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Silent Number

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Posts posted by Silent Number

  1. 24 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I've pretty much always wanted young slim women (weighing under 50Kg) in their early 30s.

    I wanted them in my 20s, I still want them in my 60s.

    Brit I think what he meant was what I did 20-15-10 years ago I can’t do today Typo maybe

  2. 29 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    OK, got it. So, for you, not Thailand. Hope you ar happy where you are. I and others are happy in Thailand, despite your personal opinion. Oh, so are some married Expat Americans, Aussies and Brits I have known over the 9 years here. Different strokes for different folks. Sad to see you feel it necessary to question their choice. Fortunately, I and others need not conform to your personal opinion. OK ... you go your way, I go mine. Dismissed ...

    Just a Troll  wwest treat it with the contempt it deserves don’t play his game

  3. 4 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    I write what I want, that is what the forum is for, people's opinions.


    If you don't like them, don't read them and upset yourself.


    Never really understood, unless it touches a personal nerve, why people get so upset reading other's responses?


    Maybe you can enlighten us why it bothers you so much to make a personal attack?


    Honestly you couldn't even carry my brief case. You will never achieve that kind of financial lifestyle.


    So don't think for a minute I am miserable and try to prop yourself up because you have nothing.


    You should have figured out a long time ago, that many in Thailand are not content for one reason or another.


    Some that state they are content, how do you know unless you know them personally?


    You seem to be the type of person that read "If the sky was falling" you would believe it.


    You think every post on this forum is true?


    I think you responded in the way you did because you are miserable




    Thank you for those uplifting words you just confirmed what I suspected all along and I don’t use the term lightly but you are one of if not the most uneducated TROLL on this site.I realise now after your comments that’s all you are is a Troll. Don’t post again as you are not worth responding to.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    At $2200 a month, you could certainly live in the USA.


    Most people that work their entire lives have their house paid off, bills paid, off and can live off their retirement earnings.


    Do you own the house in Thailand or was it your wife's?


    How about the car? 


    Do you have any children? What will you leave them? Nothing?


    $11K out of pocket may sound like a good idea to you, but not compared to medicare. That was half a year's income.


    As far as Americans retiring to other countries?


    What percent of Americans out-priced themselves in the USA, versus worked and planned their entire lives to be able to live in their dream destination? 


    The interesting thing, which I don't think you really address, is why is it that most people that move to Thailand get married to a Thai? You never really hear of any married couples moving to Thailand because it is such a wonderful place to retire to?


    Did you move to Thailand solely to get married because Thai women will marry anyone, and it was a place you could afford?


    There are plenty of countries within hours reach of the US you could live just fine on $2200 a month. 


    Why go half way around the world? Something must have prompted you to Thailand?


    The good weather? Sure if you like it smoking hot and humid, or monsoon rain 6 months out of the year. Floods, droughts, not my idea of good weather.


    The food? No thanks to eating Thai food everyday the rest of my life.


    Traffic? Accidents.


    Baht rate? A slight shift if the baht rate means you wouldn't meet the minimum for a visa?


    Air pollution?


    Trash everywhere?







    Pageboy I think you have your countries mixed up that country you waffle on about is Cambodia isn’t it? Thailand suits some people including myself.No it isn’t perfect but I like a rural atmosphere so I live in the country area.i married a Thai National in my home country and after 2 1/2 years of travelling between both places I chose Thailand to retire. But I agree if you have a negative attitude toward the land or it’s rules and regulations or it’s inhabitants don’t stay your health and well-being may suffer if you do but man lighten up don’t beat up on people just because they find here pleasing to them it’s a life choice.Respect their choice as yours should be respected by them.

  5. 2 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    It can be beneficial, burning all bridges, relationships wise .

    I dont have any close family or friends back home anymore .

    Thus do not miss them or yearn to go back .

    Yeah, could always go back to my hometown and go to the same pubs I used to go into when I was 20 years old and drink with all "my mates" who are still drinking in those same pubs , besides, I can talk to anyone live on FB , even from those same pubs, if I really wanted to .

      As I dont miss back home I dont yearn to go back there , and thus I am quite content living in Thailand and am neither a "hater" or "an apologist" , just happy and content living here and dont feel trapped at all

    Took the words right outa my key board all the above applies to me also.I don’t understand this escape route mentality why lock yourself in in first place if you have that mindset.

    • Haha 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Hmmm, plumbing is my big gripe.


    I can think of, maybe, 3 events in my life prior to Thailand that involved burst water pipes.


    I lost count in Thailand!


    When you build a house you accept a veneer that they know what they are doing, but it's window dressing a lot of the time.


    I remember going into my roof space and being appalled at the electrics. I got an electrician to actually come and sort out some of the chaos before it all burst into flames

    Let me enlighten you a little about builders...In my country and probably yours to become a builder you must attend a T.A.F.E. College and pass written and practical tests whilst working as an apprentice for 3years with a certified builder then you get a certificate to hang up on your wall and a card licensed builder. In Thailand the procedure is.... Oops there is no procedure you are a builder because you say you are.  (phu kochung)

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  7. 4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Just out of curiosity .. your friend wouldn't happen to have to deal with Thai construction crews? That'll drive anyone mad. I've been battling with a poorly built plumbing system at our old house this weekend and am ready to murder half the population for the idiocies I've uncovered. Murrrrrrrrrrrrrrder.

    I give you a tip thy have no  idea what a P trap or an S bend is main reason bathrooms are smelly in Thailand

  8. 18 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Please explain to me what's the problem with 50B street food?

    Almost anyone in Thailand, poor, rich, hiso, middle class, eat street food.

    That does not mean we all eat it all the time and it does not mean we eat any street food regardless of the quality.

    But some street food, and some "market food" is good and cheap. So why not eat it?

    On some days I eat the 50B noodle soup and then I have an espresso for more than 100B and maybe a 1000B lunch or dinner. Why not?

    Many street food vendors are specialized on one type of food. Take i.e. pork leg. It takes hours to make that the way it should be. I don't think it's sold in any expensive restaurant. It's street food, and often it's delicious and cheap. IMHO there is nothing wrong with that.





    With street food you know it’s freshly cooked right there in front of you.Do you really know what goes on behind those fancy restaurants closed kitchen doors ? Is it freshly cooked or warmed up leftovers.

  9. 13 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    You're not helping yourself talking about 50Baht street food. Yikes....

    OMG 50 baht street food never I prefer my diet of lobster.,Eye fillet Beef, and fish eggs from Russia,I think they call them Caviar from memory, Of course it goes without saying I wash that down with a bottle of French Champagne (any vintage) the I go sit on my porch Rabian as it’s know here and wave to the peasant farmers as they pass by in their samrollers.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, mr mr said:

    not with that attitude you won't.

    My observation is.If your looking for advice on life in Thailand or any thing on a personal note forget about it the absolute garbage that is posted in reply far outweighs the constructive comments.Therefore I agree with Pilotmans post.(attitude)

  11. 29 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    What if Swissie like ladyboys?


    33 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    What if Swissie like ladyboys?

    Nothin wrong with a good looking ladyboy ...when it’s late at night your pizzed and all the real things are taken....until daylight comes...

    • Haha 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Clive said:

    Thank you very much for all of your advice. Theres a lot of information here and it seems that there is some difference of opinion as expected but most of it is mainly positive but warnings regarding finances. What I didn't mention earlier is I have 2 Thai children so any house building if I ever decide will be put in their name once they become old enough as being late teenagers they're not old enough for this.
    A friend of mine told me years ago when I was living in Thailand nor to put into Thailand what your not prepared to loose and I have followed this advice religiously. Its got me out of trouble on a few occasions as Ive heard too many horror stories in the past. Im 53 and when Im 55 I will be able to draw on my private pension giving me around £55k annually.
    I have never been into the bar girl scene. I don't believe that its good to start a romantic relationship starting with a financial transaction, there will always be the exception to the rule of course but many of these relationships fail. Im looking for a normal rural kind of living as that is what I enjoyed so much previously embracing the Thai culture giving me a n enjoyment I had never experienced before and the Thai people I found so friendly.
    Theres always an escape route but I believe with a relatively good pension and funds from rental property in the uk It wouldn't too difficult to set up elsewhere if it became absolutely necessary but Thailand is where my heart has been for many years now.


    This post is for attention BritManToo.....Please note a word printed on line 7 of the above post those Aussie posters must have learned it from this U.K. countryman of yours.

    • Haha 1
  13. 6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    op..just try it. Everyone is different and wants different things in life.


    Personally, I have been here since I was 30 years old and only been back to my native UK for 1 visit of a week. 


    I have travelled around the world and for me Thailand is where I feel at home.


    I am far from rich....so I disagree with posters saying you need to be rich to enjoy it here. 


    I live in a rural village in Chiang Mai. I live a simple life, keep chickens and ducks, have an orchard and grown organic vegetables. 


    I eat mostly Thai food. I disagree with posters saying all the Thai food is boring after a time. I am still finding new foods. I suspect these posters only eat the basic Street foods or at Thai restaurants. There is even more dishes that are local and home cooked and you never see them in restaurants.


    For me I love the weather, culture, the average Thai person (not rich or snobby) the beauty of the countryside, mountains and sea, the animals and wildlife (I am a zoologyist), the food and freedom to be myself and not have to conform. 


    I think if you like the Thai way of life and the food, that will go a long way to make you happy here.


    If you want to keep your farang food, lifestyle and values or think you can change your Thai partners to be more western than you will not be happy long term.


    Learning the basics of speaking and reading also is a huge step into making you feel like here is home and you will gain more understanding of things and avoid misunderstandings .


    Awww makes me wanna cry ...So sweet. 

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