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Everything posted by polpott

  1. Yep that certainly give him the vote, Its what the British people want',
  2. Did I say that we were back in the EU? You're rambling now. Goodnight.
  3. We know what didn't happen.
  4. Listen to Nigel, it isn't failing. it has failed. Which part of Brexit do you want to discuss? The economy? international trade? Immigration? All not failing, failed.
  5. But it wasn't different. That's a fact and you can't argue facts or change history. History will, no doubt, record Brexit as a failure.
  6. Which, in plain English, means that Brexit has failed. Doesn't matter whose fault it was, Brexit has failed. Don't say that I didn't warn you.
  7. Probably untrue. As viruses evolve they tend to become more infectious but less harmful. Many will be infected but very few will die.
  8. Straight from the mouth of the St. Petersburg troll farm. You couldn't make it up........Oh, actually you did! 555
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