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  1. The deceased was homeless and demonstrated signs of mental illness. Because he was a Russian national, some have made the inappropriate conclusion that it must be organized crime related. This is not how Russian mobsters execute someone. A hit is intended to send a message and with the Russian mob, when it comes to the elimination of low level people, the body isn't concealed in the manner that this body was. And then we come to your comment offering up the presumed religion of someone who has no relevance to this death. The man you refer to has not left Russia in well over a decade. He is almost 78 and I would expect that on a good day, he might manage to pee without splattering his underwear. And here you come to offer up that some some arch enemy is Jewish, Ukrainian and Russian hitting the trifecta of hate out of the ball park, as they say. Why you would even reference a presumed religion of a completely unrelated person to this event? Do you call Al Capone the Roman Catholic mafiosa, or Whitey Bulger the Roman Catholic gangster, or describe the notorious and violent Asian Boyz gang as Buddhist gang members? I doubt very much this man practices any religion.
  2. The frightening aspect of your claim is that you actually attempt to offer it as factual. There are no settlers in Gaza and Israel has not taken land from Gaza. There was historically, an Israelite population in Gaza and it existed through the Ottoman period. All jews were forced out in 1949 when Egypt annexed the land. There is no religious claim to Gaza either. Yes, there are some Israelis who make provocative comments about occupying Gaza, but that is motivated solely by the constant missile and terror attacks that come from Gaza. Aside from that group, there is zero interest in Israel in having anything to do with Gaza. And what's up with your Israeli query? You carry on as if it is a crime to be an Israeli. There are 1 million+ Israeli Arabs and your comment impugns them.
  3. Look at his toes in the photo. That kind of muscle freeze is indicative of an underlying physical issue. Either his own metabolic issue or a drug induced issue.
  4. Ok so according to you Gazans are not attacking and looting aid convoys despite the overwhelming evidence that they are. A quick search will show some of the Arab drivers complaining about the Gazans attacking aid convoys. I found this one from an Egyptian driver.
  5. Ok, it was foolish and unreasonable to threaten him outright, but I have a hunch the intent of the talking to was not particularly well expressed. Initially, I was sympathetic, but I poked around a bit and can see that this fellow is wobbly to begin with. He is asking for money from viewers who are not many. Adding embarrassment is that he apparently considers himself to be a shaman. he isn't too impressive.
  6. That's the wifi device. It is attached to the wall.
  7. Your comment suggests that you are not a frequent flyer and that you do not have experience with more than a few airports in any given year at best. Bangkok airport is one of the world's better airports. You can do this in the new Satellite terminal. It is everything you could ask for in a terminal. Bangkok is in a hot part of the world. The ambient temperature within the terminal is in the the mid 20's at worse and usually 23C away from the front doors. it is unreasonable to expect that the AOT should waste money and energy on offering refrigeration like temperatures in a climate where 35-40C+ is the norm. Most of the passengers don't want it cool. Hamad Airport has less passenger volume than Bangkok. And yes, it and Changi are nice, but the new Bangkok satellite is just as nice. The AoT initiated an long term plan of improvements. BKK is almost 20 years old and when it opened it was state of the art. The AoT has adopted a measured and orderly plan and the first stage was to get the new Satellite terminal up and running. This will allow the airport to proceed with the 140 billion baht addition of " two new runways, a new terminal and the expansion of the existing passenger terminal" My last trip in and out of BKK was a breeze. i cleared immigration in 10 minutes in the early morning and 15 minutes at peak departure mid morning. my baggage was at the belt within 10 minutes of my getting there. A large part of the problem are the passengers who are incapable of presenting their passports, or scanning their fingers or looking at a camera. Locals are quickly clearing through the egates. Yes, at peak hours there is sometimes a bit of a delay, but it isn't that bad.
  8. Yes a small number of israeli protestors attempted to disrupt an aid convoy yesterday. They are motivated by Hamas refusal to accept a ceasefire request from israel and release of the hostages. It was a wrongful act, but understandable as their concerns are ignored. Israel has held off on a Rafah visit as it attempts to get a ceasefire with Hamas. Enough aid has been entering Gaza to prevent a famine and hardship. The reality is that it was and is being diverted by Hamas, or is being looted by Gazans who then sell the goods for a profit. The sad reality is that convoys are more likely to be attacked by Gazans than Israelis. This is never mentioned by Al Jazeera, and rarely mentioned by western media. One in awhile there will be a mention in passing as was the case with the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/21/world/middleeast/gaza-aid-convoys-ambush.html Often the aid is taken by Hamas and distributed exclusively to Hamas personnel and families. There is a robust open market where food aid is sold with money going to the criminal gangs and who are holding some Israeli hostages for ransom and to Hamas. And when a convoy is attacked, Hamas sympathetic media attempt to blame Israel for it, even though it is Gazans attacking and looting https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/06/food-aid-convoy-bound-for-northern-gaza-looted-after-being-stopped-at-israeli-checkpoint https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/28/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-palestine/ Do you deny the above? Do you deny that one of the biggest problems of getting aid to Gaza is finding drivers for the convoys. Few Israeli Arabs want to do it. There are a few videos of some of the drivers venting their anger after an attack and vowing never to return to gaza again. So many westerners assume that there is great integrity and honesty with the Gazans, a noble resistance. Well there isn't.
  9. In respect to the Columbia University protestors; It now seems that a large number were not full time students and that there is an indication of third party funding. At some point this will need to be investigated. More importantly, the NYPD has offered the following observation as quoted in multiple New York newspapers; Police explained why they knew the students were getting outside aid from agitators. "The black block attire, the breaking windows, breaking doors, the vandalism property destruction, the barricading, the make-shift weapons that we recovered in the encampment," said Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD's deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism. "That change in tactics, combined with the presence of known individuals on campus in the lead-up to what happened in Hamilton Hall, is why we had a real elevated concern around public safety." The New York Daily News had the article Pro-Palestinian CUNY students shattered glass doors, vandalized offices before City College NYPD raid. The article had this quote; “Students have a right to demonstrate peacefully and exercise their First Amendment rights,” the CUNY spokesperson said. “Actions were taken in response to specific and repeated acts of violence and vandalism, not in response to peaceful protest.” I think what we have here is not a n issue of civil peaceful protest. rather it is a series of civil disturbances initiated, funded and supported by third party agitators. Yes, for sure, some students are genuinely motivated and who do not wish to see anyone injured, but the clear message from the civil disturbances is that there is an intent to do harm and the protests are now being manipulated by these people.
  10. That's your logic. I was pointing out that if an ethnic cleansing or a genocide was intended, israel has acheieved neither since the Gaza population has neither decreased, nor relocated. In respect to the unfortunate loss of children, you should have a word with hamas and islamic jihad. The death of children is part of the strategy because it upsets westerners. Children are excellent shields, betetr yet is to put missile launching sites in close proximity to homes and schools. These are martyrs and they are in paradise. that's what hamas tells Gazans who believe that. So0o, you don't care about the Arab child or the Arab hostages. All human life is valuable, whehter it is 1 life or 100. Not teachins, but propaganda dissemination events where one revisionist version of history is given. A version that ignores the actual history of the place such as the Ottoman empire having ruled for centuries and that there being no actual palestinian nation o, nor a Lebanon or Saudi Arabia or Jordan, but there was a specific department for what we today know as israel which was attached administratively to the province of Damascus and ruled from Istanbul. The revisionists blame European colonial powers, but really what exists is the remnants of the Ottoman Empire.
  11. Egypt and Qatar are fed up with Hamas. Israel has offered all sorts of concessions and still Hamas won't agree to a ceasefire by releasing the hostages. Ask yourself what justification Hamas has to prolong the war and to hold non combatant hostages under horrific conditions. Hamas wants and needs the war to continue. Iran needs and wants this war to continue. Every country involved in trying to negotiate an end to the war knows that Hamas is intentionally prolonging the war. Why do you think the Arab countries are really not putting pressure on Israel? Even Turkey is keeping cool and Erdogan despises israel. The entire diplomatic world knows that Hamas has been told to keep the war going. The $200million paid by Iran to Hamas leadership has to be earned.
  12. Ethnic cleansing? I don't think Israel or Egypt got the memo. The Gazans are still in Gaza and are not going anywhere. They are not going to Egypt and they are not going to Israel. You do know that despite the war, the population of Gaza is not decreasing. They keep popping out babies. Gaza has one of the highest birth rates in the world (39th). As for the IDF policies, why don't you help us out and reference the specific documentation that supports your claim of ethnic cleansing. In respect to your claim that the US funded ethnic cleansing, you are confused. It was Hamas that diverted cement from humanitarian aid to build its military tunnels and reinforced bunkers for hamas select members, all the while telling the world that israel denied it cement to build homes. Remember that lie? And it was Hamas that diverted humanitarian aid of water pipes and sewage pipes to build rockets to fire the daily barrage at israel. Remember when Hamas and NGOs were complaining about an inadequate amount of piping? now we know where all the pipes went and why KMs of new water piping disappeared. So technically, it can be said that the US with its generous aid donations to Gaza helped fund the Hamas military build up. The Gazans who have families in the USA are financially well off and are fine. They are doing well in their exclusive communities of Dearborn and elsewhere in Michigan where non muslims are not welcome. The israeli Arab hostage families on the other hand are not doing so well. BTW, any kind words for some of the Israeli Arabs injured by Hamas and iranian missiles? Amina al-Hassouni is the 7 year old bedouin in the Israeli hospital ICU with a severe head injury after her family home was hit by iranian missile shrapnel.
  13. For a large number of agitators and protestors it is. The war is giving a lot of angry hateful people cover to express their hate. If the same comments were made about muslims it would be called Islamophobia and we would have all manner of people rushing to apologize. As others have pointed out upthread, many of the protestors have no idea what they are protesting. it is a mob event, They chant "from the river to sea" without knowing the name of the river or the sea and that it means that israel must disappear and with it, all the people inside it, both Israeli hebrew and israeli Arab, all because they do not share the radical ideology of Hamas or islamic jihad. Many of the events indicate the true nature of the events. for example, NBC in January reported as follows; A swastika was projected on the facade of a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater dorm Sunday night by a group of people chanting racist remarks, according to school officials and video posted on social media. The group was “chanting racist words, lighting what appeared to be road flares and displaying antisemitic symbols,” Chancellor Corey A. King said in a statement to students and staff members. On April 23, CBS News reported the following in respect to the Columbia protestors; Near Columbia University, antisemitic slogans including "go back to Poland" were heard among the protesters' chants. In one video, a demonstrator can be seen holding a sign near Jewish students that reads: "Al-Qassam's next targets." Al-Qassam is the military wing of Hamas, which carried out the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, killing about 1,200 people and sparking the war in Gaza. It's been going on since last october. Recent days have witnessed what Jewish students and watchdog groups describe as a raft of antisemitic incidents on college campuses. Jewish students at Cooper Union in New York City sheltered in a library as pro-Palestinian demonstrators banged on the glass walls of the building. At a pro-Palestinian protest near Tulane University, at least two students were assaulted in a melee that began when someone tried to burn an Israeli flag. And anonymous posters flooded a Cornell message board with threats, prompting the school’s president to alert the FBI. “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats,” one message said. Another threatened to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews.” more examples are at the article site https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/10/31/antisemitism-college-campuses-jewish-hamas-gaza/ There is obviously outspoken hatred. What is puzzling is that it is tolerated. Worse is the acceptability of the statements to students in the liberal arts who are supposed to be enlightened. And while all this is going on, Toomaj Salehi the iranian rapper and hip hop performer was sentenced to death on April 24 for lyrics that criticized the Islamic Republic's regime over the death of a Mahsa Amini who died in police custody in late 2022, allegedly from police beating after she was arrested for wearing an 'improper' hijab. Not a word from the protesters on this, nor on the abuse of fundamental womens' rights in Iran. Keep up the focus on bogeyman Israel, and no one will look at the evil that is Iran.
  14. Best advice so far. Going back to Sweden demonstrates that you can go home. It will help to reset the starting point. The immigration issues are almost always with the people who are hopping around to the lower income nations of Laos and Cambodia. Thai immigration isn't stupid. They can figure out when someone is trying to play the system. It is rare to have entry problems when the visas are initiated from a homeland after a "cooling" off period. Just go back to Sweden and consider staying there for a few months to help clean your history.
  15. 2024 and I still see these claims of "jew plots" and "jew domination". Ok so President Biden's kids married people of jewish heritage. Is that a crime? It just means that jewish people are more likely to assimilate into the general culture and to be accepting of other faiths and religions? Should they be like some muslims and only marry their cousins who are muslim? And just how would having mixed heritage children influence the President, other than his being sensitive to Americans who call for the killing of them as is being done on many US university campuses? It certainly hasn't helped him with PM Netanyahu, whom Biden detests. Is it the president's fault that people of jewish heritage want to be loyal Americans and to serve their nation? Secretary Blinken is hardly a religious jew. The guy can't even speak hebrew and speaks English when he meets with the Israelis, many of whom he dislikes. Would you also condemn Latinos and Afro Americans who volunteer for US military service knowing that they could be sent to L Latin America or Afro heritage locales? There is no genocide. Not even remotely. Genocide is what is occurring in Somalia where 75,000+ are dead, and 18 million on the verge of starvation. Genocide is what the Iranians funded in yemen with 250,000+ dead from the war and another 350,000 dead from the related famine. Genocide is the 600,000+ dead in Syria and 14 million displaced at the hands of Iran, Hezbollah, Russia and Assad. Not a word from you on that. If there is a genocide in Gaza, Israel hasn't been effective as the number of dead has stagnated over the past 3 months and the Gaza population is still growing. How would you know if Arabs are denied equal rights in Israel? Overall, the vast majority of israeli Arabs are not complaining and on the contrary, many have been outspoken in their defense of israel. They may not agree with the gaza campaign, and they most definitely have their own issues that arise from income disparity and localized conflicts, but they are not oppressed nor denied equal rights. How about a dose of reality? Arabic is an official language of Israel, Israeli arabs have all of the same rights as any israeli citizen, with one exception: They are not obliged to participate in national service, although there are growing numbers of arabs who do. The other reality is that most of Israel's arabs are Sunni. They know what the Hizbollah, Houthi and Iranian Shiites are and that the Shiites hate the Sunnis almost as much as they hate the jews and the Christians. When Hamas attacked last October, they also murdered Israeli Arabs and took 3 Arab hostages. Hamas made clear that israeli Arabs are legitimate targets too,s o don't expect israeli Arabs to embrace gazans or to cheer when Houthis fire missiles at them. Which then brings this back full circle to the protests. At some point we will see that the money to fund the unrest is coming from foreign sources, in particular Iran and that China has been supporting the dissemination of media that fans the unrest. it's no differrent than the Russian campaign of disinformation last US election and in many EU elections. Disrupting the calm and good order of the free world is on the agenda for the Axis of evil with iran at the center of it all.
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