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Posts posted by Liringlas

  1. Good morning!

    I have been in Thailand for now 8 months on ED visa, learning Thai language.

    I see a lot of information everywhere concerning tourists and long term expats (retired and mariage) but not that much about ED.


    My visa ends on 14 of september (i am not yet on amnesty but i might be from 14 to 26 if i do not find a solution).


    The normal plan would have been to go out for example to Vietnam and Malaysia and apply for the second ED visa that would last another 6 months. But as you know that is not possible anytime soon.


    Now what i know:

    - The school has prepared avery document and sent it in case Bangkok immigration allows the application to the new visa without leaving the country, which has been requested by the ministry of education. But no news about this yet.

    - The school has advised me to request a 30 days extension at embassy (for me that would be France, any experience?)

    - I fear that once my visa expires, i will be considered a simple amnesty tourist and that it might make things harder concerning visas?


    I am also looking at options for if i really have to leave the country. I do not want to come back to infected europe, i was thinking about Vietnam or Cambodia (Vietnam seems to have reasonnable price for quarantine, under a thousand dollar in private hotels): Has anyone figured a plan B in a country that doesnt have too much corona?


    Thank you all :)

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