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Everything posted by Patjqm

  1. yesterday it tooks 3 minutes... and again fingerprints and picture😁
  2. it s a poll, not a referendum😉
  3. Simpson never was in Barcelona...
  4. is extension of 30 days after the 60 days still possible?
  5. yes but if a DTA says that pension can only be taxed in the other country, and that country did not take tax( for ex. because to low amount) can Thailand tax?( thzt would be against the DTA...?
  6. you have statistics proving that?
  7. yeah, why not..bring in the cöffee mugs...
  8. see in the comments the video https://www.facebook.com/100064875510284/posts/pfbid0MA8MYd4n1e41e4dXozpCgctSZ5kLgwnWpokyQLsKoK5UqvP2ztWh1Jj9pXzHcv6Ll/
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