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Everything posted by Petey11

  1. Headline says it all. "Import of legal workers." The government views those workers as a commodity by the sound of it if the headline is correct.
  2. Those figures stopped been reported a while ago and changed to a percentage. Even trying to find PUI numbers is becoming a challenge. Smoke and mirrors. I expect if you dig deep enough and long enough you will find the numbers but have to remember that PCR tests is not the same as new persons tested as the total PCR lab tests will include repeat tests for those in hospital and quarantine. I would guess the recent drop in percentage for 7 day average has dropped due to the 20000 or so tests carried out on people entering the country under the new rules, may be wrong but, hey, 20k tested and 20 positives from those would sure make the positivity rate look better.
  3. I wonder if these schools are operating a bubble system, same as UK did. If a student is positive covid then just the class isolates. Whilst still disruptive must be better than the whole school closing.
  4. I think the point is if you have symptoms such as a cold or mild flu/bug your not going to go to hospital.
  5. Never rains but pours, just opening up to tourists and now rabies outbreak in the area.
  6. What a welcome, greeted by fully clad in PPE officials, nothing like making people feel welcome, treating them like they are all carrying Ebola.
  7. But officially the numbers are dropping but they keep having to shut down factories, tambons, etc. Work that out. Seal and forget, nothing to see here.
  8. Noooo, must be fake news, cases are plummeting in Chonburi province yet they keep announcing these cluster closures, or rather seal and hide, nothing to see here.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but who would book sandbox now if you can enter on the new terms of entry, double vac and one night stay SHA?
  10. All good until they start opening everything and people return for work up country who may not be vaccinated. Percentage will drop for sure unless they bring in vaccine passport to work in the tourist industry.
  11. Agree, all elderly and vulnerable should have been vaccinated before others but powers that be seem more interested in protecting their buddies income earners.
  12. Anyone under 30yrs old should not be having AZ. UK stopped giving it to the under 30's months ago when a link to blood clots, more so in younger people, was discovered.
  13. So I do the day 6 test and am staying in my accommodation, I show the result to myself?
  14. One case discovered but now revealed 18 cases, and given the low amount of testing and genome sequencing, anyone's guess as to how many cases.
  15. You open up bars etc, rates will go up, it's a given. If they don't you know something is amiss. In my opinion Thailand's numbers are way off. My view is the same for UK, reported numbers are nowhere near actual numbers. ONS stats which are based on true random sampling show this. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveypilot/8october2021. Thailand does no such random survey on this scale so if you take all the reported figures as gospel, good luck. Believe all is good in the utopia of Thailand. I personally don't believe that 40% vaccination would have this dramatic effect on the figures either.
  16. Playing whack a mole again, one dose gives little protection and to give two doses will take at least 6 weeks to kick in full protection.
  17. Won't see many more official cases from there then if using ATK unless folks get sick enough to be admitted to hospital.
  18. With such figures reported and so many different agencies, provincial authorities etc involved in the vaccine rollout, I doubt they will never have a clear idea of true numbers by area, only total number of vaccines bought and distributed. The drawbacks of regional control and too many departments rather than one centralised vaccination system.
  19. Also amazing that the more they relax measures, the lower the positive numbers get.
  20. In my opinion that is an extremely low sampling rate to be running genome sequencing to check for new variants.
  21. But, but the PM said tourists would be able to move around the country like the Thai population can.
  22. Wish them all the luck in opening up everything, the Thai people need the money. Unfortunately every other country that has opened up has seen a resurgence of covid waves, even those with high vaccination rates. I know this is TIT who miraculously seems to defy the trends, but I for-see an upturn in infections when they open with all the consequences of a low percentage of the population vaccinated. Put all the effort into getting people vaccinated, gradually open to your domestic market and then open up to international tourists.
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