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Posts posted by dominique355

  1. every day i thank my lucky stars that this guy and his ilk are not my immediate neighbors

    What exactly is Sec. 44 empowering Prayut to do?
    Oh yeah, right: superseed Parliament and Court and any personal responsibility.
    Ronald Regan once said: Politicians are like little babies: a big mouth on one end and no responsibility for the other end.

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. Apart from being legitimized by the USA and the United nations the West could care less.

    Next time you meet a tourist ask them who is governing Thailand and what you will get is a shrug of the shoulders.

    The only people freaking out are jaded expats. Thais just get on with their lives enjoying the peace

    Not to mention Lange & Sohne ..

    Except of course the few brave students who now all behind bars for having an opinion

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. All western countries have defamation/libel laws, including the UK where the BBC adhere to the letter, but they come to Thailand and think they are above the law.


    JH is a professional Thai basher... So som nom na!


    That is simply not true.

    In any civilized country a diffamation charge is dismissed if the defendant con show that what he said is true and based on facts.

    Not so in Thailand. The veracity if the defendants publication has no bearing here.

    In other words, if you call a crook a crook you go to prison.


  4. This is one big mess, from the legal point of view.

    Application of a criminal law retroactively is unheard of in the civilized world

    Application of a law before it come into force...?

    But no legal remedy against the seizure of all her assets?

    All this smells like a whole lot of rats.

    But the Military government really doesn't care about the Rule of Law. Shame!



  5. So its just a freeze. not money taken out of the accounts... that is different from taking the money. This is purely a precaution. If she had bolted with the money everyone would have called the army fools. Its quite normal that accounts are frozen until a judgement is made. This happens in other parts of the world too. 

    These freezes have a tendency to remain for years. So in result the same as confiscation.
  6. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Another crazy idea, halve the road deaths.

    First step, teach people how to drive second educate people about wearing helmets.

    Stupid me, it will never happen.

    Third: Enforce the existing laws and rules.


    No need to make 1000 of new rules and never enforce them.

    Remember a few years ago when with a big bang the RTP announced the cameras to catch those who run a red light? Big show for two weeks and some frontline phots of a car caught, then back to normal... no more enforcement of this rule.


    It always amazes me how drivers can brake the law in front of a policeman and this policeman could care less.

  7. Cars were seized 2 months ago....and yet he still hasn't sent in the documentation...?
    Buy a car from wherever...keep the receipt and paperwork to prove car' previous ownership and that the purchase was genuine....?

    My car happened to be at the dealer for a minor repair when DSI seized it. The car was paid for in full, registered and had a white license plate.
    I went to DSI showing them the sales contract, the bank papers showing that I paid in full and obviously the blue book.
    That was 6 weeks ago. Nothing happened...
    I called DSI again and went there. They asked me to sign this paper whereby I agree not to sell or damage the car, subject to a fine of THB 15 Mio. Reluctantly I signed. They promised to release the car in 3 days. That was 3 weeks ago. DSI has still not released my car.
    So I called again. This time they asked for another paper to be signed, but would not show it beforehand.
    I still don't have my 100% legal car back.
    Niche is correct when accusing DSI to drag their feet.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  8. I don't understand why so many farangs are so concerned about when the election will be.  Whenever the election is doesn't affect any of us.  And, it appears that many Thais are happy with the status quo wrt the current government.  

    Maybe they hope that after the election Thailand will return to democracy and will respect human rights like freedom of speech and freedom to assemble.
    No more attitude adjustments and military courts and S44....am I dreaming?
  9. Well I gotta admit, I kind of like the guy. He uses force and authority to do things but don't forget one thing: the masses of people are stupid following what everyone is doing. For this reason, I think a "true" democracy is not good for a country. For example, if you want a train rail built, everyone will argue and want shares and try to stall the project - without democracy, the PM can simply say "shut up, we're going ahead with the project now, end of story". It saves millions to taxpayers, get things moving, and improves the country.
    When watching the NCPO on TV, we clearly see that he doesn't know how to talk like a politician. And this is good. He focuses on getting things done rather than trying to find out which word will sound politically correct and offend as little people as possible. We have to offend people if we want things done, otherwise everything will stall.
    Look which countries on the planet have a fully democratic system, and make a correlation with birth rates, mass immigration, and loss of culture. Pretty easy to answer.
    Of course this implies that the leader must know what he is doing - but in this case, I think most of his ideas are good - except the submarine deal.

    I wonder how real democracies ever got a train built?
    Take Switzerland: certainly a democracy, they don't even have a general. Seriously! And yet they just built and finished the longest tunnel in the world for a train connection North - South. Costs a couple of billions and the "stupid" people understood it and agreed to it in a vote.
    Generals and the Military are the biggest threat to freedom and democracy.
    No wonder educated people don't like them.
  10. It's not just the importer who might suffer from a bad reputation and even closing their business but also the owners of such supercars.

    Even if the owner can prove that the price he paid to the dealer/importer is in fact more than 100% + 328% of the price paid in Europe, the DSI still impounds his car and would not release it despite all the evidence.

    I know what I am talking about, believe me.


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