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Grumpy one

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  1. Hold the gun closer to your head next time and save us the pain
  2. I am educated enough to know electric cars from China are not the way to go. If you bought it to reduce the amount of carbon being produced, you failed, power stations run mostly on coal Don't plug it in to recharge unless you have a wind turbine
  3. How long before it goes Up in a Puff of Smoke
  4. Rub the little grub's nose in it, then kick the Shiite out of him
  5. With luck he may be refused entry on his return as an undesirable tourist
  6. Stick to your guns Refuse to move or pay more rent
  7. Stock up on food and water, then barricade any doors and windows that may be breached. If nothing else, you will make it onto the tv
  8. Are you sure it was the seat and not one of the many objects pushed in there the night before
  9. Or we couldn't give a sheep shag in hell as to their name
  10. Worried the Boogie Man might be lurking
  11. My favorite 7 / 11 sandwich would be 2 sweet cashers with me in the middle 
  12. Would he also complain if a woman offered the same
  13. Easy come easy go, I'm guessing the money was inherited But hey if this woman wants to toss me the odd 10 mil, I won't complain
  14. The Mickey Mouse face on the notes gave a hint of not being Kosher

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