What a ridiculous post. Are you living in Bizarro World ?? Your post contains nothing but fake news Democrat propaganda talking points. Good grief... try removing yourself from the Democrat controlled media and educate yourself.
Denying the validity of elections? Oh you mean like your side STILL do with the 2000 election? And the 2016 election? Trum colluded with the Russians right? 🤣 The Stacy Abrams governership election?
Claiming permanent immunity from prosecution for all crimes committed while in office? It is a fact that the president has immunity, it is not a "claim", furthermore Trump did not commit any crimes, and as with most fake talking points, the clip you refer to about the Seal team assasinating his rival was a hypothetical question asked by a judge.
Trump has made it clear he doesn't respect democracy and elections, and wants to be immune from all prosecution for his crimes? Absolutely clueless. Tell me, how many supreme court decisions did Trump ignore? And how many has Biden ignored? Yet it's Trump who doesn't respect democracy... Please... go off and educate yourself, and then come back and argue with the grown-ups.