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Mark Nothing

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Posts posted by Mark Nothing

  1. These type of attacks are mostly preventable if you know certain rules of Thailand.


    I schedule my daily walks to avoid these groups of drunks who are usually panhandling tourists. 


    But if they can't be avoided give a wide berth and don't look at them or react belligerantly which are no-nos here.  It is a severe loss of face for them and forces them to react as a group to proove their social superiority. They all work together as judge, jury, and executioner and will beat you unconscious with fists, knives, and steel bars 


    I was sitting with a polite, educated thai woman many years ago at a bar/restaurant watching a world cup football game who I thought was as sweet and gentle as a puppy.  A foreigner looked too long at her and she said I want to kill him with a level of agitation that was unexpectedly harsh. 


    The lesson is extended eye contact with thais causes severe loss of face and it forces them to react with group violence.



  2. I have allocated $0.00 to the jackals of  black magic and their unfounded theories.


    My Grandfather summed it up as follows "Doctors only make money if they find a problem and it scares you enough to pay for the cure."


    A daily prayer is much more valuable to good health.  I simply ask for health and vitality.  Then follow the reply.  You might even find the Holy Grail of health if you have an open mind.


    Congratulations on your upcoming move to Thailand. 

    • Confused 2
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  3. The weasel tuktuk driver parlayed his initial 600 baht theft into a much bigger payday with his edited filming and police station buddies.  A designed, preplanned caper.


    Entertainers also know how to agitate a situation, to instigate a violent reaction, to generate a police enforced payday.  Lots of tuktuk clients are likely entertainers who likely taught the taxi driver how to maximize the take.

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  4. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration."  Nikola Tesa


    By adjusting the frequency of your vibration you can achieve any objective you desire.


    Your emotions and mental states vibrate along a spectrum of frequencies which you can control if you want.


    Accessing this all powerful force is intelligence.



  5. Be careful in this heat.  My brother visited thailand one year and he got a heat rash all over his body.  It looked like poison ivy everywhere.  And he experienced light headedness and dizzyness.  It went away in a few days and he was ok. 

  6. I returned to my 18 year old weight and health by including a mental aspect in combination with diet and exercise.


    Your body responds to verbal commands.  I ordered my body to produce the results required by twice daily affirmations.  Something like "Please return my body to 175 lbs and with perfect health and vitality.  Over and over.  Day after day.  Persistence.  And it just happens by default. Very powerful results, without much effort.


    It also helps to identify stress/worry in your life and eliminate as much as possible.  The weight accumulates much quicker when you are more hassled.

    • Haha 1
  7. I removed all ability to speak and write thai language from my brain decades ago.  Remember, if you can understand it, you have to listen to it being spoken everywhere you go.  No, they are not talking about you.  They couldn't care less about a foreigner.


    I ignore all thai language spoken to me and don't respond and do not ever speak it.  But always politely.  Life here is much better this way.

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  8. I would put money on seedy politicians working as a united team against the divided people to get their hands on the $trillions of tax kitty each year.


    Looks to me like the Democrats and Republicans are partners of convenience splitting the taxes among themselves.


    The caper is incredibly simple. Split the citizens in half politically, then get them rabidly arguing about about nonsensical issues like gays in the military or transgender toilets or what is a man.  So no questions arise as to where the tax money and newly printed money has dissappeared to.


    I quit voting many decades ago and don't trust any politician of any party.

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  9. Even with a work permit games can be played.


    In my circle of contacts I knew foreigners working in specialty medical clinics with work permits.  The employer used this as leverage to manipulate foreign employees. 


    Boss would pay a fraction of agreed upon salary and when unpaid amounts got too high or foreign workers got too vocal demanding back pay, boss would cancel work permit and fire worker claiming inferior work provided.


    The unpaid salaries were used to purchase toys like cars and helicopters and hotels in resort destinations.  

    • Confused 1
  10. Henry Ford had a good quote about central bankers  exploits plundering the people's money.


    "It is well enough that people don't understand our banking and  monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before morning."


    It is the most profitable endeavor ever created.  And this just makes it more profitable.  Guess who gets to pay even more?



    • Thanks 1
  11. This is an extreme result of the social hierarchical system when there is disagreement on who is the superior player.  


    When the two parties, after a dispute disagree on who is superior in the pecking order, one side can go off the deepend to proove his superiority.  This is the unfortunate result.  The machete weilding thug had to proove his superiority by chopping off the inferior's arm.


    Inferiors are not allowed to dictate anything to a superior.  Even where they can or can't have a smoke.

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