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Posts posted by WcCaptain

  1. 6 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Stop trying to twist information to suit your beliefs. The WHO and CDC originally stated the above but later the CDC reversed thier  statement as more was learned about the virus and masks also became more available.


    Santa Babrbara reverses statement on face masks








    I read this and what I’m seeing is if you are getting in area of close proximity of others pull the mask over your face. But I see nothing saying if your in a car or if your going for a walk or sitting on the beach with nobody around for half a football field to wear a mask. 
    around here all the ants in the nest do as one and figure what there told is the all Buddha. If half of the people would use there heads we all would be JUST fine with this FLU!!

    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Gotalaugh said:

    Take a little time to think why there are so few cases here and why it hasn't got out of hand so far. Then have a look at countries where it has got out of hand and think why could that possibly have happened. Then consider which situation you would rather be in now and has it been worth it.

    Have we completely forgot that this is not all because people are wearing MASKS!! There are SO many other factors here. WOW!! 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. It is so true as far as the way people are misinformed as far as the virus is spread. If one is sick PLEASE wear the mask. If your walking down the street and not wearing a mask please tell me the problem?!

    Are you afraid that I’m going to grab you and stick my tongue in your mouth? IF I sneezed ahead of you droplets do just that (drop). Where they drop is the catch. In hopes it’s not in area one would have to grab a hand rail, then after rub your eye, or pick your nose, or lick your hand. 

    Now I must clarify the walking down the street. Not busy streets of Bangkok, or areas of congestion. Just to be clear. 
    So people!! Don’t lick door knobs, hand rails, buttons in elevators. Watch for people that want to stick there tongue in your mouth you have never met. 
    Be safe. 

  4. On 5/1/2020 at 4:43 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

    No.  It's up to you.  Some stores and banks will require you to wear one but that's up to them.

    I was pulled over the other day in town south of Hua Hin. They gave me <deleted> for not wearing my mask inside my truck. 20k fine if seen without again I was told. So?! It’s up to who ever sees you and how they want there pay check to look like. 

  5. 13 hours ago, Lingba said:

    why 5000?...whats with that number?...if people want to go ..let them go ..whats the big deal...I'll tell ya what...something just doesn't add up here...all over a stupid virus??…..pretty soon people will have to wear electric shock collars

    I’m afraid in my life time and there’s not a hole lot left, we will see micro chips being a must have or do when going to different countries. 

  6. So!! Does this Government make money on this Alcohol? I’ve talked to people all over the world ( maybe there just in right places) and they say they still can go and get alcohol when they do there shopping. If we are not to gather or be within arms length of one another would it not make sense to allow us alcohol in are places. I’m sure it’s better than going over to others and sitting around with them in a dark <deleted> in corner sharing a beer or two?  Maybe it I’ve had to much salt air in my body all my life?! Just the sailer with in me. 

  7. 15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The hour in the crisis is late and with the end in sight finally some cash is arriving. Shame it didn't get dished out a lot faster. Would have spared much misery.

    Letting them return to work as much as possible wouldn't go amiss either.

    Getting back to work is great. But wait a minute!! Who’s going to where there working or buying what there selling?? Is it the locals with all the money? From what I see when I’ve helped at local Temple there’s lots that don’t have the money. Will say some JUST don’t need to be there. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Metropolitian said:



    Different rates of discount apply depending on the amount of units in excess of what the household consumed in their February cycle.


    For example, if a household uses more electricity than what they used in February but does not exceed 800 units, they will pay for the same amount they did in February.

    For households that consume 800-3,000 units, they will pay for the same amount they did in February, plus 50 percent of the additional units in excess of their February usage.


    Well, my last bill is higher but no compensation..  Wifey said something about three percent but not sure water or electric. Got both bills, both higher and nothing about discounts.


    That said, it is just on the news. Nothing official on the pages at PEA/MEA only except for the 5/15 meters and not exceeding 90 units/months.


    We got are bill for last month and they gave us a 3% discount. Woop woop. 

  9. I passed a food hand out by a good couple at a hotel in Hua Hin today. The length of the line was over a block long. People stool heel to toe and the police where there directing traffic. I get staying back and coughing in your pit and wearing mask when I’m close proximity to others. Ok I get it. But when you have as many people having a hard time getting there next meal you best just have one place in your area and have it handed out under proper supervision. For what I see it all depends what kind of mood the cycle Jockeys are in for the out come. 
    Taking action for a person doing good?! Really people!!!

  10. So!! Just went through a police check. Let me say I’ve driven up and down from KK-HH many time over the last 4 months. I’ve been asked to do a breath test, pee into a cup and just answer a couple questions. Today I was told I must wear my mask while I’m driving!!

    now I thought about this for a bit. Are they afraid if I sneezed the spit would go through the vents ( against the AC flow) run the system and fly out the car and hit part of my truck?! Then someone would have to run there hand down the side of my truck and insert there fingers into there mouth? Do I have this correct? 
    anybody out there able to give me a real reason why they insisted I wear it inside my vehicle? Wanted me to sign a price of paper (didn’t of course) and said I was up for a 20k fine if I was not wearing. 

  11. 8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I would think the overhead is low and profit margin pretty decent in these places. Girls stuck in small boxes probably making 400 b a day.

    And as the article says, over 100 billion b exchanged last year.

    Got to be a very profitable business.



    My question is? Now that business is down will they be looking at getting help from government?????

  12. 18 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

    Well - lets see.


    As a friend said to me today - thai's have very little contact with each other because of no kissing and hand shaking - which is what happens in the west. So that might explain why regionally the covid count is low.


    It's very possible that thailand will get through it. but as with every area, until there's a vaccine, the potential for crisis is always just around the corner.

    Bravo Bravo!! Well said. The touching thing is not there culture at all. But the giving space?! It takes me a bit every time I come over to get used to the in my space! So if they can get that under control and wash there hands on regular bases I think it could work here. But I’m awake now. So dream is over. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    They can shove their E20 where the sun don't shine!  All this ethanol in the fuel is no good for small engines...and some large engines.  It's bad enough with 10% in it. And the other side of the coin is the land being used for ethanol production is not available to produce food for human consumption.

    I’m not sure how this climate effects ethanol in the tank. But in the west with the different change in temp if you leave it sit for to long it gels at bottom of tank. Right we’re pic up is and with cars, motorbikes sitting here while expats are back home I’m thinking E20 would be real bad. 

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