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2 is 1

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Everything posted by 2 is 1

  1. If you ever get Filipina woman you should know what they say!!!! NO MONEY NO HONEY! Every woman cost one way or other!
  2. There is nothing to do retirement in USA in this topic! Main thing is that hole new great idea is big scam! I have never had any problems about laws that its hard to buy land if you are foreigner! We have problems in Finland when Russians buy much properties and land in Finland! I really much hope there is as hard law in Finland also!
  3. Yes! Normaly people from 3rd world countrys has little more difficulties to entrance "modern" world! You have always same record running in your respons! And whitch Thai anyway want or try get retimremet visa in USA!? Red Bull boss family and friends! That really not concern normal Thai people! And what like USA get if they let thousands Thai farmers entrance in!? More immigrant problems. But Thailand need farangs money to buy new subs and other sht.
  4. Maybe even some really idiot farang can invest million dollar but hey where is the catch!? Land price when farang going to watch property! I think one wa going to cost more than million! Here is this area where farang can buy land and today price just for you other 40 million bath!
  5. Chiang Khan has massage places where old granmoms walk in back. But i think every village find some granny who can do that. Is that good who knows, my son always walk on my back and that feels good.
  6. Wife rubber farm has 50/50 deal father in law go only collect money these days! My wife dont want he anymore live in mountain and do all coz hes geting old. When he handle everything , that was me who bring chemical and other stuff there. Nowdays dealer even come to pick up rubber from mountain so dont need to carry that smelly sht no place. Father in law only go there when dealer go to buy rubber.
  7. I think that white sht what some monk has "write" in my car ceiling not make me better driver! Look like some pigeon has fly and do it things upwards. So yes you are right Bluespunk!
  8. If Thai have land to farming they dont need much money. Like my mother and father in law's. They only buy seasoning's, detergent,soap... etc. Everything else come from land and from nature. I think father in law havent use money in decade, all money what he get he give wife. He handle my Mrs rubber farm and all money from there give hes daughter, casoline for motor and for hes Kubota he buy on credit whitch mother in law pay once/month.
  9. I really understand, reason im not take wife whit me.
  10. Ukrainian dog give hes opinion about Russian attackers!
  11. https://www.occicare.com/suvarnabhumi/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI79HjuKS8-gIV8xJ7Ch1BJgc8EAAYASAAEgL8r_D_BwE# Open 7-14 daily.
  12. Show her your own balls and explain.
  13. Cash only! Then they dispatch you to ATM and that take you 220 bth and your own farang bank take little more! Happy days. Maybe need carry some change in pocket when entrance LOS(LOM=land of mask's).
  14. Yes woman should be woman! What other you want them be!? Im not say woman cant be equal whit men! Dont write your own thinking about somebody's txt! There read nothing what you say!
  15. So they decide how much is "outstanding"! Maybe need get accurate info before pay any money to them, meaning in situation when you have even 1 day overstay! Or can loose 600k bth or more.
  16. Maybe soon coming METOO campaign where womans want men delivery babys also! Western problem is that woman dont want to be woman anymore!
  17. Ukraine never going to agree that those area belong to Russia. Ukraine going to still attack those areas and they should! West still support Ukraine and should give long distance weapons also. If Russia use nuke they will loose all support! And Russia is goin to be even worst place than North Korea. Even Putin know that , also Putin can't fire nuke alone! Everybody should choose side now and show some solidaruty to Ukraine! Me personaly dont understand if somebody can support attacking side in this kind situation! Normal people in Russia are good people but they have little or nothing to say how things happen or what happen next.
  18. Best trip's ever is , when you woke whit hangover go early in bar and continue hole day! Im alcoholic but sometimes im. not take any alcohol in a few months. Sometimes i can drink a few months lol I never throw up, amateur's throw up!
  19. You can make deal to hotel whit that money! Dont need worry about "bad" landlord.
  20. Yeah Putin has friends everywhere! But he dont have so many friend in Russia! Hmmm... everybody maybe your friend if other alternative is fell down from high building!
  21. Only reason would be uninsured. Because if call insurance company agent in location right away all can be forgotten whit money. No police needed. But maybe this farang dont know how things go in here. Should know if drive that kind car.
  22. So you not read txt what i quoted! There say Thailand is one of most easy country to get in to. Also was saying how hard Thai national is to get visa like in USA. That why i tell difference about passports. Even countrys need tourist money they still make decision not allow Russian's to entrance they country! Maybe you know the reason? If you have not notice there is one war going on! About 60000 Russian entrance in Finland via land every week. Finland and over 70% Finnish citizen want to close border from Russian tourist. Even east Finland like Russian money! But most of Russian continue they travel forward from Finland.
  23. Yes Thailad has easy visa rules. Maybe that has something to do that Thailand need tourist money! Can't compare different passports between each other! Some country passport are better than other. Like my Finnish passport let me access to 189 country whitout visa! Cant compare like Afghanistan passport! That passport let you access only 28 country whitout visa! Democratic country's like other country's where has real democratically elect government. Also level of corruption is low in those country's!
  24. Rich Russian have bank credit card's from China,Cyprus,Turkish..... Many have dual citizenship also! But they heart is Russian!
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