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the green light

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Everything posted by the green light

  1. true true and true fully vaccinated and proof of tested before departure should be enough to be tested again will mean quarantine again in an ASQ hotels for best 2 days to worst case7 days depend on how fast the hospital return the test result. Knowing Thailand 5 days minimum. It is a show stopper. this idea of retesting again will be appalled for visitors to Thailand. they will go somewhere else. There are so many beautiful beaches around the world. the only thing that people are willing to withstand long expensive flight and go thru the hoopla is the sex industry of Thailand. They can get rid of the gogo bars but are they are going to take away the massage parlors that government people use them a lot? Thailand does not have mountain or as many flower garden as many part of the world. without the cheap sex industry nobody will come. Mass tourism is good. people spend money on vacation rich or poor. people on holiday do not want their hands tied.
  2. one must understand the reason why most of foreigners want to live in Thailand : 1. retirees with cheap cost of living - foreigners have limited funds. 2. marry Thai wives and have children. - foreigners have limited funds. 3. work in Thailand for a company - still foreigner with limited funds. One other reason would be short trip to enjoy the entertainment ,spend a lot of money on girls, beaches and food. Very few things to do like sightseeing or museum. It does wear off after 2 month. There is nothing to do unless you have long term girlfriend. The main attraction to Thailand is not beaches but foreigners are lured by the availability of Thai women who were rejected by Thai man. and the ability to make a life with them. Some foreigners come an live in Thailand with them and others take them back to their home country. One must wonder : If a rich foreigner who do not qualify to the points above.. what is the purpose to come to Thailand an ump Baht10 million and buy condos. --I can't figure it out. The right solution is to improve the life of the retiree and attract more regardless on how much money they have.
  3. this new law is still shady.. typical Thai laws. It leaves something for its interpretation. Need to read between the line here. the reason behind it is influx of foreign currency to keep the value Baht high . 2 reasons 1. Tourism is down to almost zero.. and what ever $$ they collect is barely enough to pay the bribes. 2. many expensive condos are not selling the reasoning is they attract people with a lot of money ( legally or illegibly collected) and dump in Thailand. The bank will have enough resources to justify keep the Baht high and at the same time increase the condo sales. Later the government can establish back the restriction. simple math. and back to normal one obstacle: how to lure the rich people to put money in Thailand knowing that it could be a trick? unless $350k are just illegal money and care about it.
  4. these people have done the right thing to help the country and the community. Thai official should recognize that and try to make their life easier living in Thailand there are other farang living and working overseas still support the Thai community by sending money to their loved one. Nobody like this new law for for rich tourists to come in and live in Thailand. It is design to attract the Chinese with untraceable shady money only.
  5. shady Chinese investor who want to hide their money Arabs with ton of illegal money drug lord who wants to laundered their money.. and Many more.. Thailand welcomes you - bring money. and we will close the eyes
  6. let us revisit the statement "Plans are afoot to allow 100% of condo developments to be owned by foreigners and even allow foreigners to own land and buy their own homes on that land in certain areas" 1. anybody who invest 100% in a development need to make sure to make profit. However are the rules applies to owner of each condo still applies 50% needs to be Thais still it is consider a business and much paper work of getting work permit and employees 5:1 ratio Thai: foreigner. Some might take the idea as to laundered bad money in Thailand. 2.land ownership in certain areas. Does it means lands that no Thais want will be owned by Farangs. i just don't know if this new law would attract the rich people to Thailand. but are we all retiree rich or poor must for the 90 visa thing?
  7. these official need to understand that tourism means going place and doing something more that staying in expensive hotel and stuff themselves on their buffet....pay and pay and pay. with no fun. that is no vacation. if you want tourism ..them you give them room to enjoy themselves so they will be back. arresting them for questioning.. that sure will go well with the sandbox 7 to 7 then you hear about the rich tourists --reading this will just turn them off coming to Thailand.
  8. It is a good indication of the hassle to get your "stay" documents in orders.. 90 days reporting, the hassle with money in the bank, running to immigration every year.. always documents and always fees. things were different in 2009... and especially staying in a small island. quite difficult to keep up the documents up to date. if I recall, the penalty of overstay was Bht20k maximum.. but now , they put you on a black list. the woman is probably running her husband business. Keep the economy going. I guess they will hit her with a large tax bill too.
  9. THAI officials have a negative opinion about the farangs living in thailand. they called them the dirty farangs" "low class with money" Thailand has been advertised for many years as an expat hot spot it is these "low class with money" that has supported many thai women and children, open farang restaurant.. and spend tons of money daily on Thai products and entertainment. They have kept the economy going, however they have been treated with disgust and prohibit to go to high end massage parlors and special clubs. They are not allowed in the "la di La" upper class places Thai needs to changes their attitude about farangs if they want more to stay in thailand.
  10. pattaya is famous as sin city..SEX SEX AND SEX.. for many years why would sailor or farang want to visit the city on cultural THINGS. Nobody is interested in the ding ding ding music.. they want the girls dancing on the poles.
  11. funny.. I was in thailand for 15 years and did it few times because my friend told me to do it. I ha to pay a small fine. I have a Thai driver license with an address. I guess it is something to take it seriously now . but too old to worry about it
  12. we have been hearing.. "we got 6 million, 10 million, 5 million...etc" "next year" ... per 200 death every day.. you are looking at 73,000 more death until next year. and how about the booster shots... so many things that does not make sense...or untrue
  13. don't know who to believe somedays there are warning and be careful other day.. don't worry, the good days and time to open the country. they can't lie about the dead bodies.
  14. Ones should look how other nation perceive the COvid-19 numbers of Thailand as a whole. England has a 10 days quarantine for Thailand returnees... Hongkong ,China, Vietnam....21 days quarantines. US has a travel advisory for Thailand. Other countries do not see just the numbers from Phuket but the numbers reported by Thailand. I think tourists will not visit Phuket this year.
  15. world is now implementing the 3rd dosage of Pfizer and Moderna booster. US has already started this booster shot already. thailand-- where are we going to get our 2 dosage????? Until the whole world drops the quarantine, international travel will not happened. For the few who have money who cares. Thailand quarantine is 15 days and cost about $3,000 or Baht 100,000 returning flight back to home country quarantine is about 15-21day at similar cost. hong kong, China, Vietnam and many others are 21 days quarantine from Thailand. So why a tourist wants to spend $6000 just to visit thailand for a month and spend an additional $6,000 ($200x30) and be inconvenienced locked in a hotel for 36 days just to make TAT happy. totally crazy in my mind. May be Phuket is an alternative for people working in Singapore or China.. Now Hongkong, and Mainland china has a 21 quarantine for returning resident. That will eliminate the sandbox profit.
  16. Why does stupidity has power? It goes from being funny to stupid .Is TAT that all Thai people and foreigners are just bunch of monkeys .? These kind of statements make us readers not just laugh but angry. The whole is trying to manage this pandemic: first locally in each country and second to prevent spreading from country to country. Travelling on vacation is really curtailed. Even countries with advance vaccination program, the infection is high. Thai domestic travel is also curtailed. The economy is bad, people lost jobs or working at reduced pay, lockdown, vaccination program not working well...so many problem that Thai people are not thinking of a vacation now.
  17. Test numbers is not a reflection on how the virus is being managed. Number of death and occupancy in hospital are are critical numbers. typical Lockdown is being used to minimize exposure when medication is not available . Vaccination is the key. The fears is that waiting a long time for vaccination will allow the virus to mutate again,. and hell will be loose again. lockdown will prevent leading a normal life.
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