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Everything posted by Bkktodd

  1. If only farangs wore masks…..my mate said out of 50 he saw only 2 wore masks. Whilst thais comply. SMBS
  2. Now a daily score card for A nothing event. Didnt they learn their lesson about creating panic and hatred towards farangs?
  3. Suxs for those millions that died…bet they wish there was a cure
  4. No doubt a cartoon lampooning the antivaxxers/maskers that was lead by that guy that was verifiable a losser. I dont think this represents Thailand at all.
  5. Why??? Unlike the D Variant that created hell and death everywhere ….are the death numbers up? Are many more vaccinated then were last year at this time? Thailand should get those that are unvaccinated jabbed quicker.
  6. Maybe you know those type from Soi Baukhao…that feel superior to everyone and also complain bars are closed. in America around 60% comply …ironically about the same that voted for the last President. You can infer about the remaining 40% anti vaxxers and maskers all you want and i would agree
  7. Ironic isn’t it that it’s the Thais that use these services and drinking establishments much more than mongers you see in ripoff joints. Sins as you seem to imply are big business and support many as spending and buying increases for all. Use Las Vegas as an example. Has it all for entertainment and was the fastest growing city in the USA. Pattaya is now a waste land.
  8. 1918 everyone stuck together and wore masks so the virus died out with less hosts. 2021 hosts live and thrive on stupidity
  9. I didnt forget…my mate in Pattaya had 3 different hospitals given out vaccines as a choice. If you want it you can get it. I take issue with those dont want it and refuse it . Will they pay my bills of i get sick ?
  10. If an UNvaccinated ( by choice because of infringement of freedom bs or conspiracy monger) so be it….you are are your own. I get infuriated that i got 3 Pfizers jabs, take all precautions possible, pass muster to arrive Thailand 3 times (with a number of quarantines and tests ) whilst an UNVACCINATED expats( never covid tested) selfishly uses the condo pool , gym and lift with glee. 90 day report should include a vaccination card.
  11. Reached Europe in 20days…..airlines just stopped flights from South African nations also has Omicon been a dominant variant in Europe. No.
  12. Lots of expats already in Thailand are above the law with the mask rule. Then the first ones to complain the bars are closed.
  13. Deflection works sometimes….but if one walked on soi baukhao (Pattaya) you’d see most farangs not wearing mask. Police would have a field day if they bothered to enforce the rule
  14. I have coworkers that died from covid, in the transport industry and see stupid behavior everyday. I do wear 2 masks and wash often. Last thing i need is covid traveling (you’ll pay my bills?) and need negative results everytime i test to go/leave Thailand. Usually i can tell the ones that refuse being vaccinated….they sound like you
  15. Show vaccinated card at door. Pay bar fine. Fair enough
  16. Ill socialize with healthy multi jabbed thank you. Too bad if you feel discriminated against
  17. Second mentioned name has no bearing on the economy anymore.. been putting USD into the Thai economy for 20 years. Handsum mak mak according to well paid cuties ????
  18. Large size meals for large sized Americans. Thats about right. Suggest big gulp Cokes
  19. One nights stay , transportation and pcr test for 4000b seems reasonable. I paid 4000b for a simple rt-pcr test needed to go to the usa last time i left Thailand
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