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  1. Reminds me of a song from the original album by The Clash.
  2. Maybe the 90.8 million who have viewed so far
  3. Unfortunately for you, you are wrong and deep down, I think you know it.....just can't admit it.
  4. Sounds like it would be a crap fight.....just manbags
  5. Would be a funny fight to see..... probably just man bags.
  6. Just people living in denial. A lot of that these days.
  7. Yeah....we get it. You live in a fake world and don't understand that men can't be women and women can't be men.....well done.
  8. Born with tackle = male. Born without tackle = female.
  9. The American passport can say the person is a female if they want, but if they were born as a male then they are a male.
  10. Depends on whether (insert pronoun here) was born as a biological male or not.
  11. So one bloke and one woman. So it isn't same sex marriage then. Got it.
  12. You might want to reassess your position there.
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