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Posts posted by ZergBurger

  1. Update #2. I went to both promenada and the official immigration Monday, denied a TR. My gf emailed them on facebook,  and they told me to come in, and immigration then made a post about how people that have TR visas can in fact get a residency certificate. I went in Tuesday and while I was finishing up, I asked for the 500 baht next day service. She says that is unavailable now, and I will have to wait for the document in the mail. I wonder how long it will take? Classic Thailand. I guess I can't complain, I will get my licenses just slightly delayed. I would have been better off using a professional service and paying a bit more. (assuming it worked lol) 

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  2. I have an American drivers license and motorcycle license... I bought a motorcycle and it would be nice to drive it around the neighborhood, but I'm sure as hell not going to drive it illegally. When I get out of quarantine i will go apply for the motorcycle license and update my expired (by one month)  drivers license in Chiang Mai. I'll update you guys when it is done about the process I experience

  3. Im in the process of getting my TR visa from America as well...

    May i ask you a few questions Kevin88? Which website did you use to apply for the coe?

    I see two options:



    Did you get your TR visa back from the thai embassy before you apply for the COE? That seems to be the way i understand it. 


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  4. This bad boy is waiting for me in chiang mai, I think i was the first person in chiang mai to get one. Only 55 will be available in Thailand this year. Unfortunately I am waiting to get into Thailand from the usa with the whole covid thing, I work 5-6 months seasonally in the states and then spend winters in Chiang mai.



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  5. Hello lads i just took a msf course in the states, and im in the market for a starter bike, a naked 300.

    I have been looking at the yamaha mt-03 and the kawasaki z300... Im 5'7 ????, which bike would be best for a shorter guy? Does anything else come to mind? I stay in chiang mai by the way


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