Soi Khao Noi. Both my AIS FTH and my 3BB VDSL collapsed on Tuesday morning. AIS was back up again early afternoon. Decided I was going to harass 3BB until I received the truth about continued failure of service and after 6 calls over the past two days finally received the information - whether correct or not - that PEA had severed cables during their mass Boonsampan cable clear-up over Monday / Tuesday and that they were now in the process of correcting their error, presumably with a soldering iron, and that once they had completed this then 3BB would be able to reconnect their customers. Chose to leave it there as the reasons given over the previous calls could not be squared with common sense but having seen numerous tonnes (literally) of coiled cables holding up traffic on Boonsampan on Monday, it seemed to be the most plausible answer.
On the burning question as to when 3BB would be able to restart their service I received the most honest answer of the week; "I don't know".