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Everything posted by JOE BAMA

  1. What are ' Licensed tourist area venues.'?
  2. "Why do you support Harris? I assume you want/believe the opposite of everything I want/ believe, yes?" I think this statement sums up the real political problems in the US. Conservatives "assume" that liberals want/believe the OPPOSITE of everything they want/believe and vice versa. Each political party member feels antagonized and antagonistic against every member of the other party. It's called "polarization." Until the two sides can sit down together and discuss the issues while LISTENING to the other side, no progress will be made. I dislike Trump because he knowingly FEEDS this polarity, this discontent. I believe he is a megalomaniac, although some might say "magalomaniac"! Harris claims to want to bring the two sides closer.
  3. The presence of beggars looks bad to tourists and thus is bad for tourism. I would guess that is the real reason behind this.
  4. How hard could it be to convince the world that Pattaya is not something that it is and has been for a long time? It is the quintessential example of unrestrained capitalism. Rebranding Pattaya is like rebranding Las Vegas. It is what it is, a "rhinestone t*rd."
  5. What in the world would make you think he's American??
  6. This article seems just posted to provoke. It begs many questions but gives few answers. It seems posted in order to elicit heated responses and controversy. No opinion based on this creaky "article" would be an informed opinion.
  7. The best way to make something more attractive is to prohibit it. Didn't the U.S. prove that with their ridiculous, costly, and dangerous prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s? "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." George Santayana
  8. Maybe we should pay more attention to logic and logical fallacies. Attacking De Niro instead of his words entails using a common logical fallacy called "ad hominem" or "attack the man." The Donald himself uses logical fallacies with wild abandon. I agree with everything De Niro said about Trump except the view that Trump is "stupid." He is not stupid. He obviously understands how to manipulate and persuade tens of millions of Americans. Americans would do well to heed George Orwell's words and steer clear of Mr. Trump.
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