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Everything posted by Petey11

  1. Shhhh. Don't look, don't find, nothing to see here, everything good. Just wait for the sick to come to us.
  2. The provincial prison in Thailand’s northern province of Phitsanulok has been closed to all visitors since Monday after 1,559 of the 2,190 prisoners there tested positive for COVID-19 using antigen tests. Wonder how long they have holding onto this one. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/71-of-inmates-in-phitsanulok-prison-found-infected-with-covid-19/
  3. Another rule change to be ignored. From what I've seen the restaurant bars are just like the bars used to be, not much food in sight but lots of check-bin and bottles. They might as well just let them open as normal.
  4. If Thailand does not see a fourth wave of covid they need to bottle whatever they're doing and sell it to the rest of the World.
  5. Just for comparison to schooling in UK. My daughter's class, 3 children with covid. One sits next to my daughter plus other cases in other classes of her year. Pupils now use separate gate to other years for access and don't mix with other years at break time. Daughter doing LFT/ATK every day, on 9th day now and all negatives. Minimal disruption to their learning and sensible measures at the school. Children who are off get online work to do if they are well enough. Children are the future of countries and it's vital that education carries on. They have missed far too much schooling over the past 2 years.
  6. Do you truly believe there's just 7-800 cases a day in a population of 7-8 million in Bangkok. I believe the only people getting PCR now are people who end up at hospital through sickness. ATK are not counted in the official numbers and then I very much doubt a lot of the ATK positive are reported at all . UK 80%+ double vac and still 40k plus a day. That's the figures you get when doing mass testing of 1 million odd a day. How many tests is Thai doing? Not easy to find that info now, smoke and mirrors. Chonburi 100-200 a day but yet recently telling people who went to Pattaya music festival to get an ATK as, and in official words, there has been a high number of infections linked to the event. I, like yourself cannot understand why there is just 7-800 cases a day in Bangkok, I suspect it's higher personally.
  7. So going by his statement have they only sequenced 83 samples since 1st November and then only incoming "tourists". No information on how many home grown cases they are sequencing. Chances are it's probably already in the population, they just haven't detected it yet. This is the risk of low testing numbers, you just don't know what's out there.
  8. When you do very little testing of population how do you know?
  9. Said Thailand was first to give 3rd vaccine dose to health staff. Maybe because they used the less effective Sinovac en-mass. I would think most of population of Phuket needs a 3rd dose by now.
  10. Fair point, don't test enough, don't find the cases, cannot sequence the virus to find out its genome. Don't know if the figures out there for Thailand's genome sequencing tests. Pretty sure it's low number compared to some other countries.
  11. Totally different to a scenario I am aware of. Not going to name place but restaurant, 2 staff positive, all staff took ATK which negative, carry on working, test again in five days. I suspect this is going under the radar so as not to lose business, face, customers. I personally know 2 who work there. The above is standard in UK now. Only difference is if you are close contact you have to ATK every day for 7-10 days AFAIA.
  12. I agree with a lot of posters, it's down to an officials interpretation the law. Remember this is the land of brown envelopes. From personal experience I can tell you what the law and official line is isn't always what happens. I had to use the threat of involving the UK consulate to get my passport back once. Remember you are a foreign visitor in Thailand and if you weren't here something wouldn't have happened. Eg, motor accident your fault even if not as if you hadn't been here on holiday the accident wouldn't have happened. A lot of things in Thailand seem illogical to foreigners but that's life in Thai.
  13. Was never going to be visitors to the country causing any spike. What has opened internally that's different from pre November 1st?
  14. Watch the figures miraculously jump to about million plus a day from 6-700k as it has been recently. The great one has spoken so it must be achieved.
  15. What do you expect from Thailand, no money to be made with ATK unlike PCR and one night in hotel. They view the ATK sufficient for Thai population but not foreigners. TIT
  16. Fuel prices are rising over the whole world. Government stepping in to artificially keep price low will only delay the inevitable in my opinion. Also reminiscent of old Soviet block era where price is controlled. If the price starts to drop will they keep it artificially higher to recoup the money they have spent pegging it at 30bht?
  17. It's ok, they weren't foreigners who have gone through the circus of paperwork and testing. Nothing to see here, move along.
  18. Won't be returning there if that is still enforced if and when I return, their loss. Keep going with the self-inflicted destruction.
  19. Bangkok population 7 million or more, less than 1000 cases a day, someone telling porkies me thinks if they're worried.
  20. Vaccinated persons can be a breeding ground for covid. Vaccine reduces the chance of transmission but not eliminate it. Get all the adults, vulnerable and people with underlying conditions done first.
  21. I was coming to similar conclusion. In my view 2 scenarios, the first as you say to kill off the bar/Gogo/clubs. The second is the actual covid situation is worse than they are reporting.
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