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  1. One negative ..it's an island !! Careful you are not viewing it with rose tinted glasses ...
  2. Ask your local chemist for a generic antiseptic ... The biggest rip-off is Gaviscon ...gerenic anti-acid 40bt
  3. TAT are busy counting everyone who passes thru an immigration post as a tourist !!! "But I only went to Malaysia on a visa run .."
  4. Not necessarily....everything they buy now would double ... And many would lose there jobs and, or jobs moved to Vietnam or Indonesia ... How many jobs would be lost if PTT decided to move to self service at petrol stations !!!??
  5. When are they going to stop playing numbers game ? I would suggest 40/50% are not tourist but, like myself, following COVID, I returned to the UK and back twice ..and I know many who also have or are currently away and will return. Then weve got the Indian tourists who can fly in cheap on Bangkok Airlines from Mumbai ..significant number in Pattaya currently ... Possible zero spend tourists like the Chinese ..
  6. Guess still 32 pages (counted them last time) and c.40 signatures of endless information they have (or should have) already ... The question is . ... Has Immigration progressed from the endless mountain of paperwork they create??
  7. Excellent ...use it 5/6 times a year ..and no limit and very fast
  8. 'Silk purse from a pig ear' comes to mind ... Bad press such as despicable tuk-tuk drivers recently and poor value for money with artificial inflated currency as it trys to keep pace with the $ .. not to mention the appalling railway infrastructure ....
  9. Simple really ..if the $ is strong, which currently is very strong, so also will be the Thai BAHT .. £ currently down from ¢1.30 to $1.15 ..Euro even worst !!
  10. Serious case of .. Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink ..
  11. There a few weeks back it is appalling...and still, when it rains, total chaos !!
  12. And Scoot said ...? Go to the airport and go to Scoot check in and demand to see a senior representative to sort it out .. Alternatively buy a circa £800 ticket to get home. Lastminute.com is only a provider .. Wizz did this to me in Spain ..email at 4 in the morning for a 10 o'clock flight on the same day ..cancelled !!! 'Trapped in Spain !!????'
  13. What are u on about ..'AN internal search ..' !!???
  14. BTW ..you can hold the 400k in a foreign currency account ..I've got £10k in BKK bank and they covert and state on the letter to immigration the Thai bt value ..
  15. There seems to be a push to show helath insurance when applying for a retirement visa ... NZ guy I know refused visa because no health insurance (HI) !!! What are the rules currently regarding HI ??
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