Please educate yourself. Very different models of infection and at risk people.
Tomato flu aka Hand, mouth foot disease is a manageable viral infection caused by Coxsackievirus A-6 and A-16 of the enterovirus group. It is most likely in children age 5 and under. It infects tens of thousands in Thailand. It is a predictable annual seasonal epidemic that spikes in June, July and August. It is most severe and frequent in Bangkok, and less severe in provinces with lower population density. It is an expensive illness because of the toll it places on families.
MPox aka Monkey pox Monkeypox is caused by monkeypox virus of the genus an Orthopoxvirus. This a disease that was initially imported from Africa, most likely by Europeans. The initial western outbreaks were traced back to raves and sex fetish events in Spain and Germany. Visitors to these events brought the disease back to their homelands and from there to Thailand. The western quick response was instrumental in containing a pandemic and the vaccination of at risk individuals acted to slow and in some countries stop the spread of disease. Unfortunately, enough infected westerners entered Thailand and had intimate relations with Thais, most likely sex workers, to result in 800+ infections as of August 2024. It was being managed through vaccinations of at risk Thais.
It all changed last August when the new deadly Clade Ib strain of the virus appeared in Thailand. The carrier was a European who had arrived in Thailand on August 14th on a flight from the Middle East, but his journey had originated in Central Africa. Fortunately, he was quarantined and all of his Thai contacts tested negative. (Whether the Gulf based airline informed its at risk passengers is uncertain.) The quick and well directed intervention by the MoH protected Thailand's national health security and helped prevent a national catastrophe. Thailand then took further steps to protect its people by adding a screening requirement for the disease for the countries already on its Yellow fever screening list.
Thailand's response was textbook near perfect and deserves praise. Most critics of public health and Thais in this forum are oblivious to how close Thailand came to a health catastrophe that could have destroyed tourism for 2024 and created a real fear of foreigners.
Thailand's response to a possible norovirus outbreak can be expected to be no less top quality. I would expect that the MoH is first investigating. It is often difficult to quickly differentiate between the standard food poisoning that we can all get vs. a norovirus infection. I prefer to let the quiet, non headline chasing health professionals at the MoH do their job and am confident that they will respond appropriately.