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Posts posted by Kobintra

  1. In my opinion, the best way to protect our children from these sick individuals is to educate the children on the subject and do our best to let them know that if they are ever in a situation which makes them feel uncomfortable they can come to us and tell us without fear of being punished in any way.

    I feel this way because I belieive that some of the worst offenders will never be caught. They are very committed to their obsessions and they use this to motivate them to obtain degrees and anything else in order to get closer to their prey. They choose their victims wisely and most would be considered to be safe to everyone except for their victims.

    Therefore no matter how strict the rules are these people will still be out there and it will not be any easier to catch them. On the other hand if we educate our children we can greatly reduce the chances of them being a victim of these individuals.

    My wife teaches nursery students (currently a degree is not required) and this year her school hired several teachers from the USA all of which are certified and highly qualified as far as credentials are concerned. One of the parents is quite upset because one of these teachers informed her that her child has ADHD. the child is only 3 years old and has only been with this teacher for 1 week. Experts on this condition agree that diagnosis of this disorder cannot be made until at least the age of 5. My wife doesn't have a degree but she knows alot more about these types of issues than the qualified, certified, degree holders who approach her for help on a daily basis. Of course, having 3 school age daughters is helpful but she also loves to teach and has never had a complaint from a parent. I am currently researching ways for her to obtain a degree but i know that we won't be able to afford it any time soon. It would be a shame if she were not allowed to teach anymore.

    I feel that being involved with your childrens education and forming a strong relationship with them is the best defense by far. Because laws and rules will be broken and especially in thailand where enforcement is only used when something happens that might tarnish its image. An example of this is the law banning the display of cigarettes. I recently noticed that all the small shops in my area have begun to display them just like they did before the law was in effect.

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