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Posts posted by starcatcher

  1. You should see it a bit from another view. I live since 10 years in SEA. Actually since a few years in Cambodia. People playing here cards excessive (also in Thailand). I even don´t know, how their games are called. It doesn´t matter. They loose complete housholds.Many relationships break. Some wager here up to $300 and more within a few hours - and make big losses.

    It is like an epidemic plague. Even those, who are not interested in gambling, always have to justify themselve against others, who say things like "oh, you not have enough money to play a little bit?". This daily and many times. For some Asians it seems to be very hard, to say no under this circumstances, as they not want to be seen as pour people.

    And at least it is with such an addiction the same as with driving and drinking alcohol: just don´t allow even one beer. The alcohol level in blood should be zero. Asians tend to excessive gambling and card playing. So just .prohibite any card game. To be honest, I don´t know, how to play Bridge. But I know something else: I bet, you can play it also for money. And with this, it´s clear for me.

    In whole South East Asia Card Playing should be prohibited 100 percent.

  2. Wow! Thanks to all who are taking the time to respond to me! Getting great feedback. A special thanks for the link to the cars for sale. I was getting so much conflicting info that really helped to clear it up for me. I wish there was similar for the renting to get a better idea. Holy cow on the flooding! So many differences of opinion on the cost of living!!! Would I be correct in understanding Thailand is definetly cheaper than Cambodia? I have difficulty understanding how such a poor and underdeveloped country is so expensive. This is quite the learning experience for me. Please keep the valued info coming and thanks!!!!!

    Both Cambodia and Vietnam are more expensive than Thailand. I lived in both places and you have to deal with electricity cuts, lack of western food, ridiculous prices, etc. Thailand feels much, much more civilized in comparison and it's cheaper.

    Plus, I have pets and I never again want to live in either Cambodia or Vietnam. The vets in Thailand actually have medicine to treat your animals (yes, I have the same ones, so they survived their stay in those countries). You have no idea what a nightmare veterinary treatment is in both Cambodia and Vietnam. The vets in both those places had to actually import medicine from Thailand, so it was not only much more expensive, but they only had basic stuff.

    Cars are expensive in both Thailand and Cambodia. Very, very expensive in both places.

    ETA: I'm a woman too, in case that makes a difference.

    Regarding to vets also many things changed. While you find in Phnom Penh a pretty expensive French vet, in Sihanoukville works now a Russian guy with great skills and really cheap prices. I have a Rottweiler and my dog gets best medical treatment, I can imagine. In Thailand I also had problems to find a skilled vet.

    I live since 8 years in Asia. More than 4 in Thailand, 2 times in Cambodia, actually since 2 years. I came here because of visa reasons, as I´m to young for Thai visas. For sure I wont marry a Thai for a Thai visa.

    In Thailand are many things "better" on first view. There´s more civilasition. But also more freedom in Cambodia. In Thailand I was used to live in the north. Never had a real choice of western food. But I never missed it. But when I compare prices from shopping malls in Chiang Mai with prices here in Cambodia, it is cheaper in Cambodia.

    But anyway I think, comparing Thailand and Cambodia, isnt realistic. These are 2 different countries with different mentality. Regarding to the visa policies I can say, Thailand did well and I understand fully. I see here so many foreigners without money, begging, drug dealing, scamming. It´s not good for reputation. But once you live your own life far away from (sex) tourist hot-spots, and if you have some money, you have a great life here.

    About money and if expensive or not, I don´t know. Some (like here) say, Cambodia is more expensive. Others. who were leaving Cambodia to Thailand, told me, Thailand became expensive and is not as good as before. So I guess, it is a decision, everyone has to make for itself and it is depending on own life standards..

    My own opinion: life (supermarket, market, bars, restaurants, cars) in sum is cheaper in Cambodia. Renting a house is more expensive in Cambodia.

  3. Apartement, including Air/Con, Fan, Cable-TV and sometimes fridge, $70 to $150, electricity regular Riel 700 per kw (Riel 1.000 ist $0.25), apartmenthouses and many landlords ask up to R 1,500. Water is as cheap as in Thailand. Cable-TV between $5 and $10 per month, but not same quality as in Thailand).

    Renting a house cost between $150 and $500 for most offers. Gasoline and Diesel is about Riel 5,000. Living costs are okay. I live very well from supermarket with average costs between $400 and $600 without checking the price (2 people plus baby). Only cheese and other milk products are pretty expensive. Alcohol ist very cheap. Most brands (Malibu, Bacardi etc. below $10, Whiskey between $15 and $20). Vodka and wine starts from $3.

    Gas (for cooking) is imported from Thailand and about double price of Thailand. Always between $15 and 28, in average about $20. Cars in a good condition you get from $5,000, but for sure not in conditions you expect from Europe. Many times you find Toyoty engines in all kind of cars like Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Mitsubishi etc. A C-Class Benz ist in pretty good condition about $5,000, a old (but really old) camry starting from $2,000. Motorbikes are more expensive as in Thailand as also imported. Land Cruiser (F80) start from $5,000, as a Lexus $7,000. BMW X5 $15,000, Hummer from $28,000). A good site to get ideas: http://www.khmer24.com/category/67/cars-for-sale.html. When buying a car look for all ownership papers, registration plates and ALL tax receipts from each year. Also look for stamps for security check (yearly like tax). If you can not show, you have to pay the years before, too. Always go with the pre-owner to registration office. Only showing a contract without the former owner can cause trouble.

    Insurance (not a must, but recommended, as the company also makes the negotiations with police after an accident) starts from $100 a year. Costs for visa (3 months about $90, half year about $160, one year $285), when you use a travel agency, supermarket etc.

    The prices are for Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh ist way more expensive. Siem Reap is mixed. Internet is compared with Thailand also expensive and even in towns not everywhere available (lines with flatrate). Flatrates are starting at $35 for 4GB (Metfone), USB-Stick $5 for up to 2 GB, USB-sticks itself about $30.

    I hope, I could help. I read one post about a bad and cheap choice at supermarkets. Thats not true. You get particular more then in Thailand. And cheaper. Ah: cigarettes: no-name brand (Ara), one box $2,50, L&M 1 box $4,60, Marlboro 1 box $10 (but even this is just $1 per package).

    • Like 2
  4. Something similar happend to me few years ago (I guess in 2009). I went out for dinner with my Thai gf and her familiy. We decided to check out one of the Mukata-Places in Nakhon Sawan. The all you can eat price was 90 Baht per person. My gf suddenly had a strong discussion with one of the waiters. And we all left the place. They got told to pay 120 Baht for me. Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais. The funny point, as we went many times for mukata: My (ex) gf knew very well, I even not eat half of what she could eat, whenever we went for dinner.

    Her whole family (really great people) were extremely upset about this. But as I lived for about one year in Nakhon Sawan, and as Mukata always was one of our favorites, we went from that time to the restaurant next door. And whenever we had to pass that one place and they tried to get us inside, my ex gf told them no, including the reason. I guess, at the end they were more pissed off, as we went few times per week for Mukata :D

    • Like 1
  5. This is not world first.

    Many country have such law.

    Some even force you to exchange x dollars per day to their currency.

    What countries are these "many"? No place I've visited. I'm not doubting you but which countries have such a tourist unfriendly law?

    No doubt this is yet another hare brained idea that will die the death it deserves.

    Only to stay arround Thailand:


    you enter Myanmar from Thailand w/o visa: 500 Baht and have to leave the same day again


    You cannot enter w/o a visa like Thailand


    You cannot enter w/o a visa like Thailand. If you enter and dont stay overnight, you also pay.

    Thailand is the only one of this countries, you can enter w/o visa AND additional costs/fees (yet).

    And when I see the costs for a hard to get Schengen Visa if not married...

    So the question should be: where´s another country, you can enter w/o costs like visa etc. anyway?

  6. I just don't get it. Do Thai's not know he was a very extreme white supremest. He would not think of Thai's a human.

    (Educated) Thais know very well, who he was. But what he did is far away from them. Same like for us the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia or what American bomber pilots made with bombs in Cambodia, they could not bring back from their attacks over Vietnam to their air bases in Thailand.

    Same like we know very well, what Che did, while his photo since decades is trendy. But with distance you see things different and sometimes even glorified.

    On the other hand you have a nationalistic, right thinking in Thailand (Thai rak Thai). And when I see, how many foreigners (not all!) act in Thailand (for sure not like guests, but looking down to Asians) I can understand.

    So it is also in our responsibility, to let things like with Hitler not happen enymore. Additionally I think, many people misuse Hitler just for their marketing strategies to catch attention. And well, I looks for me it works, as people talk about it ;)

  7. 70 y.o. Farang, 23 y.o. girl - she should have taken way more then just 10,000 Baht. For me kind of pedophile attitudes (this difference in age is just sick and disgusting for me).

    In my neighbourhood I have an 80 y.o Austrian with a 25 y.o Khmer girl. I never will have sympathy for such behavior...

  8. I'm sorry but I would take very little from this at all.

    There is no mention of the code for the Non immigrant visa though we assume it's a Non-0 visa.

    This is hardly a new rule anyway, if you arn't married to the mother of the child what right should you have to get the visa anyway.

    Seems like the only reason why you got the email in the first place was because some guy knocked up a girl in Pattaya and thought it would be a good way to get a visa.

    Oh and to those who think it's racist go back and ask your own consulate if this would fly in your country, it wouldn't. have a kid in america to an unwed mother good luck if you think you'll get a green card.

    Not true: the mother of a child with German nationality has the right to stay with the child in Germany, because it is the given right to a mother to take care of her child. Even not a language test is needed under this circumstances. When she wants to be with her child in Germany, she don't need to show money, give a proof of return, not need to be married to a German etc. And I can imagine, this is similar at other countries.

  9. I hope, I'm in the right forum for this topic. My travel agency can't help me right now. But maybe here someone knows, too:

    A friend of mine wants to come to Cambodia. Not like a tourist, but stay there for the next one or two years. Officially he starts some work there (if required a confirmation from the Cambodian company isn't a problem). And he comes to Sihanoukville at the seaside, so the shortest and most fastest way is via bus from Bkk.

    Actually he is not at his home country (he's working until March 31 in another EU-country), so he can not apply for a Khmer Business Visa in Europe right now. But he can make a Cambodian Tourist Visa online. I know already some friends (the Business Visa he will make at the Thai/Cambodian Border), they also arrived at Bkk on a one-way-ticket, and when showing there visa inside the passport, everything was fine and the could enter Thailand.

    Butin this case I just can have the printed online confirmation for the Cambodian visa. Is there maybe some immigration office, where I can ask straight, if a one-way-ticket to Thailand is enough, when showing this visa confirmation and the Cambodian company's job confirmation? The point is, he definetly uses Thailand as a transit country. Or does he maybe have to apply for a transit visa for Thailand?

    Thanks in advance


  10. The problem is so much deeper: I have seen kids even not know about Latin letters, only Thai letters. But had to start learning English - also in written. It's like we have to start learning Thai by writing Thai without anyone tells anything about the Thai letters. That's not really motivating.

    And how was it about jobs, Thais (believe) know already, how to do? Same as with skills in any jobs here in this country, most people never be able to deliver good quality of work (not as a chef for an Italian restaurant and even not for fixing motorbikes). And pronouncing of Thai English teachers is - nice said amazing.

    So Thailand will fall much more behind, when you see the good quality of Khmer, Vietnamese and Burmese speaking and pronouncing English. Like few people said: Thailand gets what it wants. Som Nam Na

  11. A Britt dies in Thailand likely because of his over indulgence and we have to read a story that largely talks negatively about the area of Thailand where he died.

    All nations have certain quirks in their culture but is not taking responsibility for ones own actions and/or needing to lay blame on others a common trait among the Britts?

    I agree fully

    For sure no one forced him to do, whatever caused his death.

    In the Netherlands you also can buy drugs. Now all Dutch people are bad? For sure not, as also there no one is forced to visit a coffeeshop.

    I have seen it so many times in Cambodia: Some western tourist don't have any limits and nearly each month, while I was living there, it had one dead tourist because of drugs. I have seen tourists, taking 5, 6 or even more xtc's one evening. Is Cambodia responsible for this? No, for sure not. We are all well-educated and we all should know, that taking such quantities is nearly suicide.

    I also like alchol, but I'm not an alcoholic

    I also like to smoke sometimes (since many years) but I'm not drug-addicted

    But because of those who don't have limits and a brain like like little kids, I have to deal with all the rules and laws depending to alcohol and drugs.

    And here with this case: it seems, this boy even not took drugs but was simply drinking too much, but now here's the focus on the bad drug dealers in Thailand. Strange...

    My condolences to the young mans family

  12. ...and start explaining that I didn't pay for a customs stamp and that it was THB 300, so I owed him THB 300...

    I guess, he really made a loss with you :D . When I was on the way back, there are 2 counters from the Khmer Immigration (with 3 officers inside that time). But they took only passports at one of these counters, although there were 15 foreigners or even more waiting. But some of the touts got money from foreigners and gave their passports to the second counter, where they didn't take passports, with some money inside. So they got the stamps, even without their last "innovation" - the fingerprint scan; while the money moved below the desk :D

    I've never seen another border checkpoint in Southeast Asia with more scams then Koh Kong - on the Cambodian side of course. In a way, I felt happy, when I was back in Thailand...

    And in 3 months I have to go there again, with all my belongings (furniture, motorbike etc.). So I wonder now already, what kind of surprises waiting for me :( But good luck, it's really only Koh Kong. In Sihanoukville I never got scammed like in Koh Kong. Not more at least then anywhere else in Asia... :)

  13. I just made the trip to Sihanoukville. I made it from Mae Sot, so totally about 1.500 km's.

    I had 2 double entry tv's in my passport, both from last year. But I only got a single entry because (honestly a joke) I had a overstay of 2 days (first time ever I had overstay).

    But it's ok for me, as I want to leave Thailand anyway, as I'm tired of all that border- and visaruns. I lived in Cambodia before and I just came back to Thailand to do my (Thai) ex gf a favor. But anyway we finished and I want to leave. I just thought, double entry give me more time to arrange things.

    But now I could arrange everything in Cambodia (rented a house already and also can start working again and immediately at a friends office) so enough time to prepare for moving :)

    The visa itself: all they asked, was a bank statement from a Thai bank.

    Why I write this:

    If someone wants to make the same trip (but anyway I guess, Poipet is the same), just some warnings about the scams in Koh Kong.

    They really found some new methods and really everyone, I had contact with at Koh Kong, tried to scam me. Everyone - incl. Khmer immigration.

    If you just want to apply for a 30 days tourist visa (you can't extend it in Cambodia), I really suggest, apply for it online (E-Visa). It costs $25 and within 3 days you get it. At the border the immigration ask for 1.100 Baht, what is about $36.

    If you use a motor-taxi, don't pay more then 50 Baht (they will ask for 100) and another 20 Baht for the toll fee (which is in fact only 1.000 Riel).

    Tell them, you want to go straight to the bus terminal, otherwise more problems start: they ask you, if you go by bus and they also tell you, they are not sure, if they (agents, bus companies) are willing to take Thai Baht. And so they suggest you to exchange some money. I read of even more worst scams, but usually they try to explain '1.000 Baht is 100.000 Riel'. That's wrong! They say, since the war the Thai Baht went down so much. And many tourists are not sure and change their money. And start Cambodia with some nice losses (1.000 Thai Baht is usually about 130.000 Riel).

    And anyway you never need Riel. You can change money in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville w/o any problems and scams. And you will get US-$ (and Riel just like coins), because the bus companies also take Thai Baht of course.

    But pay directly at the bus to the driver - never use an agent. I went to Sihanoukville and such an agent asked for 550 Baht ($18) while the normal price is between $7 (travel agency) and $5.50 (bus company).

    So, make an e-visa ($25), go straight (for 50 Baht plus 1.000 Riel or 10 Baht for the toll fee) to the bus terminal without any money exchange (as not needed) and pay the ticket fee to the bus driver only.

    I met many people who believed the taxi drivers the war/Thai Baht story and they got scammed for amounts between $100 and $200. Also don't buy cigarettes atthe border as they are more expensive then in an average supermarket.

    If you decide to stay in Koh Kong, go straight to your hotel or guesthouse w/o money exchange (anyway they use Thai Baht in Koh Kong) and don't believe the exchange quote of 1:100 (1.000 Baht is 100.000 Riel). It's a scam!

  14. Does anyone know how PHITSANULOK ranks in terms of friendliness towards foreigners? Just curious since I've always thought Thais are friendlier outside of Bangkok. Maybe I'm wrong...but it seems to have been my experience.

    Interesting. To conclude, how friendly Thais be in an area, because the body of a western man was found there. When I follow this argument, it seems, Thai people in Pattaya must be very unfriendly. Otherwise not so much foreigners would jump from roofs and get killed... strange logic.

    This is not to say Farang do not get involved in their own dangerous activities, it is just one of the scenarios. R.I.P.

    Choose your wife carefuly

    Also another great opinion. Someone's dead and you recommend to choose your THAI wife carefully??? You know more then others?

    Honestly, when I read most statements here, I'm only wondering. So many prejudgments of people.

    It doesn't matter,from which countries those members come, writing something like this. But I'm sure in each of this countries also Thai people were killed and made suicide. So I guess, I also should warn here. Because, if I believe in this statements made here in this thread, I simply have to conclude, we are all unfriendly people. And as for sure most dead Thais in your and our home countries are female, we also should say "choose your (Farang) spouse very careful".

    Someone is dead. He could be killed, but he also could have made suicide. We don't know. We only know, what ever is behind this story, it is a sad story. Why such sad stories always be used to make such prejudgements, I won't understand. Do you feel boring? You hate Thais? What you do here (in a Thailand related forum and in Thailand itself), if you think so about people here??? Why???

    My condolences to the family.

  15. i think we are all lucky....the electric situation is on most places very unsafe...for europian matters...

    But like this one, I also would not expect, even not in Thailand... on the ground, where always water is because of different reasons (cleaning, raining etc.). Even not if it's covered by plastic.

    My condolences to the family of the victim. A victim, that never must have been, if few people would have had brain instead vacuum...

  16. I'm in Mae Sot since 2 years. And I'm each few weeks at the border to buy few things.

    The border is completely closed. And even mo more rumors about an opening (at least, before its last short opening there were some rumors before). Immigration officers there also don't know anything, but in their opinion it can take years now.

    Whenever you have plans to cross Mae Sot border within next half years, you should change your plans to other border checkpoints.

    The problem is, they are not in a hurry anymore, as all of them make their profits now different, as Burmese cross the border on tire tubes and even goods are delivered without problems in both directions.

  17. Thank you so much for the very fast and good informations. Great!

    One last question: I don't know, when her TV expires, but I think she just make or made a borderrun. However, could this also be within the time of the visa extension of 30 days or must this be done before (as she has to wait 15 days, beginning from her 50th birthday, I'm not sure about the length of her TV)

  18. I found already many informations, so my questions changed now. It is for a friend. She is from Germany and moved to Thailand a few month ago. She made a tourist visa before, because she becomes 50 in August.

    Usually the idea was to go to Vientiane or Phnom Penh to apply for a Non Immigrant "O" retired. But now I read, she also can change her status from "Tourist Visa" to "Non Immigrant" when going to the immigration in Bkk or Jomtien, right? She stays close to Pattaya.

    So what she needs?

    It will be a mix of income and money on her account (still in Germany).

    So I guess she needs the letter from the German embassy confirming her income (retired). Plus the difference up to 800.000 Baht on a Thai bank account (at least for 2 month for the first time, when i read right - and not 3 months, right?).

    What else she need? The rental contract for her house? (I read something like this here). And is there something more she needs? When latest she should apply for it (regarding to dates on the TV)?

    Thanks in advance

    edit: and the costs would be interesting to know (at the immigration for the change)


  19. Funny -> more funny -> Thailand :clap2:

    The best would be, no one, who knows a farang, can buy land anymore (like the Thai wife/Farang husband story before about buying land).

    I guess, it wont take long time, till one Thai blames another Thai (land owner) to have farang connections, because the first Thai want s to have the land as well.

    Now many farangs developed land, which never was theirs anyway and some Thais simply not want to wait till those existing leasing contracts run out, as it would be great to have it now already back ($$$). Tough no foreigner really ownes anything. But just Thais, I guess, want to have such developed land right now.

    Unbelievable in one way,but so typical in the other way :clap2:

  20. Nude planking photos? Never even heard of that. Someone post a link. :whistling:

    As far as the tourist? The is company pressing charges :rolleyes: Right... an example must be made! What a load of crap. She made a mistake and offered to pay. A chewing out from the coppers along with payment for the damages is enough.


    If she was Thai thats exactly what shed get. Its the same mentalilty that charges a Thai 30 baht for noodle soup and a farang (me) 50 baht. What Thailand needs is a complete boycott on tourism for one year - then they might stop this two tier system which CERTAINLY would be allowed in western countries. You may have been convinced that their poverty SHOULD allow them to do it - personally after seven years here I cant accept it. Its rude, its insulting and its wrong. Off topic - not really - if youre going to discuss the tourist planking affair, you have to mention the reasons behind her treatment.

    ...if boycotted ...

    the few still coming will have to pay much more for everything, as this is Thai mentality (when you not have that much customers, the few must pay so much more that you get the same profit as with more customers). That's what I learned here :D But at least this has nothing to do with being Thai or Farang; customer is customer

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