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Everything posted by Ganesh108

  1. In the last three years, I have done exactly the opposite from what the WHO recommends, and I have never been healthier. I'll stay my course.
  2. Yes, except for the cooks at times/often. A better or more expensive restaurant is more likely to get a chef from India, who really knows how the food should taste. It's more difficult to get a Myanmarese-Nepali to do a proper South Indian Masala Dosa or some Gujarati dish, as they've never had those themselves.
  3. You're unlikely to find an Indian (as per nationality) in a tailor shop. The owners are usually Thai Sikhs born in Thailand, carrying Thai passports. The staff are ethnic Nepalese from Myanmar. Just saying.
  4. Wrong assumption. The people employed in the tailor shops are usually Myanmarese citizens of Nepali descent. It's easy to get a work permit for Myanmarese, and these chaps speak English and Hindi. The British Raj brought many Gurkhas and other Nepalese to Burma, these are their descendants.
  5. Next news item: Thailand will change its national flag to the Skull and Crossbones, to better represent the country's mindset. If the plan goes through, I will never set foot in a Thai hotel again. Maybe Airbnbs will be the solution.
  6. Don't generalise about a continent as large as Asia. In India no one's wearing...
  7. How will 'things change' if no one makes a start? Like, you for example? It's not like being in the trenches of Stalingrad and sticking your head out will get you shot.
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