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    Thai Countryside

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    Thai Countryside

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  1. Useless government Sort out your own backyard first before blaming your nextdoor neighbour ! More money for equipment Manpower Training etc Every year same excuses All talk no action While your citizens and tourism have to put up with this <Sh1-t> air quality!
  2. Feck that for a game of soldiers! Stay at home G and Ts at the ready Bbq on standby Mrs on the somtam pot Truck safely parked Not into watersports Happy new year
  3. Drunken yob no class completely crass Obviously cannot hold his drink ! This happens in every country everyday !
  4. More flip flops than the trump 😂
  5. Every time I read about Thai fighting farang it always has details like falang on the floor being repeatly kicked in the head by more than one person! Well fecking animals and cowards especially if the person on the floor is elderly! Best advice let Thai deal with Thai !
  6. Is that correct Savings prior to Jan 1 24 are considered tax free even if transferred now ??
  7. Anyone popped along to there local tax office to apply for tax id number ? Or staying under the radar for now ?
  8. Makes me laugh Thai government announcements ? Every week some new initiative is announced and the following week it's changes again 😂 Still better than having dictator trump as your leader !!
  9. Thai rice is excellent Their bamboo is good quality Textiles And food 🙏
  10. Even if double lines were in place These idiot drivers do not conform. There irresponsible driving manners cause accidents! Rip
  11. Lol 😂 But it's absolutely no problem To have a 4 meter high / 3000 kg load on a 20 year old 1000kg pick up Drive of a night with no lights on Family of 4 on a moped Live wires protruding from lamp posts and pavements Happy Christmas ⛄ 🎁
  12. What happens if you live within the national park boundaries? You have to pay 300 Baht every 5 days ? If you have a non resident visa ie retired or Spouse visa 300 could be 150 Baht Time spent and money spent !! Tourist can pay 300 Baht Cheap for them on holiday Fair enough 😉
  13. Pets are not just for Christmas 🎄
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