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Posts posted by TheX

  1. On 2/12/2020 at 6:27 AM, Richard70au said:

    Thanks Simon, we are planning to move over to Thailand and was hoping to chat with some guys over there, I am also running FT8 here in Australia. Thailand has no reciprical licence agreement with Australia.  





    On 2/12/2020 at 6:12 AM, simon43 said:

    Well, I used to live in Pattaya many years ago, now based in Luang Prabang (Laos).  Many 2 metre band hams in Thailand, but unless you speak Thai, you can't chat with them, and (from my own experience as a Thai-speaking ham), they accused me of being a pirate operator, because 'only Thai people' can be radio hams in Thailand....


    OTOH, operating on the HF bands and chatting with other hams overseas was much more rewarding ????.  From Laos (I'm the only ham in Laos), I mainly operate SSTV and FT8 on 20 metres.


    Simon HS0ZIB / XW0LP / XZ2A / G6JFY


    You should check carefully before posting to people that you are the only HAM in Laos. I live in Vientiane and both my father and myself are hams for a very long time.

    XW6OU, XWIX, HS0ZKZ, AG6OU these are all my call signs, and of course my father well know for many years and one of the first to ever be issued a Ham license is XW1A we have been here for over 28 years in Vientiane.

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  2. I don't know if they have AIRCON, I would be interested only if it had air. I had seen a cute chick driving one in Bangkok, but she using a paper fan, and had a dog, so I wasn't sure if the dog dumped or if the car had no air at all. Unless they have an air system, I wont even consider it. However if anyone knows the solid answer please update.

  3. after reading all of this, its simple, if you want a good woman, a bar is the last place to look for honest woman. Any woman who sleeps with guy the first night is not worth it. and that my friends is the sign. if she was was willing to sleep with you the first night, how many guys has she slept with before you? if you insist to be at the bar, the most honest girl you could MAYBE get from there is the cashier. since in most cases she cannot be bar fined, she sees it all. And she wont sleep with you the first night if she is a  good hearted woman.

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  4. based on the numbers for laos, I would predict that the friendship bridge will open sooner then most think.  sitting at 19 cases for the whole country for 11days now, and nongkhai with no cases, should provide a relaxed area shortly and open up. my father lives in laos, so I can imagine how many thai's are in laos and want to come home. I think first week of may you should see it open.

    • Sad 1
  5. Is this thread still active or dormant? I'm pretty sure most of you by now know the rules for having a gun in thailand is pretty much close to impossible. however if anyone has questions I would like this thread to remain open and we can still keep it active. even for the sake of pellet guns or the likes.


  6. First thing first, any thai woman who does not want to return your calls, means your her side piece. I hear stories like this all the time. I have heard the good bad and the ugly. a lot of women look for the light at the end of the tunnel, the one will support her till the end of what she wants etc. NOT every woman is like this, but most conservative woman will never let you sleep with her the first night. Thats the first sign. For her to say she never sees your messages on FB is a lie in itself, nearly 98% of women use social media every hour, so I would take a step back and breathe..

    Hey there are a lot of fish in the sea, a real thai woman who likes you would introduce you to her family. this is a sign that she is serious. If you cannot meet her mom or father and has every excuse in the book, then she doesn't want you to know about who she is. A lot of people on here have been there, done that. A bar girl is the last woman you want to bring home to mom and say your in love. Here is something to think about bar girls. If a girl sleeps with 1 guy a week then multiply that by 12, and then think about how long she has been there.... she says 4 years, then multiply that by 4 years, you get about 802 different men who have slept with her, even 50% that 401 different men. For them its a living. For men its just another chick. try picking up some women at the mall. you will have a better success rate in the long run. They do have some really good women out there who will treat you right, let alone message you until you get fed up, that's a girl who really likes you.

  7. just stay at home like your supposed too. If you need to go out and buy food just go and get back. why is knowing if they have a roadblock necessary? if you have nothing to hide, its just a temp check and off you go.

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