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Everything posted by Petey11

  1. "No further details were released", it says in the original article. Bet they weren't because pretty sure 99% they acquired the infection in Thailand. Probably only picked up because of the spotlight and 100% testing regime of foreigners. If they started looking in the Thai population I'm sure they'd find many more.
  2. It's not just the medical side. UK chief medical officer stated that they are looking at the wider impact on services. If you have many people having to isolate, doctors, nurses, police, ambulance, fire etc, it can have a knock on effect on services. Estimated 1 in 35 people in London now have covid.
  3. The blame game from government ministers will be in full swing rather than admit that woefully inadequate testing in Thailand's domestic population has let Omicron get a foot hold because they had no idea of true infection levels domestically.
  4. Been publicly stated by ICU doctors, mayor of London, that majority of hospital admissions, especially in London, are people who have not been vaccinated.
  5. Cannot see it stated in the reporting that the couple were positive. It only talks about the relatives. Has anyone considered these are domestic transmissions from within Thailand, from cases which are only coming to light now because they are actively looking for the variant now?
  6. From what I hear a lot of bars are opening up anyway without a restaurant/food. The other problem they have as a Sandbox zone is how do you stop people leaving the area, it's not an island like Phuket or Samui.
  7. Maybe testing, Worldometers shows roughly 3 times tests to Thailand per capita but then deaths are lot higher, which could be down to many reasons, poorer medical care, less vaccination or case don't test and someone dies and is not post tested, never know. In my own view I struggle to believe figures from any country in full, many are under counted, some over counted. Does anyone believe China with 1 billion population only has 50-100 cases a day? Cambodia 3 a day like yesterday. Unless there was a defined criteria worldwide and all countries followed it to the letter I think it will be difficult to do direct comparison.
  8. Uk had 100k but not all Omicron variant I believe. It still isn't the dominant yet I believe.
  9. 6 days from arriving in country until positive test, timelines seem to be getting longer, Chang Rai man was six or seven days, possible infection from Thailand?
  10. Interesting to know how many positives they are sequencing and is it just overseas arrivals or they checking homegrown positives too?
  11. They forgot one , big family get together or multiple persons meeting up in condos.
  12. I also noticed deaths seem to be pretty constant over the last 2 weeks, somewhat different curve to infections. Would expect deaths to follow infection curve albeit with a couple weeks lag.
  13. So he's happy with just over 60% double vac. Get to 80% and then start patting yourselves on the back. Third shots going in and still 10% odd awaiting their second. Mind boggles and he forgot to mention the 4th jabs too.
  14. And in London it is mostly the unvaccinated ending up in hospital, still over 1.5million people not vaccinated. Rumors and talk now of restricting things unvaccinated can do, same as Austria.
  15. Hospitality 'We might salvage something of this year's high season.' Prayut 'Pass me the hammer and nails , time to seal this coffin until next year.'
  16. I presume you mean ICU's. Just under 900 critical in Thailand, roughly same as UK from what I can see on Worldometers. Extrapolate from that what you want. You could view it as Thailand real situation of infection the same, or currently not as bad due to lower levels of vaccination and lesser quality vaccines for a lot of people who were jabbed early. All I can hope is Thailand ramps up it's vaccination again. I believe it's not just people in hospital that worries the science boffs, it's the medical staff who could be forced to isolate due to catching the Omicron variant, thus leaving a lot less staff to look after people in hospital. We saw the effect of that in UK. In construction we started to run low on materials due to factories etc reducing production from lack of staff due to isolation. Getting a bit off subject now so leave it there.
  17. I believe Thailand will be less hit because of the aversion to testing.
  18. Example if UK only tested those sick enough to turn up at hospital it'd only have maybe 900-1000 cases a day, everything would be rosy, but the other 90k odd would be fuelling the spread unknown. I truly believe Thai government has no true idea of the spread in Thailand of covid, just rely on clusters popping up to find it.
  19. Regardless of deaths from Omicron the Sadiq Kahn, mayor of London said in an interview that majority of people ending up in hospital are those not vaccinated. This may be the problem when Omicron hits Thailand as a lot of vaccinations are with the Chinese junk or a mixture of them and AZ. Already known that AZ double dose not sufficient after 100 days hence the big push in the UK to get everyone boosted with Pfizer ASAP. Thai needs to ramp up it vaccination again I'd say, and quick, they done it before, but need to get the right vaccines. See they are still pushing the cocktail for jabs in January, may have worked with Delta but time will tell if it does the job with Omicron.
  20. I was aware of that, just lazy to write. From photos I've seen from friends it seems a lot of drinking going on but not much food. Just one small dish and carryon drinking. I'm sure all the bars, sorry, restaurants, are adhering to the two hour visit rule????.
  21. From what I've gathered any bar that can knock up some chicken wings and register as restaurant can open.
  22. Crystal ball? It's as though they already know roughly when to release the news. Don't want to scare anyone before new year?
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