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  1. I am astonished reading so many comments claiming he is guilty (and a few not). I ask myself how you can come to those statements. Own dirty business connection? Or simple prejudgment? Well I agree that his careers ups and downs raises questions including the shooting on his car. But to me it is unclear if all those things happened because he stepped on sensible feet or if his hands are dirty. Sadly I am not sure if I will ever hear the truth. But I follow the idea to regard someone is innocent until opposite is proven. Wouldn't you like to be treated that way too if you had (wrong?) accusations?
  2. Sorry if I failed to express the things in a way to understand my situation completely. But even though your answer helped already, thanks. I did not expect that i can apply 30/45 days prior ... I had a shorter period in mind. 30 days would work, 45 days would be great for me, no stress. Could you do me another favour and explain to me why you wrote "30/45 days"? When do 45 days apply? And I did not know, that presenting a flight ticket could even help. I have to go to the Immigration in Lampang.
  3. Hello all together, I have an extension of stay based on a NON O Visa (retirement) and a mulitiple reentry permission on top. All arranged without using an agent and circumventing potential problems and I want to do so in the future too. I would like to leave Thailand in the end of november for 4 weeks - which is around the date when my EoS is coming to its end on 14th Dec 2023. As far as I remeber there is just a special period of time around the date of expiry to appy for a renewal. (Right now I am not aware of the exact details). And I guess that i would like to be outside Thailand during that whole period. Have you got any good suggestions for me how to obtain an extension legally quite early? (I don't want to apply for a new eVisa in my home country). PS.: ... if there is no easy solution available I will probably not leave Thailand at that time. Thanks for your help Uwe
  4. I was in the same situation about returning but decided differently than you even though I had troubles with the paper for the Non O visa based on retirement too. My different decision was based on two things: 1. I was worried about having problems when I want to change to from visa exempt to Non O within Thailand. Even having all requirements correctly I fear that (fabricated) problems might arise and I refuse go for special solutions. 2. I have to travell about 100 km to immigration which consumes money and a lot of time. So I decided to apply for the visa in Europe. If I was lucky everything would be fine (and I got my eVisa already now). If I wasn't lucky I still have the visa exempt as fall back solution.
  5. Yes, in generall an option. But as my immigration is far away from my home it needs a lot of traveling. And as my immigration isn't great about the normal process without supporting options I am afraid I will not manage in one day ... thats why I would love to sort it out online ....
  6. Yes, in generall an option. But as my immigration is far away from my home it needs a lot of traveling. And as my immigration isn't great about the normal process without supporting options I am afraid I will not manage in one day ... thats why I would love to sort it out online ....
  7. Hi all, as I left Thailand two days ago to Germany I want to use the situation and change from my old Non Immigrant O-A Visa to the O Visa because I don't want to continue with the TIGA-approved health insurance. So I have just started my first E-Visa process for Thailand at the consulate in Frankfurt/Germany. And I checked again my process is based on the Visa-type "Non-Immigrant Visa(O)"! Filling in the data I was surprised that there was a mandatory field for the expected flight number - that did not bother me, i could fill it. But was suprised that that information was mandatory. But on the fourth and last step about supporting documents I got stuck right now. There are 9 different documents required (all marked with a red star which I regard as sign for mandatory) and some of them confuse me. I hope for clarification what I have to provide: 4 . Proof of the permanent residence in the country where the application is submitted - I don't know what type of document should I bring? Is my German ID-Card with front and back side the right document (address is on the back side). 6 . Health Insurance issued by insurer with outpatient benefit of not less than 40,000 THB and inpatient benefit of not less than 400,000 THB. - OK, I got a document for that but I thought for the O Visa I don't need health insurance (or just for the extension?) 8 . Applicant must apply for e-Visa via specific Embassy/Consulate conforming with his/her consular jurisdiction and residency. Applicant is required to upload document that can verify his/her current residency. - Is my German ID-Card with front and back side the right document (address is on the back side). Thanks for your help Uwe
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