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  1. Yep agree !! oysters of all varieties and colors strewn on the side walk by men and women from just about every orifice. VILE. A hazard should you slip on one when walking. Irky dirty tur*s.
  2. Fantastic: just what everyone in Thailand wants. Hoards of Chinese buying up condo's in Thailand. OR is is Chiland. Been to many restaurants and when there are groups of Chinese around the buffet they bring bags to nick the eggs, sweet potatoes and what ever they can fleece. Unbelievable.
  3. Quote: 'My country is full of anti-social useless lowlifes' How do you know that ???? Seems a rather brash statement. Why don't you just let the host country decide on whom they will allow in. And I'm sure they already do. In some countries it's possible to get a criminal record for running a red light. Is that valid reason for barring a person into a country? Bye now. Don't bother replying as I wont read it. Not interested in sanctimony.
  4. So you are ok with their husbands and boyfriends being punished ? They are their pimps and the scum.
  5. Interesting !!! And where do YOU lie on this spectrum between being highly moral and a low life ???
  6. Yep !! Big brother Xi will be bristling with joy. As soon as they start to remove cash and install millions of security cameras that will be your cue to vamoose as quickly as possible. This 'new' law is ridiculous. Has anyone of these moronic officials discovered it's hurts most when you hit someone with a fine.
  7. Why don't you take your negativity away with you. Of course Einstein. It goes without saying. So let's move on. Most of us have been cheated of three productive years - and millions will never be back. Thanks to someone that handed this virus to us on a not so silver platter.
  8. Maybe he only got 'caught' because he wasn't willing to divest some of the ill gotten booty in the form of a brown envelope to someone else higher up. I doubt this sort of thing is done in isolation.
  9. Bitcoin and the likes are electronic currency . No physical currency SO it's subject to the same intrusion to cashless. Also, it's a way of losing your money overnight.
  10. Yes, indeed... after all it's less than a couple of beers.
  11. Cashless society means without doubt ... governments and banks and others have you exactly by the ba**s. The world doesn't need to meekly bow to the authorities to allow a cashless society.
  12. Well the solution for you and others that don't approve what the government has done and are fearful of the ?? future unknown increases is...... wait for it......drum roll....'don't go to Thailand'. Simple And if you don't go there will be 25 million (minus yourself) that will go. Don't quibble about nothing.
  13. Well in response, you want to go to Bali ?? then you will pay $50 for visa on arrival (it used to be free). If the destination serves your need then 10 bucks is a storm in a teacup. The officials are not being greedy. Now if the fee was say 100,200,300,400 $$ then yes 'maybe' that would initiate a re-think.
  14. Well simply put, will a measly 300b coerce travelers to go elsewhere? I think not. It's about 10 measly bucks for goodness sake. Like pi**ing in a huge bucket - you wouldn't even notice it.
  15. I keep away from anyone has tough ti**ies much prefer natural... not silicon.
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