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Posts posted by ChrisParis75

  1. "In a peer-reviewed pre-proof accepted for publication in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers presented two cases that demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the inside of the uterus. Additionally, researchers detected spike protein in placental tissue, indicating the bioactivity of the mRNA in reaching the placenta."




    No link whatsoever of course with the steep decline of births observed in many countries in 2021, 2022 and 2023...


    And remember that they told  us in 2021 that the "vaccines" STAYED in the location of the injections...


    It's funny how "science" can evolve... in just a few years...


    Enjoy your products "safe and effective".

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  2. People are confused. But actually, the problem is... very simple. 


    It's politics.


    Ask yourselves : who is behind this obsession against alcohol ? Who is pushing for always more rules and restrictions (times for sales, but after the military extended the ban... for religious days, or even election days).


    The times restrictions come from the 70s. The story about "kids at school" was a cover (after).


    Ask yourselves : why Thaksin, when elected prime minister, REACTIVATED this inane rule ? Yes he did.


    You forgot this very important piece of information. Before Thaksin, this "rule" was long forgotten !


    Thaksin was always a challenger to the establishment. He had to give "pledges" to powerfull groups.


    We do have in Thailand powerfull "temperance leagues" (like in the USA before the Prohibition). And those leagues are linked to conservative groups, obviously.


    I remind you that Thaksin was the one... who decided to close nightlife at midnight or 2 AM (before him, Bangkok was partying 24/24).


    It's the same logic. He had to, in order to rally support within the establishment.


    25 years later ? Back to square one.


    They want to stop this madness... but they dont really want it. 😉 Because that would displease some powerful groups.


    So what you think is sheer stupidity, is just the reflect of delicate political games.


    It's obvious that the current government is "walking on eggs"... Its position is very fragile...


    A huge mistake was done with the cannabis circus (Prayuth had to please his ally the Bhumjaithai Party, and probably he didn't really care)... So it's unlikely that anything would change on the alcohol front now.


    Last think : do you know that ThaiBev (the thai giant of beers and spirits)... can't be listed... on the THAI STOCK MARKET ?


    Rule again. Because alcohol !


    So ThaiBev is listed... in Singapore. And ThaiBev, a thai company, gives dividends... to foreigners...


    This simple fact shows how "deep" the issue is...

  3. On 11/27/2023 at 11:15 AM, The Cyclist said:

    Nor will it affect people who are covered by a DTA, other than perhaps getting off their asses and

    1. Getting a TIN.

    2 Filing an annual Nil tax return.


    It's important to debunk the idea "Double taxation agreement = no problem".


    Because it's false.


    I give you a real exemple. 


    A Thai tax resident who receives dividends from a company located in France... will pay automatically income tax of 12,8 % (to the french tax department).


    Yes, it's a flat rate (he could opt for variable rate, but it's another debate).


    (reminder : for the flat rate, a french tax resident... will pay 30 % on the same dividends, because he has 17,2 % of social security taxes added on top).


    So according to you, there is indeed a DTA between France and Thailand, and taxes have been ALREADY PAID (to the frenchs). So everything is okay.


    It's not.


    The franco-thai DTA says (article 23, 2 B) : 


    Thailand grants a resident of Thailand receiving such income [dividends] from French sources a chargeable credit against Thai tax. This credit is based on the amount of tax paid on France, but it cannot exceed the fraction of the Thai tax corresponding to the ratio existing between the net income from French sources and the overall net income liable to Thai tax.


    In other words... sure the thai tax department will give you a "tax credit" (of the amount paid to the french)... but can tell you TO PAY MORE (aka 35 % - 12,8 %, in case of dividends higher than 4 millions THB).


    References : the DTA



    The thai tax rates :



    Let's sink that : a DTA is designed to avoid to tax 2 TIMES.. THE SAME AMOUNT... But that doesn't mean that one of the 2 states could not tax MORE ! ;-)


    And rates can vary greatly between countries, and type of income, amount of income etc.


    So again, a DTA is not the iron clad guarantee that everything is and will be okay.


    Each individual must assess precisely his situation.


    The rule-loophole of "year + 1" (for the money coming into Thailand) was a blessing (for the case I've described, the thai resident with french dividends).


    But now the party is over (if they succeed to close this loophole or if they don't change their mind).

    • Like 1
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  4. 19 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

    When you compare Thailand's numbers with other countries that are still in the 10,000 + cases each day, then, yeah, i'd say Thailand has it pretty dam well under control. 69 million population with 100 cases each day is very good achievement. 

    Achievement ?

    Do you think it's the mask ? The borders closed (land borders are not closed...) ? The ban on alcohol ?

    Do you remember that Thailand received... almost 1 million chinese in january 2020 ? Many direct flights from Wuhan ?

    And ?

    Nothing. Like China (Wuhan versus the whole country is nothing). Like Vietnam. Like Cambodia etc.

    The explanation is simple, and has nothing to do with "achievements"...

    COVID-19 and Flu Pandemics Follow a Pattern: A Possible Cross-immunity in the Pandemic Origin and Graver Disease in Farther Regions


    Now... the real question is... Why despite this fact (Asian and South east asian countries are not affected by Covid, compared to the rest of the world).... why the asian governements... are so totally "into" the fight against Covid, with their -absurd- policy of "Zero case" ?

    • Like 1
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  5. 10 hours ago, MuayThaiGuy said:

    They can't even be sued for injuries/deaths either as they have a complete exemption from liability.

    Quite the business model.

    I can't believe so many "men" are willing to give up their right to bodily autonomy so easily.

    It's so submissive and pathetic.


    And the business model is even better... because those vaccines are designed to protect from a... virus that has killed... a total of 82 people in Thailand in a whole year.


    On the global scale, this virus is benign for the vast majority of the people...


    So yes indeed, it's pure... genius.

  6. 9 hours ago, Ian C HH said:

    So what IS the answer to the lack of deaths and empty hospitals IYHO? 
    A sincere question because it’s baffled me for a long time. I don’t believe you can hide deaths and overflowing hospitals  in today’s transparent media without a Google gagging onset?


    A new study -fascinating- explains those striking differences (between Asia... and the rest of the world).


    Afterall... even if a few countries play with numbers... it's true that it would impossible to hide "full hospitals" in Thailand for instance. So what's going on ?


    COVID-19 and Flu Pandemics Follow a Pattern: A Possible Cross-immunity in the Pandemic Origin and Graver Disease in Farther Regions




    Its beauty is... its simplicity.


    In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic and the three main flu pandemics in the last centuries follow a similar pattern: the farther from the pandemic origin, the graver the disease.


    If this theory is true... then it opens another worms can... Why would the asian countries "play hard ball" with this virus (and destroying their economy)... if they are, litteraly, not affected by this virus ?




    • Like 1
  7. Hello,

    I have a visa non O multiple (based on being father of a thai child).


    Not married. Not retired.


    I managed to return to Thailand mid august, via a repatriation flight. And immigration gave me 3 months stamp, as usual.


    Provided that :

    -the "amnesty" ends september 26.

    -i'am not married

    -i do not have 800 000 in bank

    -i have to leave Thailand before november 20.


    ... if at this date, borders are still closed, do i have any options ?


    Or do I have to leave the country... and try to come back after (with all the CoE, quarantine, ASQ circus) ?


    Am I missing something, another solution ? Thanks for your help.

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