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Everything posted by polpott

  1. Yep that certainly give him the vote, Its what the British people want',
  2. Did I say that we were back in the EU? You're rambling now. Goodnight.
  3. Listen to Nigel, it isn't failing. it has failed. Which part of Brexit do you want to discuss? The economy? international trade? Immigration? All not failing, failed.
  4. But it wasn't different. That's a fact and you can't argue facts or change history. History will, no doubt, record Brexit as a failure.
  5. Which, in plain English, means that Brexit has failed. Doesn't matter whose fault it was, Brexit has failed. Don't say that I didn't warn you.
  6. Probably untrue. As viruses evolve they tend to become more infectious but less harmful. Many will be infected but very few will die.
  7. Straight from the mouth of the St. Petersburg troll farm. You couldn't make it up........Oh, actually you did! 555
  8. My eyes and ears. Virtually everyone outside St Pauls were fervent Royalists, typical tory voters. They cheered and clapped virtually everyone except Boris. judging by the reaction of a number of Tory MPs, they saw the same optic as me.
  9. Its not the left wing who are going to vote no confidence tonight, its his own MPs. Boris is bulletproof to attacks from the left. He can only be removed from within.
  10. I'm sorry to repeat myself but the collapse of support for Boris has little or nothing to do with what the Left wing did or didn't support. This is an internal tory party matter. As such your questions are irrelevant and can only be construed at a deliberate distraction. This thread is about Boris being booed. He was booed by, primarily, tory supporters, not looney lefties.
  11. Not the Lefties, the great British public. Its caused his support to collapse from those who voted Tory for the first time, in 2019. Wakefield will be an eye opener for you. Labour seat since 1932. Ahmed Kahn won the seat for the Tories in 2019. Forced to resign after being convicted of a sexual assault on a young boy, The resultant by election is on June 29th. If Boris is still with us then it will be another nail in his coffin.
  12. I watched Boris' entry live. Only person to be roundly booed on entry. If there were cheers they were drowned out by the boos. Harry and Megan had a mixed reception but, in my opinion, the cheers drowned out the boos. A very different reception to Boris. Those gathered outside St Pauls were there to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and cheer on the royals, hardly a bunch of lefties. Its now accepted that this single event broke the camels back of MP's support and caused a number to put their letters in and many more on which way to vote tonight. The people gathered outside St Pauls were seen as the court of Tory public opinion. The people have spoken, Boris must go. An MP, above all, must protect his seat. Those who broke through the red wall in 2019, have seen support for Boris collapse (mainly due to Partygate) and realise that the only chance for them to retain their seats at the next election is to get rid of Boris. Bye Bye Boris.
  13. Ferang doesn't refer to your nationality, it indicates that you are a white westerner, which you appear to be.
  14. Doubt that you would get your answers there. Its pre Buddhist and not really related. I've always found Thais reluctant/embarrassed to talk about it. Mainly involves Jao Thi, inhabitant of the little spirit houses at the entrance to many people's drives. Basically, the spirits of those who have previously inhabited that land. Often used to see girls scattering whiskey round the perimeter of the bar at opening. Girls always claimed it was "for Buddha" and would say no more, it was actually for Jao Thi. Easy test to indicate whether a tribute is for Jao Thi or Buddah, Buddah never drinks alcohol, Jao Thi loves a drop!
  15. Correct. Only 66% have booster which is considered being fully vaccinated. The number of people coming forward for boosters is now minimal, don't expect that figure of 66% to increase much in the near future. On the subject of boosters, its now recognised that your immunity starts to fall off a cliff 10 weeks after your booster. Plans are being put into place to give a second booster 6 months after the previous booster for health care workers, over 75s and those with a seriously compromised immune system.
  16. Only 66% of eligible people in the UK fully vaccinated. 40k new cases today, similar figures to when we went into lockdown before Christmas. Way too soon to remove all covid measures. Why is the UK the first in the world to remove all restrictions? To feed red meat to the masses and to try to save Boris's bacon. First to remove restrictions, last to close its borders and highest number of deaths in Europe. well done UK government.
  17. In Mary's case, she was both a virgin and pregnant on her wedding day as God impregnated her via "immaculate conception". My mother claimed the same throughout her life, even swearing on her deathbed, in Lourdes, that it was the truth. Her name was Mary.
  18. In the US, yes, the rest of the world not. I have a South African friend who refers to herself as "Cape Coloured" and is proud of her heritage.
  19. it's relevant because Omicron is spreading around the world from its base in Africa. Governments everywhere are nervous about letting Africans into the country. Probably should have referred to them as "Africans" but the author of the OP probably thought it sounded even more racist.
  20. Maybe so in the US who have their own unique racial problems. "Coloured" is still acceptable in the UK and probably most western countries.
  21. Right conclusion, wrong reason. Antibodies prevent the cells from becoming infected in the first place, thus preventing infection. Each subsequent dominant variant seems to be less affected by the antibodies created by previous infections/vaccines. Hence "breakthrough" infections with later variants. However, the body also produces "T" cells as a result of infection/vaccination. These cells seek and destroy cells already infected by the virus. Thus they prevent the infection raging throughout the body and lead to the early demise of your infection. Luckily, "T" cells generated by previous infections/vaccines appear to be equally successful against the various variants, thus preventing most people from becoming seriously ill/dying. Get your vaccine now, you know it makes sense.
  22. Currently, relative to the Delta variant, Phizer claims that 40% of those fully vaccinated will achieve immunity. The "hero doctor" was obviously one of the 60% who didn't achieve immunity.
  23. I used to repair them as an engineer with Post Office Telephones (pre BT). Glad to see the back of them, they can't hold a candle to WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.
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