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black tabby

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Posts posted by black tabby

  1. On 6/16/2021 at 8:06 AM, mtls2005 said:

    Some articles on this new proposal by "The Cabinet" mention...


    deputy spokeswoman for the government, said it would apply to all holders of the one-year, non-immigrant visa (NIV).



    There are other mentions of COVID-specifc insurance.


    And the ability to self insure, proof of a bank account with 3,000,000 baht.



    Early days, nothing approved/gazetted, so a bit confusing, but this does seem to be about more than just the option for OA's to source their insurance from companies putside of Thailand.



    Hello, the respective print media displayed the correction of their previous erro.

    Covid cover needed for long-stay O-A visas (bangkokpost.com)


    As follows:

    An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the new insurance requirement applied to holders of all non-immigrant visas. We apologise for the error.


    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The blank white page indicates that you got a popup message to contact you local office after submitting page one that was blocked. Turn off the popup blocker you apparently have.

    There is a total of 4 pages to complete the report. On page 2 is where you enter you address and etc and then click submit again.

    Hello, Ubonjoe,


    Thank you for your reply.

    I turned off the popup. 

    But it only says I should contact the immigration.

    And could not see any further pages.


    Thank you for your suggestion.





  3. 3 hours ago, cormanr7 said:

    Yes, the URL is valid, worked yesterday (when I checked my on-line application at CW which was approved with a note  'please add your room number next time'). Right now it is also working. 'Normally' if you get can get to the third page -where there is a summary of data before you submit- it is OK. Maybe the fact that there is no previous on-line report confuses the system and data probably have to be added manually? No good advice but suggest giving them a call and explaining the situation.

    Hello, Cormanar7,

    Thank you for your kind advice.

    Every time I tried, I could never see the 3rd page. All I could see was white blackout after pressing Submit button. 


    Thank you again for your suggestion.



  4. Ladies and gentlemen, 

    I am writing to forward my query related to the above topic.

    Today, I have tried it at this URL https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do?cmd=acceptTerm 


    However, I couldn't  get any reference number which is supposed to be issued on the spot.

    I entered every personal detail correctly.

    But after I pressed the submit button, nothing turns out.

    All I could see was the blank white pages.

    I tried at 2 separate locations: At home and a internet shop.

    But same results.


    I have been on retirement visa(O) for years in Chiang Mai.

    And I have always done my 90days report in person previously.

    This is my first time to do it online.


    Can anyone please advise me the above URL is still valid, or there is something else?


    I appreciate your advices.


    black tabby



  5. Thai administration is less than reluctant to act decisively to help solve stray dog issue.

    Still, we can make a difference at individual level.

    In short,  it is to make it harder for those beast  to attack  us(people).


    Start to carry  around non-lethal, non-toxic defensive weapon when we are outside home.

    Fortunately,  overall cost per unit is less than a few dollars.

    Easy near-free  replenishment  at home.

    Here is a short video for your reference.

    Hope it helps.


  6. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Not so... 


    I was nearly chewed up by a pack of vicious dogs. 


    Walking down a quiet soi, a soi I had walked down before. The soi has ‘soi dogs’ and they are sometimes aggressive and bark, bending down to pick up a stone works when there is one or two of them. 

    On this day there was about 7 of them. Picking up stones didn’t work. Throwing stones at the dogs didn’t work. Charging at the dogs didn't work. In a pack they were very confident, getting more and more aggressive. 


    I challenge any ‘alpha male’ who believes he can go ‘alpha’ and make a pack of aggressive dogs back down on his own.


    Fortunately a passer by saw what was happening, stopped and I got on his bike before the dogs attacked. I suspect I was mere minutes away from being the victim of an attack. 





    Additionally, the idea that we should be carrying some sort of ‘dog weapon’ to protect ourselves from aggressive street dogs is preposterous and highlights a massive failing of those in positions of decision making power. 



    Hello, this is black tabby.

    I am glad you successfully escaped from the tight spot.

    Do you actually carry anything to defend yourself  against dog attacks?

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, e1771 said:

    They are starving and have been abused their whole lives and have no choice but to live in the street (probably/often). They chase and attack when you show fear and run. Stand your ground and pretend to stoop and throw something, or get to know them by giving them some food on a regular basis. No need to go all republican on them...


    If you say that they are generally  starving, I reply NOT REALLY.  

    In Thailand, those feral dogs are often well fed by the people around.

    There is even  an organized group feeds  them on regular basis.

    You will probably notice if you see those dogs  carefully;  they often look plump instead of skinny.


    Even when they  have no food shortage,  some of them  still turn aggressive to the some people.

    And I happen to be one of those  potential victims  they often target without  any provocation.

    I have met their aggressions on countless occasions until  3 years ago.

    It is almost a miracle that I haven't got any bites  by attacking dogs.


    That is why I  have decided to arm myself  with non-lethal & non-toxic weapon to avoid the worst.

    My only aim is to stun them away when they show hostility toward me  nearby. 

    I am also keen to help strangers out if  they are under dog attack.

    That's all.  I don't  kill or hurt them.

    I am far from being an  animal hater.  Instead, I often feed cats in the street.  Also occasionally dogs  if they look peaceful  and  friendly.


    Self-defense is the very first law of the nature.  

    And  I simply practice it  to stay safe, with certain rule of engagement.

    No aggressions,  no counterstrikes.


    When you face bad-tempered dogs  while you are alone in the street,  how do you feel?

    Don't you have  any fear and upset emotion in such a time?

    Politics certainly doesn't matter.  

    When dog attacks happen, they don't ask you whether you are R or D.







    • Haha 1
  8. On 10/25/2020 at 1:49 PM, Poet said:

    For one month, introduce a bounty of 400b per dog corpse delivered to municipal dumps all over Thailand. Human ingenuity, and people working together, will solve this problem.

    Those who wish to give dogs a home before the month commences should be free to do so, but must commit not to abandon them once the novelty wears off.



    In this topic,  you seem to be quite concerned about dog attack issue.

    On the other hand, you ridicule the one with defense measure against those beasts in another thread.

    What makes you that sort of double-tongue?

  9. On 10/25/2020 at 1:49 PM, Poet said:

    For one month, introduce a bounty of 400b per dog corpse delivered to municipal dumps all over Thailand. Human ingenuity, and people working together, will solve this problem.



    If you really think so,  you should rather  forward this suggestion to  the government body instead of   posting a comment here in vain.

    Even though  you did so,  it is  quite unlikely  for them to slaughter these  creatures officially.

    Buddhism  influence is so strong in this kingdom,  that they feel guilty for openly killing even ferocious animals posing threats. 

    When 2  vicious dogs attacked 6 children  at the primary school in Chonburi on Oct.8, they used sleep darts.

    Not the  live rounds which could  kill them instantly.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, tifino said:

    imagine using in a Sonkran watercannon!!

     - probably get arrested though for holding a weapon... as in the natural Mace within...

    Which kind of water pistol are you talking about?

    I have been openly carrying this for the past 3 years.

    And I have never been stopped or questioned by any cops passed by.

    • Haha 1
  11. On 10/22/2020 at 2:56 AM, Poet said:

    That's good. Who knows how many lives you might have saved.


    God knows they've tried, but I am genetically blessed with extremely resistant genital skin.


    Don't worry. My Plan B involves a career as a cabaret performer.

    Where you go?


    Thank you for telling me your unique post-disaster scenario.

    You mean you would like to be a ladyboy dancer  if you happen to have  your privates removed  by loose beasts?

    Little had I expected you are that determined.

    No wonder dog attack is hardly your concern. 


    Before you contact any of your  prospective employers,  be sure to check out something.  Thai labor laws.

    Entertainment venue like that is pretty touristy. 

    Therefore it might be deemed  part of the tourism industries where foreigners aren't allowed to work for.



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    • Haha 1
  12. On 10/24/2020 at 4:07 PM, Speedo1968 said:

    Sprays may work e.g. pepper but it is of no use if the wind is blowing the wrong way, i.e. towards you.

    How about a dog whistle, the ones used when rounding up livestock ?

    Even when it blows,  deterrent spray  still works  in  short range of 2-3m instead of 6-7m.

    I have taken dog whistle into consideration.

    But it costs more than this  homemade weapon. So I dropped that idea.

    And the significance of this PVC(pepper, vinegar, chili) spray is its long-lasting effect.

    Dogs usually have good memory & are keen learners.

    Once shot with this, they usually start to avoid me ever since,  recognizing I am not  a soft target.

    And that's what I expect.  Once they start to behave better, I wouldn't shoot them again.

    No aggressions,  no  counterstrikes  needed.


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  13. On 10/23/2020 at 12:04 PM, SePl said:


    Correct !



    It is quite correct that you are the perfect example of a  joke for  human beings.

    Possessed with Normalcy Bias to its extremity; can't recognize anything outside your "Usual".

    Not until you fall a victim yourself.

    If you got average intelligence and basic internet skills, you can easily find out one simple fact.

    Dog attack  is quite a global issue.  In Thailand, other South East Asian nations,  India, US, UK, Europe, and Russia.





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  14. 23 hours ago, katana said:

    Can you post a video of you using the spray against marauding dogs to show its effectiveness?



    Providing  live  combat footage is not easy.

    I currently don't have any body cameras.

    And their attacks often take place while riding a bicycle.

    I cannot my camera ready  while the bike is in motion.

    One hand on the steering.  The other on my spray.


    But I might be able to show you the aftermath footage  of its impact on the dogs; they start to look scared when they see me.

    Some start to run away even when I don't shoot them.

    No aggression, no shoot.  My rule of engagement.


    If you feel any suspicious  about its effect, I suggest you a simple experiment.

    Make a cocktail of vinegar and boiled up pepper, chili mixed water.

    Then load it your spray.

    Shoot it in a cup or bucket.  Get your nose close to it second later.

    You would probably cough from it.

    Dogs' sense of smell is 50000 times sharper.

    This is how it works.







    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 12 hours ago, Poet said:

    Sweet Jesus.

    If you are a grown adult, all you need is a stick, or a few stones, or the ability to pretend you have a stone. As soon as you raise your arm they will back off.

    Walking around with a spray-bottle in a holster is going to decimate your sex life. Women do not find autism attractive.




    Since I am an grown adult, I don't rely on pebbles  against  attacking dogs.

    Due to  my concern not to hurt others(if it misses the mark). 

    Or 3rd party damage(e.g. vehicles or shop windows).

    Your sex life will certainly be decimated if any mean dogs  bite off your privates.

    Women do not find a man lost his bat & balls attractive, in  your sense.



    • Like 1
  16. After all, what is this  article about?
    Did everyone carefully read the full original text Thaivisa quoted?



    "They must also have an appropriate visa that fits the approved category of travel. Tourist visas for leisure travel are not being issued."


    Tourist visas for leisure travel are not being issued.


    It clearly states they won't issue any tourist visas for fun travelers(visitors).

    Then what is this coverage for?

    Looks like the editor of Thaivisa.com  simply jumped onto its headline.

    Not knowing this is totally irrelevant.  In the first place, the whole original text they referred to,

    is completely meaningless. 


    Listing requirements for the new Visitors.

    But they won't really let the Visitors in.


    Perfect example of the senseless message where the headline belies its contents.

    Based upon the stupid message that does not make any sense at all.










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  17. 8 hours ago, jeffandgop said:

    So they're going to force tourists to deposit 800,000 baht in a Thai bank and stipulate it must remain untouched and nothing withdrawn during their stay in Thailand?   

    Hello, that way, there will certainly be no tourists who would be a burden to Thailand.

    More likely, there will be no tourists to the kingdom.

    No other countries will require such a tall order to  short-term visitors.

    Thailand will be ruled out from the place-to-visit-lists.

    As the result, no tourists.  So that there will be not tourists who end up becoming dead weight here.

    Therefore the objective of their aim will well be met.

    Sounds surreal, but perfect idea. LOL.

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