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Grace at Echo Lake

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Posts posted by Grace at Echo Lake

  1. What a load of garbage!  I just left Thailand after about 5 years as a working, paying, involved expatriate (a week ago).  It's clear that expats are not wanted in Thailand anymore and the government is doing what they can to use the COVID-19 ruse as a cover for helping us leave.  Most of the international flights contain passengers leaving Thailand for repatriation reasons - since nobody can get back into  the country.  It's a shame that the people just allow this....

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  2. Geez, there is a very easy solution to much of this.   Encourage & make it easy for people within Thailand to get on planes and get to other regions of the country to visit the mountains, the beaches, etc.  There are constantly different drummers beating different tunes.   I would take 2 trips/week if I had 100% assurance that I wouldn't get detained for 5 hours in the Krabi airport, then forced to fly back to Bangkok and spend the next 14 days quarantined is some soccer stadium........

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