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Posts posted by Repton1

  1. On 7/16/2024 at 2:28 PM, Bangel72 said:

    Has anyone been charged an extra fee on their re-entry permit?


    I got one pre-covid but then could not leave the country so when I renewed it last year they charged an extra fee to cancel the unused one.


    Yes a bit annoying, double charged and not getting any use out of it.


    I only get one every few years so wondering if it was purely a case of completely unused permit or if a couple year gap between permits could result in similar charge?

    I don’t recall being charged an additional fee, but I can confirm if a re-entry permit expires without being used, there is an additional step of cancelling it prior to applying for a new one. They held my passport and residency book for a couple of days whilst “cancelling” it so I had to return to pick it up. I was also asked by the officer why I didn’t use it, I said I was unwell and she was satisfied. 

  2. Good evening. I left Thailand several months ago, receiving my endorsement / non quota immigration stamps before leaving. 

    I’m currently in my home country and have just renewed my passport. Am I correct in saying upon returning next month, at immigration I should produce my PR booklet showing the endorsement, my old passport containing the exit stamp and my new passport?


    If so, does the entry stamp get applied to the new passport? I see someone asked a similar question earlier in the thread but answers were a tad vague so just wanted to clarify. Much appreciated. 

  3. Appreciate all the responses. Very useful and informative. Yes I have been residing with PR status in Thailand for several years now, during which 6 months ago I applied for and received a reentry permit/endorsement. I also recently exited and reentered Thailand with no issue. I am also aware of the updating of the red police book every 5 years. 
    However I recently found out a friend of mine, who is also a PR holder, has under advisement of his agent reported to immigration annually. I see various mentions of this online from various sources though seems a bit vague. See https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/permanent-residence-thailand under heading "Annual Reporting". Is this information incorrect/out of date? Thank you.

  4. I'm currently employed by a large company based in Thailand however I recently returned to the UK and am working remotely. My work permit/business visa expires next month however I would rather remain here until the covid situation blows over in Thailand. As I understand, it is not possible to renew the WP/visa from outside Thailand. I'm assuming not, but am I allowed to remain employed and receive my salary into my Thai account with an expired work permit? Could anyone offer any suggestions for how I can remain employed but avoid returning to Thailand for the next few months? Many thanks for any replies in advance.

  5. Good evening,


    I currently have a work permit through a company in Thailand. Does this entitle me to take on additional contract work with other companies in the same field? If so, is there anything important I should be aware of? Can I simply start performing work for the other company, invoice them and declare the income, all whilst remaining within the law?


    Appreciate any advice.

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