,billy,came up with the best line and pissed as he might be it cost him nothing.

    "so what was your line" she asks.

    thinking quickly he responds

    "i'd like to spend the rest of my life....................sitting next to my good lady wife in church"

    she's a religious woman so is suitably delighted.

    the following day in the supermarket she bumps in to billy's good mate jon who is smiling all over his face.

    "i believe my man won the weekly one liner last night"she say's

    "im tickled pink,i am.but it surprised me cause he's only been there twice.

    the first time he fell asleep and the other time i had to pull him by the ears to make him come"

  13. Hi dippyrick

    Yes, I confirm that future upgrades are Free to registered users, and registering now will entitle you for free upgrade of next version. I can't promise nothing for a long term but basically it is our interest that users will have the best and latest version so they will have a better product to recommend their friends. Personally I am against charging money for upgrades.

    I can confirm also that the special promotion price will be not valid from next version 1.7 up (due to be released on next month).

    For users who want to purchase the CD, you can Register the program only ($ 35) and order the CD of next version (probably $15) or register with CD ($ 45) and note us to send you the CD on next month, when new version will be released. The upgrade of the program itself will be done by download (about 3 mb).

    Thank you


    thanks for the prompt ,helpful information.

    i already have a reasonable level of spoken thai (but couldn't pass up a 10,000 word dictionary and a package like this) and will definately be looking for upgrading ,with many additional sentences.




    (which is what it's all about !)

    :o:D : THANKS :D:D

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