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Posts posted by Abrasol

  1. After making statements regarding IBS, I realized that there is quite a difference as one e-mail writer previously mentioned between constipation IBS and diarrhea IBS.

    There is also (quite frequently) a mixed form with irregular change from diarrhea to constipation.

    Yes, IBS is a general term that is used when no specific diagnosis can be given in other categories.

    Actually it is a term that is used for a trouble that is not caused by a functional disorder, but has similar symptoms. As psychosomatic causes are so difficult to determinate, the diagnosis is said "to not fit in a specific category". But food allergies or parasites are not called IBS, even when not diagnosed properly!

    IBS has sometimes a quite clear profile: the disorder appears and vanishes suddenly and with no apparent reason, which is not the case with a functional disorder or a disorder caused by parasites or any kind of food allergies or sensitivity. When the symptoms (and the sickness) persists, it gets more complicated, though. In such case the reason can be tracked with methods you have described. The causes of actual IBS (which are mostly due to some kind of traumata) can in most cases not be tracked or determinate for good. This is the nature of IBS: the traumata shows up in your belly, just because "it" doesn't know what to say - if it knew, it would rather show up in your mind and TALK! :o

  2. Hi sidban2,

    I live in CNX Hang Dong area, and will return there in about 3 weeks. I may get back to you then.

    TIP: Keep a food journal and eat only a few foods at each meal so you can trace it back to a food that causes the reaction. Do not over eat as this can cause a reaction as well. And, never drink water from a bottle unless it clearly states that the process used was reverse osmosis or distilled.

    Here I agree only partially. Every case is different and I agree on one hand, that one should generally avoid anything that may provoke the condition. On the other hand I found that I can eat or drink almost everything (and need no single additive or medication) without any trouble, - if I'm feeling fine and relaxed. This is the case when I actually have had no "condition" for sometime. Journal or bookkeeping may have a reverse effect, as you focus on your "problem" . It also reminds you about it, instead of just making forget about it (which can be the best medecine for psychosomatic disorders). IBS has to do with some kind of "self fulfilled prophecy", if you get my point here... ;-)

    One has to keep in mind that IBS is actually very common, but only few people have a more severe form which tends to get chronical. That is why one cannot easily give general advice, and why personal experience may not be of much help in some cases.

  3. Although I can’t drop a link to my website, Hypnotherapy has been very effective with IBS. There are several other places you can look. But you should consider it because much is caused by anxiety in anticipation of the symptoms.

    I'm suffering from IBS for some 20 years + and the anxiety in anticipation is in deed the cause of a Aggravation of the symthoms. Quite similar to many cases of Migraene. Hence, the condition you're in is conditioned by your state of mind and not due to your nutritional habits.

    Nutritional guidelines are fine for some people but only good enough to make digestion easier while having a chronical condition. Better nutrition may also prevent 'standard' digestion problems wich actually are the cause of anticipations of a coming IBS condition. But any nutritional guidelines will not prevent or change the state of mind which provokes and aggraves your condition. Exercise, Yoga or any workout is recommended, because it keeps your mind busy and makes you feel better (eventually leads to a better digestion). But the actual problem remains the cause of the condition which is definately idiopathic in most cases.

    Unfortunately IBS is linked to other psychosomatic disorders, which may show up sooner or later. Fortunately it passes without reason for months, years or for longer.

  4. I've looked, but so far have not been able to find any kirsch here. Does anyone know a place that sells it?


    Have you been at Carefour's spirit section? I'm not sure about Kirsch, but they have got lots of hard to find spirits. They even have the original abricot spirit from a famous Swiss Brand - and this Brand does Kirsch as well. Give it a try at Carrefour and have a closer look! :o

  5. I twice dealed with Nassar and he screwed me once and tried a second time. He did mix Si1 and Si2 Diamonds in a lot and tried to sell' them as Si1. In fact I got suspicious, but he said he separate one quality in two different zip bags and now put them together again. Later my goldsmith found that I picked about 2/3 of Si1 and 1/3 of Si2 of the lot. The diamonds were small between 0.03 and 0.04 kt :o

    I caled him to ask him why he was lying, even after I wanted to know why he did mix 2 different bags in one lot. He didn't answer but wanted me to come to his shop, bring back the stones and get refund.

    He used to have his castings and goldsmith work done not far from his place. A small shop located in the next soi, hold by Mae Sai people. But that was years ago. They didn't come along as he did bargaining and bargaining the labour prices like Wall Mart and still wasn't satisfied. This small shop does quite good work at reasonable prices but the gems they sell are a little expensive.

    I hereby confirm that in my opinion and regarding my "learning experience", Nassar is a good sales man, talented narrator and anyway good at rhetorics, but in fact a ordinary liar and betrayer. Don't buy at Nassar's shop anyway!

    Don't buy any gems or diamonds if you don't know the business - there is no advice, nor address of a shop, dealer or any other hint to give to a layman.

  6. I recall that a few years ago, the price for standard 2 meter wall was in the 700-800B/m range for labor and materials. Upper end very strong could be around 1300. If it is not in a level area or has/will have dirt placed against it, be sure the post foundation is strong. The past rainy season a lot of wall went down.

    I paid less about 3 Years ago. Just labor was exactly 300 Baht/m for a 100m wall. All in all the wall of (quite) exactly 100m came 65.000 Baht, labor and material included. The terrain was even a little special and at som parts the wall ist as tall as 3m. The average hight is 2.20m.

    The wall seems to be well done until now.

    If you're lucky to find skilled workers which charge average, and you buy all of the material by yourself, I bet you can have it done just under 1000baht/m all inclusive. Otherwise as destimated by mongoose, 1200-1400baht/m will be the standard.

  7. I am dealing with some soil problems in our yard and need some advice.

    After a year and a half of dealing with gaps in our hedge and plants not doing well at all in various areas, I suspect that both concrete leavings by the builders and acid being added to our septic tank before we purchased have caused the PH-level of the soil to change radically. Do any of you know where I may find a soil PH test kit in Chiang Mai? And the chemicals necessary to correct PH?

    Hi Dustoff,

    Be sure to only use native seeds and plants, I've tried lots of Europeen (and non native)herbs and vegetable seeds, but they don't grow fine. Firstly they germ quickly but don't grow higher than 2-3 cm. This is not a soil problem but a genetic-one. Some grow higher during the cool season, but none grows as it should. I tried almost everything, no way!!!

    Dolomite as well as PH strips are available at Nothern Chemicals at the Super High Way. At the beginning of S.H. Coming from the university, about half a mile (800m) at the left side.

    And don't try to catch snakes with that "conduit-snake-catcher", firstly you can't carefully slip the loop over the snakes head and gently pull back! No snake of God's grey earth will hold still, unless it's weather eating or digesting a huge meal, or sick, or even half dead. Snakes are ###### quick. This selfmade snake catcher may work in theory or maybe in a terrarium. If you go to practise and try the thing, you'll notice that it's a kinda useless toy for most situations. Most of the time snakes flie from humans,- and in case as quick as they can, which means quicker than you may be able to get or even use your tool. If you deal with poisonous snakes, such a toy is even dangerous. 2 meters is not long enough to be on the safe side anyway! Thais know verry well why they kill them instead of catching'm.

    PS: this one you may be able to catch with that tool :o


  8. Loom, why so deeply sceptic and why those stereotypes?

    With the exception of the paperclay photo gallery link on your website, it looks like the clay work you're doing is commercial--slip cast or molded. In fact, it sounds like you're working with the factories in Lampang for commercial mass production.

    Indeed, most of what you can see at the website is casted, but it's our designs - and we also do the molds (well I am manufacuring them). The factories can't do the (bird)whistles either. They possibly could do the easy-ones, but not the ones from Mayan origins, which can't be executed by factory-crafters. I'd never tell them how to do either, it's a result of personal research!

    Why do you want to hear from farang potters? Are you interested in learning how to throw or are you looking for unique designs you can mass produce in Lampang?

    I don't need to learn to throw, as I learned it 25 years ago at one of Europe's best school in that field, at Geneva Art Deco. I'm not looking for any unique designs either, as I am designer myself!

    We are interested to get in touch with people who share the same interests. Most people we generally meet are retired or for some other reason not interested that much in such fields and topics.

    Got the plot so far?

  9. Think your best bet is to try some of the factories in Lampang if you are doing the ceramic stuff.

    Ceramic stuff? What's that? Well I think that the factories in Lampang area may be Ok, for producing your "stuff" in huge series. That's what they're interested in. They don't do any test firing for anybody, as far as I know.

    However I am sure you’ll find it hard to find a company that is willing to cooperate with you.

    In fact we have had good experiences with cooperation, except one guy who wanted to cheat us. I don't agree with people who find it hard and difficult to cooperate with Thai handicrafters - I did so for many years and I love it.

    In Chiang Mai you can try Ceramic Network on the CM-Lamphun Road in Sarapii (crap factory, lazy attitude and nobody in charge)

    Yeah, that's the kind of comments I do here sometimes.... too easy to blame others, I bet....well people may think and experience what ever they want.

    Never mind, we have enough good contacts with Thai people. In fact I was wandering if there are any farang potters in CM area, as the "small kiln" problem is as good as solved now.

  10. Based on your earlier reply, it doesn't sound like there's a one-stop-shopping vendor in Chiang Mai for ceramic supplies. Are there any images of your work that u can post here?

    Indeed, there is no "real" ceramic supply vendor in Chiang Mai as far as I know. You need to pick items one by one. Many tools and stuff need to be ordered, or even handmade by different locals.

    The raw material is found at local chemical supplieres (Nothern Chemicals at Super HW). I've been at a shop in Lampang, where cereamic industries are located.

  11. After one year stay in CM, I've got a quite complete blood analyse. And well, it's as perfect as it can be. I think it depends also upon your body and general health, if you assimilate vitamins and minerals well.

    Otherwise, vegetables, fruits and honey (from the mountains) should be great sources for both. Imported fruit or vegetable juices may be considered for missing minerals, (even canned seems OK for minerals only). V8, perhaps, or why not Clamato?

    At Airport plaza at the G-Level is a small pharmacy and the manager seems to have good knowledge of supplementary alimentation and its qualities of assimilation. He speaks english quite well.

  12. Border closes wether 17:30 or 18:00 if I remember well. Have in mind from 6 to 6....

    Better take 20k to show, as this is the official ammount to have with you.

    Can't tell if "The last minute before closing" is a rush hour, or more like calm and you pass through more quickly. I rember being the onlyone at the office, when getting in as well when going back - but not on saturdays, though...

    Good luck!

  13. Aerosol, I'm losing you. If free will depends on numerous conditions and is limited, what kind of freedom is this? Certainly not the one I'm talking about.

    I wasn't talking about freedom (another new term you put in here), but about the limmits of free will everyone can experience in some way or the other in daily life and over time. You may relate those observations to freedom, but this isn't explicitely included. If you do so, - you have to answer to your question by yourself as well.

    Certainly not the one I'm talking about.

    Any quick or extended reasoning is (and will always remain) a subjective view. Anyhow, "Things" will not change for others, if you denominate them as "what I am talking about". :o

    You loosing me? - never mind, if there is no self, perhaps I am you at the end! :D

    Have a nice day!

  14. I don't agree, as I see no indication, why "convicts" may have less illusions.

    They certainly have no illusions about free will - they don't have any left!

    Strange reflection after all, - so tell me why "convicts" are able to use drugs in jail, or even kill pleople because of some kind power strugglings, or even for no reason? So, sometimes they have a lot of illusions and free will too!

    I don't buy the idea that one person can have more free will today and less tomorrow, and again a lot on Sunday.

    No, that is not exactly what I was saying, I wasn't talking about today, tomorrow or a specific day at all. I was just saying, that free will (in a practical sense) is clearly related to situations and "moments in time". I mean this is something easly to comprehend, if there is a will to do so :o

    Free will should not depend on outside conditions like faulty airplanes or incompetent lawers.

    But here again it surely does! Those are excellent paradigms how free will can be limmited by a combination of someone's actions and external factors as well.

    The problem, as I see it, is that this illusory self must use itself to get rid of the notion of the self.

    I really liked a specific example by Carlos Castaneda about a guy called Don Vincente. He had solved the secret of intention. He was then able to intend anything he wanted - but he had to give up his (illusion of a) "self" to achieve that goal. Then, he could intend anything, had access to unlimmited free will - but had no more objectives, aims or motivation to use this "great power"....

    So may be, some elucidation is more accessible the other way round :D

  15. Returning to the graduate/convict situations - the graduate might feel that he has more options in his life, but, conversely, the convict has less illusions!

    I don't agree, as I see no indication, why "convicts" may have less illusions. The may have plenty of illusions or false interpretation of fate and their respective origin as well (they may even blame others for what happened to them). Some may indeed be disillusioned about some "parts of life", but they may generate "fresh" illusion by attempting to understand what happened to them. I anyway don't think that "convicts" have less illusions as "graduates". But there is a clear indication that choices (in most cases) are limited, as soon as someone becomes a convict, respectively trapped in another way.

    Again: what I wanted to demonstrate by this example, is the fact that some situations of some individuals clearly allow less choices. A person who is sitting in an airplane that is just about to crash, has not much choices-, and hence not much free will left. Actually I wanted to avoid using such examples, because they may distract more than they are clearing things.


    About the general discussion and:

    I agree that one should not bring his own definitions to the table when discussing Buddhism.

    What about individual deliberation, does it make sense?

    There can't be a parallel access to a dualistic- and a monistic view of the world at the same time, as there is no way to compare the eight-fold path, (which is intelligible intellectually even by lay people), - and deep insights about paticcasammupada, which only may be "understood" through meditation.

    Wether those coherence about free will, fate, reincarnation are intelligible by all (especially by lay people), or they are not! And a practical use, as well as clear advices should exist and go further as the eight-fold path too. Otherwise I see a connection between early Christianism, when only priests and monks were able to understand latin, while lay people weren't. At that time "god-business" was restricted to some "elite" who was able to understand what God was supposed to be, while others had to 'stupidly' believe (and only trust the authorities and "theologians" knowledge, insight and their 'translations' into an intelligible form). Even more: they had the sole power to communicate with God and translate his aims. They even had powers like "the sacrament of penance" and other more or less doubtful "skills & powers"....

    Certainly aware of the enormous differences between both "religions" or philosophies, - it still looks to me if there is no big difference between being a believer - and, being someone who has no access to deep insight (perhaps through meditation).

    If things can't be explained easily without permanent contradictions (which always need to be justified by complex rhetoric), then both, Christian believers and Buddhist lay people look "stupid" to me in some way or the other...

  16. "Sometimes the flow from the past is so strong that little can be done except to stand fast, but there are also times when the flow is gentle enough to be diverted in almost any direction" with "No doer of the deeds is found". If you try to diver the flow, you are a doer.

    Now, where does "sati" fit in all this? Is it about our actions or about our attitute? Is Buddhism about changing the flow of water?

    Maybe "Sati" is when you realise that it flows just like it flows, an when you don't feel any need of interfering, diving, swiming with- or against it's current....just observing it.

    Anyway- what I'm missing in this context (and discussion) is the idea of "no-action". We have considered free will as something necessary to do "skilful actions" (and eventually influence our Kamma positively) but we have not consideres "no-action" as the sole way to not create Kamma. The only available 'tool' to avoid (MORE) kamma-formations?

  17. Hi John,

    It would be a great help if you could provide the names of a few of the best wholesalers in CM for hill tribe jewelry. If it's too much trouble, don't worry about it.

    Sorry, I realised that all those invoices are in EU together with my tax declarations :o

    But if anybody can't point you in the right direction, I can always drive over there and check it out.

    Wholesalers are not difficult to find in CM anyway, shops with standard designs are located mainly at Tha Phae road and Hill Tribe items at Loy Khroh Road (spelling?) More heavy silver items are at Wualai Rd. - but this is a strange place I never really liked... don't ask me why.

    Ive seen "White Hmongs" selling at those shops and I've seen some Hill Tribe (streeet sellers) buying their stuff at the night bazar. To find Hmong who manufacture without any connection, seems difficult to me. Your "connection" will probably get commission or/and not guide you to the cheapest guys ... and though buiseness men who know, will not tell you easily.

    PS: you probably know that silver prices are extremely high at the moment..

  18. Well, most of my body parts follow my free will (except one), while my digestion as well as my whole vegetative life functions are clearly excluded from it, they seem to have there own.

    That's an illusion, as you age you'll see that your body parts are the major culprits that interfere with your free will.

    Wether it is an illusion anyway, or it is not - the "illusion" can hardly be explained by relating it to age or disablement, etc. This would mean that youngsters may have the illusions, while elders or disabled people will not.

    Surely if free will exist it must manifest itself somewhere among the other, conditioned urges. The problem is finding the difference, finding out which actions exactly can be attributed to free will.

    The attribution (of different or even distinctive action) to free will is an interesting point - it is not that absolute view of free will.

    Also the example of a school graduate deciding which career path to take is an example of illusion. He thinks he is free to chose, but his fiture succes, his occupation, his education, his fiture wife he will meet in course of his life - they are all predestined by karma, as well as number of his children and the date of his death.

    Well, here I agree, (a youngster's choices may be enormous or restricted nobody can predict anything) but in fact I didn't want to emphasise on the amount of choices of the younger individual - but actually on the fewer choices of the "criminel"!

    As a matter of facts, the idea of completly predestinated Kamma, excludes free will completely as well! That is why I want to get away from that "absolute" concept of free will vs. predestination.

    In my opinion, it looks more like if there are moments of choice as well as "points of no return" in some individual's life. Both may be caused through short term- or long term- (or even 'inherited') Kamma.

  19. When it comes to the question of converting, ceremonies, initiation rites, etc, one must see Buddhism as a big PLURAL, I guess.

    Mahayana doesn't require anything like ceremonies or initiation rituals or else, while in Vajrayana (also called Lamaism) initiation is required in many cases. No initiation ceremonies, no instructions - no secret Mantras and no "special practise"!

    In Theravada you have the choice between beeing Lay or Phraa, if you want to stay some time (or forever) in a Wat, well you need to follow the rules, having an initiation as well (as far as I know). There are some ceremonies and rites which one may call "religious practise" as well. There is nothing you "need" to do, but if you want to practise in a Wat,- there are clear conditions and rules to follow!

    One may call those actions converting to some "Religion", accepting a Dogma or whatever - it is a western expression that is not used in Buddhism. But on the other hand, the term "buddhist monk" or "temple" aren't appropriate either, (in fact they are western expressions, that were reported from other religions) but they are commonly used and accepted, though.

    The term you may use isn't that relevant, but what you mean or understand by that term matters.

    Btw: worshiping is not the same thing as praying to some Entity or Godess. And yes, asking favors by praying to some Buddha (there are more than one anyway) seems useless, as they are extinguished. No more contact is possible with them. They literally don't exist anymore.

  20. Hi M.S.,

    If you live in Central Chiang Mai, I recommend getting a cable modem connection from TRUE. Available from the Western side of the Ping river up to the University.

    Unfortunately we'r in Hang Dong area, not far from Night Safari. This section prob. isn't covered by by cable? Btw: is TRUE part of UBC?

    Thanks anyway.

  21. If you consider Hill Tribe items, they are obviously cheaper in CNX than in BKK. All other items are slightly more expensive in Chiang Mai. There are a few wholesalers in Chiang Mai though, which offer interesting stuff and at correct prices. Of course the choice and selection is not that big as in BKK. I used to buy a lot in Chiang May, several years ago. Still know where the shops are located (one of them is at Tha Pae Road) - but I can't remember the names. I can go through some invoices if you really need to know...

  22. Hi Bill!

    How are you?


    I feel there are a number of issues tied up in your piece. In general I feel that you are trying to define free will as some sort of absolute

    Well, I didnt tie them up yet, I just gave a few examples of views and concepts, to show a wide range of perception, demonstrate how different the topic may be viewed.

    and that because of this you are bringing into it concepts that are viewed differently in Buddhism.

    Not sure about that either - well, if I do rmber well, Buddha clearly expressed about the option of comparision and analytics of his words. Was I wrong about that?

    Consider Karma, this is a fundamental law of cause and effect. This initially would negate free will as we inherit our Karma. And yet how do we build up good Karma but with good intention through “free will”. How can this be viewed in one concept of free will when there are clearly two fundamental purposes in play?

    I consider free will necessary to create or dissolve our Karma, but about the part which is supposed to be inherited, I'm not sure - maybe some of it has to undergo anyway, and some of it perhaps needs to be worked out or dissolved through good will (hence free will). One doesn't exclude the other, and free will is not necessarly related to independent action. Inhereted Karma may be resolved through free will as well, - even if the connection is not obvious, right?

    And yet Don Juan, as you assert, demonstrates the importance of the power of will throughout.
    Yes he did, and I agree with that - even if he considers "power of will" as a more complex power. The roots of the Yaqui knowledge may be closer to Brahmanism as to Buddhism, - if ever one may do such comparision. There is this "creator" named the Eagle, which still is a abstraction of a supperior, even allmighty power, which curiously can be fooled by sorcerers ...

    I guessed that such concepts are not relevant from a Buddhist point of view, and to be honest - I do not find those parts of the teachings of C.C. very convincing.

    Why is there a need to introduce a notion of “self”, can’t will power be an attribute of mind?
    There is no explicite need, - and yes, will power could be an attribute of mind. But then again we need to make clear if a mind is able to use "will power" by it's own and without the existence of a self...
    In neither case is there inconsistency, there is only inconsistency if free will is sought as some kind of an encompassing absolute.

    That "argument" may be the most powerfull, (perhaps you meant consistency vs. inconsistency) because will power probably is part of samsara at the end. Let me put it that way: will power has no permanancy, so it is wrongly seen as having consistency and should anyway not be of any use to make the cycle of rebirth come to an end. :o

    Hope you are keeping well,

    Trying to do my best, and whishing you the same... :D

  23. In western interpretation the will must be freed from these influences to be called truly free. My body parts will never have free will, my mind is also very much conditioned by external influences. Then what is left?

    Well, most of my body parts follow my free will (except one), while my digestion as well as my whole vegetative life functions are clearly excluded from it, they seem to have there own.

    Well I anyway don't see free will in such a absolute way, (as also presumed by Bill Z.). Why not see free will as something facultative (elective in someway) which some individuals have more or less, and which is eventually more or less available at different moments in time?

    From a pragmatical point of view, it really looks like if free will (seen as opions and choices) is clearly available in some situations - and during others moments in in time it seems quite limited. During some rare cases extremely restricted, - or there can even be a complete lack of it. But then again, one doesn't necessarily need to be "truly" free to still have some freedom of choice, - having some choice and will power left, might be just enough, to get out of some mess.

    Well in this case I will go to use a example: first case, a young individual which is about to decide for his career, life style, goals, future a.s.o. - second case, another individual sitting in the back of a police car on the way to some state prison. Well for the second case one can easily imagine even a worse case :o

  24. I bet there's not a single potter that ever thought substitutes would get cheap enough to be called throw away items.

    In case there is no bit of cynicism from your side (I may be wrong about that), yes there is pottery in India (quite thin pots) used and may also be called throw away at some small food shops.

    Thanks for all the help anyway :o

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