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Grumpy one

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  1. I wonder what bait he was using
  2. Back in April 2010 I made the journey from the car park down into Hellfire Pass and back up. It was not the most pleasant trip. but it opened my eyes as to what an uncle of mine and the rest of the prisoners must have endured every day slaving to build the railway
  3. Their precooked ribs and the lamb chops are my on my list every few months. I order in bulk and just pull out of the freezer when needed A couple of German mates think my marinaded ribs are perfect
  4. No doubt your male friends give you plenty of facials.
  5. Probably takes a full fist and the odd foot in his neither region
  6. Good luck getting a rotting corpse to sit in an aisle seat
  7. You can after its trapped in a bush fire
  8. So, a 20 y/o Thai with the mentality of a 14 y/o has a 16 y/o wife, is this not everyday occurrence RIP the lost soul
  9. Thank God, I'm saved from being near a dull person
  10. Good luck trying to get the snake whiskey past customs, it's a big NO NO
  11. Maybe he ran out of soap powder on washday, and just made a quick trip to 7/11
  12. So, six men in a park seeing who can shoot a load of baby batter the furthest Thai version of a good night out
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