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Everything posted by Petey11

  1. Despite Thai police ruling the official cause of death as drowning, Probably quite likely. Question is was he held under the water by someone?
  2. I thought normal procedure was suspicion, arrest, question, evidence, charge. You never know in Thailand if they are going to follow that procedure.
  3. Lot of Thai are adverse to wearing seatbelts, my ex never used to wear one unless forced to by a taxi driver or such. Passenger space intact but bodies thrown around inside.
  4. I was stupid enough to do it although only just over the limit, in court there were 14 of us, all the others were Thai, some received two week jail because not afford the fine. Most Thai I know think nothing of doing it.
  5. The press controls the narrative (influence from those higher), same as in every country.
  6. I was taken aback that Thais photo funerals. Went to my bro in law's funeral in UK and my Thai girlfriend asked if I could send her photos or video. Had to explain it's not the done thing in the UK to do that.
  7. Haven't they noticed that most countries are suffering with high inflation and stagnant wage growth, the western tourists just don't have the disposable income they had pre pandemic times.
  8. Think everyone is different, regardless of nationality. From experience just coming out of a 4 year relationship, my girlfriend didn't express her feelings about things. Reason for breakup was silly but she said it was "the last time she was going to get hurt by something I said". After talking about there were several times things were said by both in the past that "hurt" her feelings. I said that maybe if she had expressed her feelings at those times it wouldn't have ended up like it did. The classic men are not mind readers came up. If I was ever "hurt" by something she said or did, I let her know so she would think in the future.
  9. Maybe they ought to publish the real figures then rather than the 2-3k a day they state if they want the public to be aware of the real situation. Sure those published figures are the "Don't we look good" they want the world to see. Majority of the rest of the world has moved on, endemic now, monitored and real situation liaised to the populous if they are interested. Those in charge in Thailand probably haven't a clue what the real situation is as they have no separate national monitoring like the UK ONS surveys carried out, where people can report their symptoms without fear of having to isolate if they so wish. Those in charge just don't want to let go of the control, evident by the Emergency Decree been extended until September. Time to move on, it's endemic like malaria, dengue, flu etc.
  10. As far as I was aware Thailand is Buddhist faith country by majority so they make their laws accordingly. Islamist countries make their laws accordingly to their faith. It's called democracy. Certain countries are becoming woke to the rights of the minority been put before the majority, road to authoritarianism IMO.
  11. Possibly on the never never loan?
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