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Posts posted by LenMc

  1. Unbonjoe and Essox Essox,

    ref 'emergency passport'.

    It sounds great but if you read the details it doesn't solve anything.

    I fully accept my ignorance. I'm just reading what they say.

    Website: https://www.gov.uk/emergency-travel-document


    I've quoted relevant sections: 

    "Eligibility - You can apply for an emergency travel document if ALL the following apply: ... 

    (1) - your passport has been lost, stolen, damaged, is full, has recently expired or is with HM Passport Office or a foreign embassy
    (2) - you do not have time to renew or replace your passport before you travel
    (3) - you can provide proof of your travel plans, for example booking confirmations (or detailed written travel plans if you cannot book ahead)"


    So, I've currently got a passport. This is a 'travel document'; NOT a passport. It does not replace a passport. It's not the old one year passport. I have to wait till my current passport expires, then this is tied to travel plans, and is time limited. (see below).



    "The document itself is valid for seven days from the date of issue, although if you have specified a travel plan it may be tied to that."


    You try and explain all that to Thai immigration, so that they will renew your visa stamp and permission to stay stamp on this temporary travel document.


    I REALLY hope i'm wrong and I'm just being an idiot. But ...

  2. Probably just a rant but: UK Passport / Visa expires September. I applied VFS in March (7 months before expiry). VFS cancelled my appointment and closed. Now, even if they re-open fairly soon and I apply, it's unlikely my new passport will be back before expiry. So I will be in Thailand with no valid passport or visa, unable to do my 90 day, and, technically and really, illegal and overstaying, with applicable penalties including expulsion / banning.


    Even if I, as suggested, go back to England and try to get a new passport, I may not get it in time, or may not be allowed back into Thailand in time to renew visa. 


    I don't even understand why they closed. Immigration is open and this is the most Covid-friendly service they can provide. I go to Bangkok VFS, hand my paperwork through a screen and somebody in Liverpool sits in an office by him/herself and checks the paperwork. Minimal human contact and we are socially distanced by 6000 miles.

    Also HMPO gain renewal visibility - "Oh there are 10,000 people in Thailand wanting renewal, we'd better do something". And I can have a 'Passport Pending' stamp in my expiring passport to allow me to use my 'old' passport for 90 days etc. 

    Then our Embassy can negotiate with Thai immigration about handling the 'Passport Pending' category (Fat chance).


    Anyway, sorry for my rant. Good luck to everyone. 



  3. Do I have to PROVE that the money came from abroad, or does it just have to be there and seasoned enough. E.g. if I bring in some cash, or build up the 800k from other sources, is that okay. I may build it up by using Transferwise, but that shows as an internal transfer (not international transfer).

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