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  1. Why does Thailand always complicate things? Make it easy for tourists or snowbirds to enter and stay in your country and the the county will generate income. As an American, I have visited the following counties and received 90 days visa on arrival: Malaysia, Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia. In Mexico, Costa Rica and Colombia you can extend another 90 days past the original 90 days, but it must be done with immigration, for an additional nominal cost. I know Americans here in Medellin, Colombia that come live and work here in the winter for 180 days and then they must leave Colombia for 180 days and thus return to USA. Many people work online so they don't need to always live in a particular country, thus they can move around. The retired snowbirds can also benefit from living in their counties in the winter and in Thailand for 180 days. To me, it's a no-brainer, but for Thais, it seems a little complicated and difficult. Make it easy Thailand!
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