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Everything posted by polpott

  1. Sweden, not UK. Also suspected of being immigrants, not native Swedes. Happens everywhere but much more common in Thailand and other barely civilised countries, than the West.
  2. Justification for my philosophy of never eating in Indian restaurants in Pattaya.
  3. Count me in that number. Tried and failed at the end of July. I now don't intend to return until all restrictions are lifted in both countries and then only as a tourist/snowbird. Probably at least a year away.
  4. My income is derived entirely from state and company pensions in the UK. With the improvement in the GBP/THB rate, I am now noticably better off than before the pandemic and with the restrictions on bar/entertainment venues my outgoings are less too.
  5. Much worse actually. Thais travelling to the UK don't have to purchase expensive and practically useless Covid insurance. Neither do they have to apply for a "Certificate of Entry" from the British embassy in Thailand before travelling.
  6. If you are a British/Irish citizen. No UK residency, no entry. Your vaccination status is irrelevant,
  7. All Retox bars are no more. Retox Soi Honey was one of the most popular bars in Pattaya pre pandemic. Fits all your criteria but now gone. There are others.
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