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Everything posted by iian23

  1. As previously stated, he has been to Thailand twice in the last 12 months. When checking in, the airline told him as you have had 2 visa exempt in the last year so you need a visa. He obviously questioned this. The airline claimed to have rung Bangkok immigration to check and they concurred. Travel was refused and he has now applied for a tourist visa. I fully understand all the possible reasons for refusing travel, none of them apply. I saw the original post so posted my friends experience as it seemed relevent to the question. If there is anything to it, I would like to know as it would adversely effect me and probably others in a big way. Instant dismissal of claims by people on these forums are not helpful, as unusual and unlikely they are. I have been doing this ¨extensively¨ for the last 25 years with very few issues aside from a few extra questions at BKK airport immigration. Exact details stated.
  2. Not a very helpfull reply considereing you are a moderator and not aware of the facts. I am well aware of all the possibities for refusal of boarding in the UK. Its not nonsense at all, it has just happend FACT.
  3. Something is going on, I know someone who has just been refused travel from UK (airline supposed to have contacted Bangkok immigration to confirm) having travelled on exempt 2 times in the last year. Below from London embassy site. The first line says only 2 entries per year with no explanation but then further down it sepecifies by land and sea. Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme UK ordinary passport holders can travel to Thailand without visa for no longer than 30 days (maximum 2 times/year). All UK travel documents (Refugee/Emergency) must apply for the visa before traveling to Thailand. - Foreigners entering Thailand by any means under the Visa Exemption scheme are required at the port of entry to have proof of planned travel (confirmed air, train, bus, or boat tickets) to leave Thailand within 30 days of the arrival date. Otherwise, a visa must be obtained before entering Thailand. - For traveling to Thailand by land and sea, UK ordinary passport holders are eligible for Visa Exemption Scheme with a maximum of twice in a calendar year. going on, I know someone who has been refused travel from UK having travelled on exempt 2 times in the last year.
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