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Posts posted by Jimjim

  1. 6 hours ago, wilai said:

    Nothing official. Did it against Chelsea so won't have trained all week. Must be a doubt for the weekend. VVD got a knock last night but reckons he is ok.

    Since Naby got a rest with his match canceled, should be ready to come back in and start!

    Unless his head is spinning due to the coup...

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  2. I'm convinced 99% of any rumours about a player is just agents trying to get some commissions by ginning up interest in their guy to move clubs.  And/Or, trying to get a higher commission by telling the club that wants to by them, "But look, Liverpool wants them, it's in the news today!"

    That, or press just making up rumours to get clicks and newspaper sales.  I actually got tired of silly season and don't pay attention to it anymore, ha ha, whereas I used to look at it for hours a day during this time of year, and coming to this forum to see if anybody else had some rumours, ha ha.


    I guess LFC will probably be pretty quiet in the transfer market until January or next summer, at least.

    • Like 2
  3. 20 hours ago, wilai said:

    He's better.???? Good for confirming stuff as he's not one for making things up. Fabrizio Romano is the guy I rely on. For some reason, this summer he has grown massively in popularity.

    I've noticed his popularity this summer as well.  No idea why trust and interest in his reports spiked, but he seems to get it right a lot of the time, from what I've followed of him.

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  4. If Keita could just stay healthy he'd be a fantastic player, I think.  But you have to play regular games at mostly full health in order to get form, which we all know.  But if his body ever let him hit top form he'd be scary to play against.  Time will tell but it just always feels like a false dawn with him.


    I did see someone supposedly in the know that we definitely did bid for Chiesa.   I'd rather the rumors for Barella are real.   That guys a beast and will only get better.  I don't follow Italian football as much as I used to so I hope I got those names right.


    With our defense back and healthy (stay that way please) and Konate we will be solid and hard to play against again.  I expect to challenge for the league again but City and their endless supply of cash are trying to make themselves unbeatable again.  Still can't believe they escaped any serious punishment for obvious fraud and refusing to turn over evidence in their sponsorship deals but there you have it.  Premier League is still investigating but I doubt anything will ever happen.  Well that's maybe discussion for another thread.

    • Like 2
  5. I used to comment to this forum quite a lot about 10 and/or more years ago, when we were still trying to win the league and hoping Luis Suarez would lead us to it!  StevieH still around? hmmm????


    When I left it was about 2 Liverpool fans and 10 Spurs fans commenting all the time.  How's that trophy cabinet, Tottenham?


    Anyway, thoughts about Harvey Eilliott.  Will he stay this year and became a first-team regular?  Seems like he has amazing potential and can actually show it at first-team level.  Time will tell but I hope he stays this season and adds needed depth on that forward line, particularly if Shaq and Origi move on, which they probably should if they want to play regularly.  However, it seems like Klopp may want to play him more in the midfield 3 and move Ox to a backup forward.  In any case, he seems the rare young talent that actually might make it in the first-team at LFC instead of going on loan every single year and then being sold at 23 years old.


    Still think we need to add a midfielder and possibly a backup striker.  I do rate Mane to come on strong and return to form, though Firmino seems he's getting more inconsistent and possibly past his prime, already.  He'll be 30 in October and I don't even know if they'll offer him a new contract when he's about to turn 32, when his contract expires in two years.

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/27/2020 at 8:22 AM, Bangkok Barry said:

    I did read your 'explanation', and it was still a brain-dead comment. If you can't see that then I feel sorry for you. You really need to think before hitting the send button. Ask yourself questions like 'does this enhance the thread', 'can what I write be misunderstood', 'is my comment insensitive'. Stuff like that. 

    Except he clearly has stated it was not meant as a joke.  You are inserting a joking tone.  He meant it seriously.  He clarified that it was a serious comment.  There's nothing in the comment that puts it in a context of having to be a joking tone.  That was your reading of it, which he clarifies was not his intent.  Pretty clear.  You just want to have a go and have it be a joke, even though he's said it's not a joke.


    Now, in all seriousness, he has a point.   If the story is insinuating that the liver was from the crash victim, seems unlikely so why include it in the story at all?  But if it's raw, foul play is afoot, I think was Bill's reasoning.  If it's charred, the dog would have feasted on his burned body, which frankly seems very strange for a dog to do.  Either way, weird.


    I think the liver has nothing to do with the crash.  As often is the case, a story from Thai media which has random facts and unexplained details.  I think it was translated from Thai, which probably contributes to confusing details.

  7. Sturridge wasn't up for it I'm sure, he had nothing left. I would bet Milner or Henderson was the last taker if it had come to that, but surely both of them should have been on that list of five.

    Really disappointing shootout. The worst Liverpool shootout I've seen as we seem to always win them in cup finals!

    city deserved it in the 90 minutes but I just felt like it was going to be ours with them missing all their chances.

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  8. What some horrible spot kicks in that shootout, especially after City missed their first. Felt like throwing this laptop across the room.

    Only Europe left this season. Can get some revenge in the next match, but it will be empty as there's no trophy at the end of that one.

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  9. I'm not sure I understand why this article is news. Of course he should stand trail, but I guess it took the justice system this long to find this person competent to stand trail, The decision was made in October according to the article, so why is this article just now being written?

    Justice in the US takes way too long these days.

    Lol. 'Sure you don't work for CNN or maybe MSNBC? Why of course! We can't have any news of guns being used by armed citizens to SAVE lives, now can we? Somebody must've slipped up here! Usually a much better job of suppressing news stories like this. (You can read about them every single month in the NRA magazine, but you know those evil, conniving, KKK-affiliated, rednecks just make stuff up...). Was this even reported at all back at fhe time of the crime, outside of Whereveritwas, Oklahoma?

    Yes, it was. I remember the story being reported and the hero off-duty deputy who worked at the company. He wasn't a normal, armed citizen. He was an off duty reserve sheriff's deputy who probably always has a weapon for protection and in case he's called in for an emergency. He was branded a hero in national media. I know it doesn't fit your paranoia but it's true. And yes, it was reported extensively by even CNN and MSNBC and they did not hide the facts, nor his status as a hero. Did they lead with that? Probably not. Probably lead with the much more compelling headline of a beheading on U.S. soil by a converted Muslim. In reality the murder was probably a combination of his anger at his suspension and his radical Islam sympathies.

  10. Investigators have said Nolen had just been suspended from his job when he walked into the company's administrative office and attacked Colleen Hufford, 54, severing her head. They say he also stabbed another co-worker, who survived, before he was shot by a company executive.

    I'm sure quite a few people are glad that Oklahoma allows its citizens to protect themselves when the cops can't get there in time.

    Glad you read the whole story and read this part about the company executive.

    "Vaughan is also an Oklahoma County reserve sheriff's deputy."

    So, he was a reserve cop who was off duty. Pretty sure he's allowed to have a weapon!

    Doesn't fit your argument I know! Sorry.

    But really all 50 states let citizens carry weapons (concealed in some cases), they just have certain laws and licensing requirements which are not hard to comply with if you have no criminal record.

  11. No, he hasn't.

    It's amazing how all the major news sites said he had, and they were all duped by some fake account.

    Crazy how crap reporting and fact-checking is these days when everyone wants to be first to the story on the internet 24-7, and anyone can put up some fake news on ther internet at any time, rather than having only one deadline a day and being able to check sources before the paper goes out.

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  12. I had to listen to hear what all the fuss was about.

    Cranky old white men and NPR listeners, lighten the <deleted> up.

    I am not a fan, but she was slightly funny, self-deprecating, made fun of herself, and it was a completely harmless bit. And this is probably the least serious show NPR has, where they do not take themselves too seriously, at all.

    How does this affect any of your lives in any way? None, other than showing how cranky and self-conscious you are as you just want to make sure everyone knows you don't like Kardashians. As if anyone cared.

    Who the <deleted> cares? Just lighten the <deleted> up.

    Some NPR listeners had to make sure it was known she wasn't that pretty. How shallow! Like um, the Kardashians they despise? They are just people. You are not better than them. They are not better than you. Get a life and be happy!

    Listen to that singer's song about being happy except you'll probably complain about the silly hats he wears!

  13. What's the price? I remember back in 2008, I think it was, Man City coming to BKK in May and playing and losing against the Thai all-stars. It was a good match to go to because it was so cheap, just a few hundred baht or maybe even 100 or 200? Then the big clubs come here and they want 1500 baht at the cheapest, which in my opinion is too much for the market, especially considering these pre-season matches can be poor on quality as the English team players are just getting their fitness.

  14. 25 years ago, it was like living on a different planet. Phones were rare, and most apartment buildings had several lines and you got to call out or receive calls but could only talk for 3 to 5 minutes (depending on where you lived).

    This was true of my apartment building just 10 years ago. I thought it was the weirdest thing. I doubt much has changed in my old building! Ha ha, I lived on the top floor and there was no elevator. The girlfriend did not like that but I told her it was good exercise, which it was.

    I did like the 3000 baht rent though.

  15. I wouldn't exactly say man for man they were a different class, they scored one goal in extra time.

    Also, being a honest supporter, we deserved to win the first leg, we were the better team.

    Absolutely, could have easily scored 2 in the first half if Sterling hadn't overplayed and just simply passed to Gerrard who was one-one-one with the keeper and if Coutinho could have put that golden chance away in the first half, as well. Great save but I felt he should have scored it from there with no defender near him. Also Moreno instead of shooting if he had pulled off the pass could have crossed to Sterling who would ahve had a tap-in, though it would have had to be a perfect pass, but that seemed the better option.

    In the end, as I feared, Liverpool paid by not being clinical enough in the first leg when the lads absolutely dominated.

    Really bad feeling this, over the 2 legs I think we should have won. Just go to take chances when they're there. Should have scored 2 or 3 in the first leg and put it away then.

    Wish the ref or the 4th ref had been paying attention to the stamp by Costa, could have changed everything completely. He deserved to be off in the first 15 minutes, and I think we would have won if the correct call had been made.

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