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Posts posted by khhainuui

  1. Using agents for visas that are not my reasons of stay is not a way to stay in any country. Some of us has principles, and im going to live with those.As i said allready, have flight and need to leave.


    I just cannot play with those grey zone things, you guys dont know all my backrounds and it is not going to be public information anyways. There is already more than enough  hints for you.







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  2. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The Ed visa is simply an option used by many as a means to stay in Thailand. The vast majority of people using it do not do any study at all. The same for the Volunteer Visa - no one is really volunteering, the visa is just used as a loophole. 


    That option is available to you. 


    OK. So you are not yet Married. The document is ‘Affirmation of Freedom to Marry’ and can be (should be) obtainable directly from the Embassy instantly (UK Embassy anyway, I’m not sure if the Finish Embassy is any different).

    Did you Visit the Embassy for this document or apply by post ?


    I’m not sure here (UbonJoe?) - IF you get the ‘Affirmation of Freedom to Marry’ then get it translated into Thai, then get that Translation approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs you can legally Marry. 

    Then (I think) you can apply for a Non-Immigrant O (based on Marriage) - I’m not sure you can do this without having to leave Thailand - i.e. convert from a Tourist Visa to a Non-Immigrant O Visa within Country (and get 90 days). 



    Securing income back home is obviously the best long term solution to all of this, especially if you can’t currently meet the >400k Baht minimum saving requirement for a Non-Imm O extension. 



    All of that said: There have been options to stay in country open to you.

    Our embassy is too busy to give money for middle east. They wont give those documents.. need to order from Finland and then have someone to send it here, then they will stamp it in embassy.

    "Best and happiest country in the world"


    Well, things are how they are now.

    No can do.. is btw name of cloves we use in army, you cant literally do anything with those on lol

  3. 2 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


    You could have done that anyway, with the unofficial channels that were opened.

    Yes and no. Im not living in tourist area. Here is zero agents, have my lawyer and even he recommend to me to wait till this week and if no green light he suggest to go 'home'.

    And he is not middle guy, has connections and is our family member. But type of visa and situation and future plans considering i trust hes knowledge that jumping visas is not the way for me or him. Thats why i trust him also, genuine lawyer is hard to find.

    (We have done lot more things than just visas with him, like fishing lol)



  4. 49 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    These times are brutal for many.


    Being away from family is obviously extremely tough.


    Op - was there not an ‘agent option’ you could have gone with to secure your stay here in Thailand?

    [Ed Visa / Volunteer Visa ??]


    Post/mail has taken approximately 1 week from the UK. I’m not sure where home is for you - What marriage papers were you lacking? (you are married to a Thai, right? - could the Amphur not have re-issued papers here?)


    That said, being married to a Thai there were options but it seems the financial constraints of those options was too much, sorry to see that. 


    Things will get better, Thailand has to open up again. Now would be the time to get some work and save some money in preparation for your return. 




    I know a guy who returned with Certificate of Entry 1 month ago, he stayed two weeks in an ASQ hotel, he’s had two weeks at home with his family (Wife, daughter and Son) and has now had to go back overseas to work again. It’s extremely tough having to chose between your family and supporting your family - heartbreaking. 




    My industry is in its knees, everyone has been furloughed or laid off. If it takes too long to recover I may have to sell up in Thailand and move back to the UK where I can at least contribute something in this downturn instead of relying on my Wife. 

    Yes there would have been options for those visas. But im not willing to study, im not bragging or how to say in english but im from Finland, so education in here is not really any option.

    Thai i learn with family everyday..


    Our government is super slow with everything, was apply documents 3weeks ago and still no answer.

    Im waiting that "free to marry" doc, i dont know the english name for it.


    But in other hand, going back gives me more income and have time to do all papers until borders open.


    I wish you all good!


    'my english is quite straightforward and can cause some missunderstood so dont take all so literally 555

  5. 1 minute ago, Tagged said:

    I spoke about this with my friend last winter, that we need to save before .... hit the fan, and I therefor I was working hard the last year, little salery and saving up. Little I knew it was coming so soon. Just lucky I had all the paper ready when returning back in january after short trip back to home, to get my first long stay visa. 


    Of course depends how old you are, but things that goes down, have to go up again. Cheers

    I feel happy for you.

    Yes this will be over someday, and will only come back with one year visa that no need to border stamp. 



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  6. 23 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Why people don't want go they own coundry? Those who can flight! To me 8 month in Thailand one time is more than enough.  Im sad about those who need come here and can't! 

    People have lives here. People have different problems. I have lived here few years. Maybe thats one reason in millions why.

    Not all of us are tourist, this situation will hit many of us who is really having life in here.

    Some are lucky to have all sortet some not, its not automatic that all have this time money or even if have money can have options.

    I should be the most rich guy cause i have finnish nationality, but im currently broke, my thai neighbors has lot more money than me 55

    Its not always black and white.

    If any of you have plans to live here in future but cant stay right now, try somehow to get out. I really feel sorry for those who cannot and have life in here.

    For tourists who has option to go home i dont really feel sorry.

    after all this time i have done my best  living in place where i can mostly just go with speaking thai, going to temple to help, done my part of this neighborhood, really give my 100% to be good guy, im still not enough for this country. And never will.

    It will always be like that, but the people of Thailand is facing real problems, while we can always go "home" we just need to remember that. You can complain here but remember, here is millions of people who needs their own country to fix "few" things.

    • Like 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    So, you are on an auto-extended non-b entry now. Do you have the company docs / requirements to extend it?  Maybe discussed with you prior - small company, etc? - sad, if so.  We don't have access to the MFA for corruption-free options, currently.

    But if you do manage to get married before the other options end (embassy-letter, if you can get one), that opens up more options going forward.

    Yes i do have all the company docs, not had any business for it though yet, this bs covid came right at the time i was getting customers and contracts.. i doupt that can get marriage before next saturday, and im so lucky to carry passport of Finland that helps only middle east people open handed.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, worldfun said:

    We've seen a few happy stories of letters to media / governments helping to change policies but appear as uphill battles in this last hour. Good for the Americans though ????

    I did wrote few emails to finnish news medias. But at these times i think all they want is about refugees and their free flight to europe with free housing and money, they dont care about us europeans in most of the countries...


    Can you imagine that they did bring few hundred refugees to Finland from Greece with private planes, gives food etc. But us citizens of socialist europe gulag wont get petty document. Im not against helping people though but this is too much, i served my country and this is what they give back (nothing).

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, worldfun said:

    Indeed Denmark refused which to be honest is disappointing merely repeating that traveling there is totally possible!
    So that leaves the medical certificate perhaps one could assume covid symptoms etc...
    Also for those with still valid multi visas a chance border encounter is futile after Myanmar's epidemic which I believe has shut any possibility at Mae Sot...

    Other than that overstay or last minute agent schemes & of course pray for amnesty / immigration easing!! 

    Just came from immigration, chief was talking with my gf long time laughing, he sayd just need to wait and told not to worry.


    Told that not going to jailed if i wait till last day but i doupt its on hes hands, also he sayd that just print letter from embassy website (my gf not remember that our embassies not giving letters)


    So still no: non imm b visas granted in Thailand.


    Told them that need to wait documents for marriage also.


    Well lets see, i dont really afraid to be deported, im afraid of 1-5 year ban.

  10. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    The government hasn't said a word, one way or the other.

    Please link to the government stating amnesty extension won't happen.

    Seems like they updated immigration website. Now the same 'amnesty ends reminder banner come top of the site when you go in there'


    Also they dont need to make many annoucements about its not really going to happen etc.


    I would hope to see amnesty, im not here as tourist, actually i have no status now, only amnesty.


    Been contacting my relatives for getting back "home", cause it still seems that they wont let us to extend non im b visas here. 


    Not going to agent because i can provide same paper by my self. 


    Even the situation is quite sh i t for some of us, "stop crying and march, change your socks and keep your rifle clean" 

  11. 1 hour ago, Letseng said:

    Why can't people return home? Yes, there are a few countries where flights are difficult or non- existent. Anybody from Europe can return. But it may be more of a "don't want to" as many never were genuine tourists. 

    The plight of long-stay visa holders has, since the announcement that the visa amnesty would end on September 26th next and because of Thailand’s closed borders, raised anxiety levels among hundreds of thousands of foreigners living within the kingdom.

    A key segment of this group is multi-entry Non-Immigrant B visa holders who up to the end of March last, regularly left Thailand for business or travel purposes and returned with a 90-day extension.

    This has not been possible since then and indeed will not be possible after September 26th in all likelihood as Thailand’s borders remain essentially closed except under approved entry and strict quarantine procedures.



    Earlier last week, a top immigration officer in Phuket, Lieutenant Colonel Udom Thongchin, who is the deputy commander on the island, indicated that some news for long-stay foreigners within Thailand is in the offing.

    The normally prescient official told the Phuket News newspaper in Phuket that he expects some news from Bangkok prior to September 15th next.

    One key concern for many foreigners with Thai wives or who live and work from the kingdom is that because of the Covid 19 crisis, they have been unable to leave the country and both their incomes and savings have been depleted.

    This means that many may not be able to satisfy the strict income and deposit requirements which in recent years have been tightened.

    Lieutenant Colonel Udom advised such people to hold off on submitting their visa applications to authorities until after September 15th as he expects that there will be some guidance on this from headquarters in Bangkok.




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  12. 8 minutes ago, mousset said:

    I'm swiss national on a Non-Immigrant B Visa, running a small 2 employees company in Phuket since 9 years and usually doing the border stamp every 90 days. My visas expires 1st of December, work permit on 22nd this month but actually in the process to get the new 2 years work permit.
    You see me come here... What to do now?
    I'm married but not officially so that visa can't be made on time now. The remaining option is to register my company to 4 employees etc (got someone to help me on that as it's officially too late if I understand it right).

    This situation is so ridiculous that I naively thought it couldn't end up there..
    Any advice highly welcome ????

    Have almost same problem, but our business was just starting in the beginning of this year and non immigrant b visa expired with work permit on june. Have customers in Finland etc but at the moment cannot fill requirements. Now it only seems that need to go back and enjoy snowless winter and maybe reunion with my family someday in here... Perkele!  Its so hard to let people apply visa in country lol....

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  13. I personally dont wait amnesty, i would like to see visas with ease (not so strickt rules about income etc) in the end the main thing is that they get criminals out, and knows where the herd is.


    Embassy of Finland kind of laugh about that embassy letter, it should not be another countries job to give any recommend about staying in foreign country, its all about thai government to say who stays...


    Yes it would make it easier if EU (communist party of europe)

    Would give those letters, but i understand their diplomacy.


    Non im b visa, cannot renew in country, many of us have no income enough to show. For those who has similar visas i expect something to come soon. Think about how many have tourist linked business here with non imm b visas, its going to be ghost towns all around if many needs to leave just because cannot renew inside....


    No all of us are rich, fellow westerners should understand in here atleast, i wont expect that understanding from some thais.


    Offtopic but, i was talking with my neighbor last month and he wont still believe that i was timber in Finland. 55 aikwai

    • Confused 1
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  14. 16 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    'Attila,44, told Thaivisa that he first came to the country 20 years ago and fell in love with the country, its culture and ocean'


    Probably not so keen on that culture now then, people who claim to love the culture rarely seem to know much about it though.



    Majority of people living in Phangan just hang with other farangs and not speak much thai, or even care about culture even after spending years in Thailand. They go around without shirts and try to spread that western bs allaround.. was living there for year and had enough, why to move here to live same western bs, i just dont get it. 

    • Confused 2
  15. Feel you... I have company, was starting export to europe, no income since came back january from "visarun" 90d non b.


    Got my small pension every month but not enough for requirements for other visas. Getting married soon but will take few months to have enough money for lawyer to make those 400k transfer tricks... 



    Well sometimes in life <deleted> hits the fan and you just need to wipe that <deleted> and continue, no matter what.


    Going to wait till day 15, if theres no ease, just manage somehow get ticket back to "home" and wait there and work 247 to support my family here....





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