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DE Land

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Posts posted by DE Land

  1. I also listen to non mainstream music. I'm talking about Jazz Fusion, RockxJazz type of thing, Progressive Rock and also Instrumentals. Spotify has more than 90% of what I want to listen to. Few occasions that I wish it has some certain tunes and songs, but quite rarely, since it has very extensive library. And on the upside it introduces me to other non mainstream music that are similar to my taste. It's great!

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  2. Used to do it like the way you want it. Downloaded music videos from YouTube using an app that had YouTube download support and a library in that same app. But it was buggy and was no more updates after a while. After that was hard to update and very troublesome add more music.


    Using Spotify now, was skeptical at first. But now I'm very happy that I subscribed to it! Very cheap here only 129 baht per month.. really good app. You should try it. Free trial for a month.

  3. Why gik?? Why not girlfriend boyfriend - with open relationship instead if you prefer not sticking to 1 partner.


    Gik culture in Thailand is an abomination. It will open doors to many life problems and conflicts. Gik = secret lover (mistress, etc). My question is: Why secret?? Is cheating involved? are you ashamed of your relationship? People who have giks and cheat on their partners are basically losers and cowards who don't have balls to admit that they like to have multiple sexual partners but scared to face the consequences, and instead hurting other people.


    If you like to have multiple partners, fair enough, then do it without shame involved, don't actively trying to hide it.


    I would strongly suggest staying away from Gik culture as far as possible as it will be a time bomb in your life.

    Just say to your girl that "We can be boyfriend and girlfriend in an open relationship" That's it.

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