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  1. Someone told me is better to do a border bounce for the DTV extension. Immigration wants to see too many documents, so stressful
  2. I paid 1200 baht fee last time. Very cheap
  3. I got my tourist visa approved in less than 10 days last time
  4. tourist visa is cheap and easy to apply. Would not lose that much money. It's not a big deal
  5. That's good. I don't have to stress to apply for this tourist visas haha
  6. Ok thanks for letting me know
  7. Ok but they are valid up to 48 hours and it takes up to 15 days for the e-visa approval
  8. Ok thank you very much for all the information. I am going to talk with my friend and tell him all the options he has
  9. Ok thanks for the information. What about to rent tickets flights for the visa application? Does it work or not? Because I think they aren't 100% legitimate
  10. are you sure the airline company will give refund 100%? I have heard some airline don't give refund fast, you must wait a long time
  11. Are you meaning that in case my friend might arrive to thailand and he might get the visa approved later, he can just exit thailand and come back showing the e-visa METV at the airport?
  12. And thai embassy in italy wants to see 2 inbound and 2 outbound flights for the METV application. My friend isn't really happy with this requirement, because the METV fee is a bit expensive
  13. He is from italy. He is afraid that on May the free 60 days exemption will be already cancelled and dropped to 30 days again, so he is thinking to just apply for METV, to be safe. I don't know if this makes sense honestly
  14. he told me that his embassy will take up to 14 days for the visa approval. So, when do you think it should be a good time to apply? Maybe around 22th april?
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