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the pleiadian

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Posts posted by the pleiadian

  1. I still can't see them count the days visually. If I stay in Thailnd for a 180 day period, I probably have gone in and out for 12-15 trips out of the Thai country. I may have total over 90 days or less in the 180 day period. There is just simply no visual way to count the total days from tons of stamps of all the nations unless the immigration check in staff can do remote viewing or have psychic abilities.

    Also the highlighter use seem up to the immigtation staff. I did not have any highlighter on visa stamps and a my friend has 2 visa stamps after Oct 1, one has highlighter, one doesn't have.

    If you have a passport with only few stamps, and have 3 obvious stamps of Thailand, then its obvious and easy to count, but for many of us who are in and out constantly, the only way to keep track the total days is by a very advanced computer program that has to be connected to every single immigration computer at every corner of Thai. The program has to set the day of the begining of each person's 180 day cycle, since each one came in diffrent time after Oct1, then add all the entry days each visit, since each person has different number of visits and different number of stay days each visit. This system is the only possible way to calculate the total days of each person, if the Thai really want to enforce the rule, the system is the only way, othwerwise, there is no simple way to do by visual unless you have only a few visa stamps.

  2. I contact DBS and UOB in Singapore, both do not require local address, but they want a letter of referal. UOB said if you have a acount with UOB in Thailand, HK, or else where, the bank can write you a letter referal, no problem. DBS said they want a DBS customer to write a introduction letter, I have friends with DBS acounts, so no problem. But without the letters, I think still okay to open in most cases, if you look decent. The USD 6 month fixed in UOB or DBS is about 4.6-4.7% and better than Hong Kong banks now or Bangkok Bank which is only 4.1% for 6 month fixed. A big diffrence if you have a big number to deposit.

  3. Quote: Do the after 1st Oct entry stamps not look different and/or have been marked somehow with color/number(1,2,3...)/or the letter "Q"? This is what others have reported. Cheers!

    I looked to see the recent arrival stamps, they do not look any diffrent. The only thing written on is the scribble of flight numbers, barely can read them anyways. And one of the 3 recent stamps besides the flight number, also the official wrote 30, i think it means 30 days visa. So I don't sense anything different yet.

  4. I have been out and in of Bangkok 3 times since Oct 1, the alleged new rule starts on Oct 1. I went to Yangon for a wekend, then back to BKK, a trip to Singapore to see a friend, then back to BKK, another trip to Macau, and just came back to BKK. The immigrattion all 3 times did not look at other stamps at all, stamped me in seconds, I did not sense any diffrence compared to before, I still have lots of suspicion how are they will count the 90days out of 180 days cycle. Especailly like me with hundreds of stamps squeezed on all over the pages. I also doubt they will have all the computers systems all over every single immigrations to count automatically. I personally thin the new rule is not enforceble by this Thai standards.

  5. Kim Eng and Seamico both have great English website for on-line trading. I have both accounts. just a passport can open account. I play for fun Thai stocks for many yera now. But the heyday of Thai stocks was 3-4 yeras ago when it was 4hundred something index to peak 800 in 1 year or so. Few years back I bought BBl about 60 bahts and PTT at 120 or so and I took a long break back to Europe and Brasil and did not pay attention to it for many months, and later I check the prices after many months, BBl at over 100 and PTT 180. So I sold them all. Of course if I hold them longer the profit even more. But it was fun for me back 3-4 yera ago, all majore stocks went up and up for 1 straight yera.

  6. About the cost of living:

    Brasil is sooo huge and diverse that there is no unified standard of living, it depends on the areas you live.

    The north and northeast is cheaper than southeast and the south. There are many popular cities for expats like Fortaleza, Natal, Maceio, Vitoria, Salvador, Recife, Joao Pessoa, and many many other smaller towns at well. The average ranges of rent of a 1-2 bed room apt or condo on the beach fronts will cost from 200USD to 600USD. One meal at the street corner bar 1-2 USD. At economy Churrascaria 3-6USD.

    Then if you stay in the southeast like in SP or Rio and include all the many many beach cities on the SP or Rio coasts, the rent is 1.5 times up. The food is maybe 1.2 times up ect ect. But food is still very cheap.

    The south like Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Floripa, Blumenau, ect cost of living not much different from SP or Rio, the rent is a little cheaper and food a little cheaper, but not by much.

    So if you are on low economy, maybe the northeast is the most economical, and all season warm, SP and the south have seasons, winter(may-sep)can be quite chilly in many places.

    SP is very chilly at night all year round, Rio is warm all year round. If you want all year sun shine and warm, Fortaleza, Vitoria, Maceio, Natal, Recife, ect will suit you.

  7. I have been to Argentina a few times, but the living quality and diversity and fun cannot even compare to Brazil's any towns. I am mostly active in the south of Brasil like Florianopolis, to me it's the most amazing city in the world, with hundred of beautiful beaches in the city limit, and so safe violent crimes is almost unheard of.

    Also if you don't need beaches nearby, I also reccommend very well organized and very safe cities like Porto Alegre and Curitiba, with very high living standards like the level of Czech, Poland, Greece, Spain ect. Very nice for long stay or retirement as well.

    Also up north again Flotaleza, Maceio, Vitoria, Natal all very beautiful and cost of living much lower than SP or Rio.

    One important thing I like to point out is, the contrast and maturity of Brazil and Thai governement concering handling people who like thier countries and have intention of long stay.

    Brazil's atitude is welcome people who want to stay and can offer something constructive to the nation. No matter you run a restaurant, teach English, sell vegetables, teaching dancing, take care old people, whatever, even you are illegal immigrants, Brasil will pardon you once every 3-4 yaers or so, and offer you permanent residency once they confirm you are contributing a tiny part to their country.

    Brasil trys hard to assimmilate you whatever you come from, and want you to be legal and contribute your part in the society and hope you become Brasilianized and be a happy members of Brasil society one day. So the policy is to grant people who have strong desire to stay the legal status and make sure you are a productive part of the society.

    Thai gov't is so opposit, they tend to think only if you can offer them money, then you come, even you have Thai spouse, you still need to show money to even get a multiple visa, actuaaly one friend have written complain to the UN human right commission about this, the UN human right commission express concern about this situation which is against human rights, because what if the hunsband is poor and have no home to go back to, then is he rejected the right to see and stay with his wife and childern because he has no money to offer to the Thai gov't. Hope UN can condemn directly to Thai authority.

    So basicaly thai gov't only want to see the money first for all longer visas, thats it, very short sighted, and too money crazed, they do not care if you can offer and contribute your part in their society, be a valueable part in thier society, no money, no talk policy, thats the Thai policy.

    So hope this make clear the policy stands of Thai and Brasil governmennts regarding the people who desire to stay in their country. It shows clearly some people are much more mature than the others.

  8. This program is very simple and easy. You invest 50000 USD to condo or even a business there like a restaurant or a shop or a cafe whatever, no limitation, ,you and your family who is under 18, will all get permanent residency. You can also work in your own business too.

    All these crimes happen mostly in these mega cities like Sao Paulo, Rio. In other coast towns the crime is much less than Bangkok. Popular relocation like Floripa, Fortaleza, Maceio, Natal, Guaruja, Santos, and all other coatal cities in state of Rio and Sao Paulo, have very very little violent crime. All these have heavy expat populations. Ok but even in big cities like Sao Paulo and Rio, violent crimes mostly happen in favelas, or against the authority, the only crime you face is petty crimes like theft and robberies. If you are in Rio or SP, you will learn how to defuse these problem by giving the robbers some pocket money. Don't play Rambo, these street guys in Rio are small time crooks and have absolutley no intention to hurt you, they just want some money for food, so its very easy to defuse the situation once you live there.

    But in other coastal cities, crimes is quite rare, like Floripa, Fortaleza, are the top choices for me. both beautiful setting and more cheaper than SP or Rio.

    Ok, if you don't want to get permanent residency, or soend the money for PR, you can still live forever, in Brazil, just do a visa run or out of the country in 180 days, then back any time you want for another 180 days, 90 days visa free then 90 days free extension, Brazil will not trouble any one with extensions. Or will not troble any one making 180 days visa run either. I will be in Floripa shortly to meet my sweet garota. Saudade muito.

  9. Many of you obviously never went to Brazil. Brazil's living environment, atmosphere, gastronomy, night life, nature, culture, music ect ect is imcomparable with other Latin nations or with any southeast Asian nations. It is in a class by itself. And most importantly it is very visa firendly. Thats why there are so many long stay residents all alone the thousands miles of coasts.

    I stay in Brazil about 7-8 months a year and then shift to Asia for rest. Brasil is very popular with people from Germanic countries, Holland, Scandinavians, French, also lots of southern Europeans, and recently yaers lots of Japanese, Koreans and other Asians are long staying in one of the hundreds of coastal beach cities. And for some reasons, Brasil is not very popular with English speaking nationals like British, Aussies, or Americans.

    One thing that Brasil stands way top of the long stay destinations is the granduer of nature beauty, and the exciting cultural variety, and its art and music, the foods, the dry and sunny climate, thousands of miles of white sand beaches, hundreds of beautiful beach cities along the coast to choose to stay, and the sentiment and passion of the Brazilian people regardless the skin tone and skin colors. Another thing, Brasil is such a clean and sanitary nation, even the weakest stomache can feel easy.

    This is one of the top long stay destination in the world, but somehow not as well known to English speaking nationals, I assume 90% of the board members are probably English speaking nationals. You should take a trip there to see the ambiente for yourself, I can guarantee you will fall in love with the country and of course with the garotas too. Just like I did over 15 years ago, I heart beat on bossa nova, my blood run on samba.

  10. To help people looking for alternative. Brasil lowered the investment amount for permanent residency to only 50000 USD. You deposit the money in one of the official banks, they will give you interests more than 10% a yera.

    Now the PR process is quick, from 2-3 months, you will obtain permanent residency after you deposit into the bank and you can withdraw all the money out no problem after you obtain PR.

    Once you obtain permanent residency, you can buy lands, condos, have all the rights the same as Brasilians, except voting right. If you want voting right, you can be naturalized as Brasilian in 5 yaers or less.

    But as permanent resident, you have same right doing business and investment as Brasilian citizens. Everything in your own titles and names.

    For people who marry Braslians, you will receive permanent residency in 1-3 months with ease. Then have the same investing rights as Brasilians as well.

    Popular destinations in Brasil for relocation:

    1. Coast of Sao Paulo-Santos, Guaruja, Sao Vicente,

    2. Northeastern coast-Fortaleza, Maceio, Natal, Salvador, Recife,

    3 Rio and its coast-Buzios, Cabo Frio, Angras dos Reis,

    4. Southern coast and cities-Florianopolis, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Blumenau,

    You can also buy a condo in Brasil and apply for PR at the same time, a condo in northeast coast like Fortaleza on beach front 2-3 rooms, from 30000 USD. In Sao Paulo beach coast 2-3 rooms, from 50000USD, in south like Florianopolis coast, 2-3 rooms on the beach from 30000USD.

    If people cannot affort 50000 USD for PR, can enter Brasil for 90 days visa free, plus 90 days free extension. Further extension possible.

    Personally 50000USD in the official bank to apply for PR is the best deal in the world. Take the money out after obtain PR in 2-3 months, or buy condo over 50000USD and apply the PR at the same time.

    Beautiful nation with beautiful people. Hope this help.

  11. I have no understanding of this whatever rule that is. I am EU citizen and have furniture designing company in Hong Kong, and do not spend much time in my office because my manager take care everything.

    I come to Thailand for pleasure each month. Sometimes 1 week sometimes up to several weeks depend on my schedule. According to what I read here, people like me can come for pleasure 3 times only and cannot come for 90 days?? This policy is just too rediculous, must be out of some monkey brain. Because I know many friends, European expats in HK, Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, ect, come Thailand for pleasure every month, some people only work a few days a month, and spend their big chunks of money in Thailand for pleasure. Are we in this group also affected??

    If Thailand don't want our business, we can always go on to nearby Fillippines to spend our leisure money.

  12. I came across this website about some weeks ago. This is my first posting. I personally met Prince Kiko one time a few years ago when I was staying in Fuengirola in Costa del Sol. The Hohenlohe family has huge estates in Marbella which is nearby.

    The Hohenlohe family is treated like the Kaiser in Costa del Sol because they were fully responsible to turn and developed these areas especially Marbella into a world class super resort. The residents foreign or local in the Costa del Sol respect the Hohenlohe family.

    I met Prince Kiko in a seaside restaurant in Fuengirola. I was introdeuced to him by my Norweigian friend who is a resident of Malaga and who knows Prince Kiko and his family well. Prince Kiko was very very polite and had a good sense of humour and treated us wine and lots of sea food dishes, and ended up he paid for all our bills. And also invited us to his estate for dinner the next day if we have time. But I did not go because I had other schedule.

    When a friend from Germany e-mail me about this dreary incident some days ago, it made me really sick in my stomach for many days. Prince Kiko does not have to die in the stincking cell in Bangkok. Also I heard he was denied bail for this small minor offense that made me more sick. My Norweigian friend told me that he did it because Kiko has very bad impression of Thailand as being very corrupted and he was afraid the immigration would make so much trouble for him at the airport for being late one day for his visa and he would miss the flight to Japan then unto Honolulu again.

    Kiko was a newbie in Thailand and he did not know that you can pay a fine at the airport and get out smoothly. He changed the date by a blue pen out of worry and his nervousness that he would miss his flight again and also out of his impression of Thai officials being very corrupted and would give him problems intentionally and he did it out of compulsion and really just wanted to return to Honolulu quickly.

    A little misunderstanding on his part cost his life in Thailand. The family is so devasted about the senseless death of Kiko. The funeral in Marbella made news stories all over Europe but maybe Thailand is too shamed to carry this news on their own TV or newspaper.

    The Hohenloe-Langenburg family do not like to use thir status and power. They are very humble, but in this case they might have made the fatal mistake. They did not realize how childish and rediculous the judicial system in Thailand. They were shocked in the first place that a minor offense like this landed Kiko in jail then shocked again for bail denied. They thought when the mother Ira came here with the family prestige everything would be fine. But the family again was totally shocked and unprepared for this dreadful nation's legal system and human rights.

    The family had made a very critical mistake. Because of their humble atitude they did not ask the help of Prince Hans Adam of Lietchenstein which the Hohenloe family has good relation with. If they had asked his help in the first place, it is certain that just one phone call to Thailand would get him out.

    The family at first was thinking legal action against Thailand. But they think it won't bring back Prince Kiko so they may drop it. But hope this case will teach a lesson to the dreadful Thai systems. This case was quite publicized in Europe and it is really hurting Thailand's image greatly.

    Although I only met Prince Kiko breifly years ago, but I still feel very sick in stomach how can this kind of things happen even in the most uncivilized world like Thailand. Its just beyond belief. Condolences to the devasted Hohenloe family.

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