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Grumpy one

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  1. They would have been the quiet ones onboard. At least till they lost their grip
  2. Said the man who likes men
  3. It was a wasted load of ink
  4. I thought F1 races were held every day and night in Thailand, or are these just the warmup laps
  5. Simply stating the obvious. Thailand is not the hub of police corruption; it has a long way to go to reach those heights.
  6. Looks like a crispy critter alien
  7. Don't get out much do you
  8. Get an angry dog or grow a set and bark at them yourself All that is needed is 2 words F##k Off used with a bit of anger works well
  9. Wait till the bill for the sex change arrives
  10. Beware of Grand Mothers sick buffalo
  11. 2200 baht a day divided by 5 workers is only 440 baht each Nothing to get excited about
  12. Keeping it shoved up your backside is rather dangerous, especially when your katoey wants to ride you
  13. Does she use makeup with lead added as was done in the past, causing her insanity Or was she simply born beautiful with a whistling noise coming from ears
  14. It's not the lifting that is my problem, it's my eyesight. I might aim a bit higher and cause a real mess

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