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Posts posted by Siddharta

  1. 4 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Although it is - as usual - somewhat clumsy and ambiguously worded, it is pretty clear that the intent of the lower part of the diagram is that 'EVERY foreigner with a permission to stay stamp in his passport that expires after 26 March does NOT need to report at IO till 30 April'.

    Note: Those that applied for the emergency extension and got an 'under consideration' stamp DO need to report, and on approval will get the required permission to stay stamp.

    I always thought as you. But I had doubts for situations as Uberfarang where the government is clear but the officer do what he wants! So do you think it worth the risk? Did you see what Uberfarang discovered? In the future they could tell you: "yes but... your situation is different" and you are in a bad situation.

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